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Rob Ford's Toronto

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There are minorities that plan on voting for Donald Trump as well, does not change the fact that both were the chosen candidate for the angry and white vote.

"The 47.1 per cent who backed Rob Ford were not just angry old working-class white guys from the suburbs — though that cohort remains well-represented at the core of Ford Nation. The broader Ford constituency then and ostensibly now cross-cuts our population. Its unifying element is a seething, visceral resentment at the failure of our city to deliver in ways that matter — and the refusal of an oblivious political establishment to get it and effect change that makes a tangible difference in people’s lives."

Sounds pretty similar to me.
Doug Ford is totally tone deaf but presumably believes his mother's prognostications of greatness for him. As the Man of the Family and the Head of the Business he's got a lot on his shoulders. He has to micromanage all those characters he has to keep out of the public eye and silenced. His own ego must also be constantly reinforced and managed and he underestimates everyone and everything around him. And he copes by just leaving the scene of his last exposed lie, or misspeak, or debacle, or presses the "please respect our family's privacy" switch. He's not a team player; like Robbie he wants to be coach, and he's loyal only to himself.

As for wealth I think we generally overestimate his/theirs. Even Trump exaggerated his to impress the poorly educate he loves so much. It's a fact that Doug can't fundraise worth shit even for himself. His performance on council and his mayoral run are not confidence inspiring to CPC or OPC, or anyone really, but he doesn't seem to have learned anything from his own recent past. And Doug can't shut up which will soon be amply demonstrated with the current drama unfolding before us. Just wait for it. I just wonder what leadership position he'll be campaigning for this time.
Yup. "Palliative" is a media thing, as far as I can tell. I haven't seen it in any of the Ford camp statements.
It is true though. Trump's base is angry white conservatives. Ford's is multi-racial and a lot of them are left leaning.
The supporters of both share a hatred for government in general, and just want to see the world burn so they can re-build it in their image once all the people they hate are gone. If I were to call them dumb I'd be giving them the extreme benefit of the doubt.


After a long absence from UT I noticed this news article from the New York Daily News on
3/17 about RF being hospitalized with family
at his bedside.

The writer is Tobias Salinger of the NYDN
Posted 3/17 7pmEDT

When I read this article I knew exactly where to look to seek more information about what RF's condition currently is - right here at UT.

I bumped up that picture of RF as King Tut remembering that satire has been a large
part of this topic about RF and Toronto's
relationship with him - I instantly thought of
Steve Martin's 1979 song "King Tut" with the
lyrics changed to "Rob Ford" - but in this case
now that he is in "grave condition" according
to the Huffington Post we have to be serious.

From what I have seen RF made Toronto a laughingstock all over North America from the results of his antics as Mayor and as a result one either adores him (the Ford Nation
types) or despises him (all other Toronto citizens or anyone else that finds his public persona appalling) because there is no middle ground here. What always got me is how he was able to get away with all that has happened in his time in City office as Mayor
or as Councillor which was a fiasco in itself.

As we know Toronto is the fourth largest city in all of North America - depending on Chicago's latest population Toronto may be
now third - and being Canada's largest city
Toronto deserves better.

Things have no doubt settled down since John Tory became Mayor and with a more steady leadership news from Toronto has faded away
in recent months - until now with RF's health
crisis which looks to have been big local news.

In closing from what I have read here at UT and with the variety of links and sources it
looks like RF may not have much time left.
It is sad in many ways but in others he brought on his own demise in a variety of ways that have been discussed in detail here at UT noting the posting numbers which speak for themselves.

It will be interesting to see how Torontonians
and Canadians in the future remember the Rob Ford era...

Long Island Mike
March 19, 2016

The supporters of both share a hatred for government in general, and just want to see the world burn so they can re-build it in their image once all the people they hate are gone. If I were to call them dumb I'd be giving them the extreme benefit of the doubt.

Though re "seeing the world burn", they haven't processed this concept yet

As for wealth I think we generally overestimate his/theirs. Even Trump exaggerated his to impress the poorly educate he loves so much. It's a fact that Doug can't fundraise worth shit even for himself. His performance on council and his mayoral run are not confidence inspiring to CPC or OPC, or anyone really, but he doesn't seem to have learned anything from his own recent past. And Doug can't shut up which will soon be amply demonstrated with the current drama unfolding before us. Just wait for it. I just wonder what leadership position he'll be campaigning for this time.

He'll probably be campaigning to save Deco.
The willful blindness continues, but I do like how he speaks Fordian:

"What Ford Nation has to say about the former mayor's struggle with cancer"

"Regardless of what people think, Rob is a genuine guy," Campbell said. "People make mistakes, you know, but one thing I know, as far as I know, when he was doing his job, he never screwed up on the job."
The man was a vile human being who spoke of his wife as a commodity to be handed out to other men. He hung with drug dealers and gang members and drove dead drunk. He destroyed any hopes of a decent public transit system. Hopefully the circus will end soon and his story will be put into the freak show history archives. And let his tombstone say: "

"My heart bleeds for them when someone gets killed. But it's their own fault at the end of the day."
On fatally injured cyclists, March 7, 2007
In all fairness, if he can't be cured any treatment is palliative. So it is accurate, we just don't know if any of the Fords have used that word to describe Rob's condition.

Yeah. Any treatment going forward is "palliative" rather than "curative", as it's aimed only at extending survival and/or improving symptoms. Does get a bit confusing when "palliative care" generally only implies treatment of symptoms. I don't think that's what Rob's getting exactly right now, but the tone of the releases sound like "end of life care" if anything.
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