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Rob Ford's Toronto

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A retired Metro Police drug official who worked the city in the 70's & 80's phoned in to the Bob & Doug show and claimed he never heard Doug Ford's name come up during his years. He stressed that he would was in a position to know. On the surface it seems like a strong rebuttal but then I wondered how a retired drug enforcement official could remember every name that came up over two decades of investigations as a possible drug dealer (Doug was never caught doing anything illegal) in the entire city (he claims he worked city-wide) only minutes after Doug stated that he couldn't remember people he went to school with 30 years earlier, who he presumes are some of these sources.

This. Plus, that guy did not sound old enough to be retired. He sounded younger than Doug.

Re: the bit at the end, do the Fords usually promise to donate to a charity on their show?
This. Plus, that guy did not sound old enough to be retired. He sounded younger than Doug.

Yes, I thought the same thing as I was listening!

Also, before the show began CP24 noted several times that there would be a special guest and Rob and/or Doug also said that early in the show - but when the fellow came on the phone Doug said he doesn't know the fellow and has never spoken to the fellow and he reiterated that, so how did that phone call-in get arranged for the second hour of the show?
^weird, because I was talking to a retired metro drug cop this morning and he said he remembers taking bribes from Doug Ford's family to cover up the drug dealing and pedophilia ring that Doug was running.

my source is just as credible as Doug's.
A retired Metro Police drug official who worked the city in the 70's & 80's phoned in to the Bob & Doug show and claimed he never heard Doug Ford's name come up during his years. He stressed that he would was in a position to know. On the surface it seems like a strong rebuttal but then I wondered how a retired drug enforcement official could remember every name that came up over two decades of investigations as a possible drug dealer (Doug was never caught doing anything illegal) in the entire city (he claims he worked city-wide) only minutes after Doug stated that he couldn't remember people he went to school with 30 years earlier, who he presumes are some of these sources.
He also commented that they didn't tend to worry about high school kids trading pot. My gosh, I'd be hard pressed to recognize the names of people I sat and interviewed for an hour for a job last year ... let alone a very common name included in a report 30 years ago - a decade before anyone would have heard of Doug's father.

Though, the guy very clearly gave his name and position - Gary McLelland (sp?). I'm sure the maggots will all be interviewing him shortly. Perhaps one of them can ask for a list of who he did arrest back in, say, 1982, and see how well his memory works then. For comparison of another office, the Globe interviewed the police officer who arrested Randy Ford for kidnapping back then, and he couldn't remember the case (which is fair enough ... sometimes I find a memo I've written 15 years ago, and I feel shocked I have no recollection of what it's about).
From CBC News:

Coun. Ford suggested that most of his fellow councillors would be unemployable if they weren't in the positions they were at City Hall.

"Do you know something, Rob? I'll tell you right now, the vast majority couldn't get a job. I'll tell you that right now and that's fact," he said.

"I wish the media looked into some of their backgrounds, where they came from."

Sayeth the one who worked in daddy's company, with a brother that has no history of employment outside daddy's company and politics. Just what he is going to be hired as, a football coach for TCDSB?

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From CBC News:

Sayeth the one who worked in daddy's company, with a brother that has no history of employment outside daddy's company and politics. Just what he is going to be hired as, a football coach for TCDSB?


I just don't get your hatred for the mayor. Sure there are some issues than I can see would leave you in separate ideological camps but why such visceral anger from you and others in this thread? What has The mayor done that you find so reprehensible and harmful to the city?

Personally I think that the garbage strike under Miller and the pandering to social programs did more damage to us than anything Rob has done thus far.
Address the point I have raised, please, and tell me on what rational basis is he entitled to make that comment given his own experiences. Deflecting might work on a radio show, it certainly wouldn't work on here. And nice try trying to turn it into an issue about me and others who question his behaviour instead of the mayor and his brother.

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^weird, because I was talking to a retired metro drug cop this morning and he said he remembers taking bribes from Doug Ford's family to cover up the drug dealing and pedophilia ring that Doug was running.

my source is just as credible as Doug's.

Pedophilia? Now, *there's* an untold twist...
What job is Rob Ford capable of doing, exactly? He would (and does) under-perform doing even the simplest of tasks.

In that sense, I suppose Doug is right.
The Toronto media needs to take some responsibility for this trainwreck as well this week. These Ford stories are being reported, and then in the rare instances where there's an opportunity to ask media shy Rob/Doug a couple of hard questions face to face, instead we get "So how are you and your family holding up?"

I agree. The Toronto media is pathetic and not only when it comes to this case but in just about every important news stories we are not well served by the media.

I watched various interviews with Doug Ford where he was either in a studio or in the case of Global TV in his home office, i.e. under circumstances where he could not easily bolt from the reporter. Ideal conditions for a reporter!

Not one of the reporters had the guts to hold up the famous picture of Rob Ford with drug dealers on each arm (the one on his right since murdered) and ask Doug "How does Rob explain this picture"... "Did Rob tell you where this picture was taken? It doesn't look like the New Year's Levée".... "Did Rob tell you how it is he came to know these drug dealers?"......... "aren't you concerned that your brother is associating with known drug dealers one of which was murdered just a few weeks ago?" "should the Mayor of Toronto be associating with known drug dealers?"...."if your father were alive what would he think about this picture"......and I could go on and on.

When the reporters did get around to asking Doug about the fact that Rob spoke in the present tense only when he said "I do not use crack" they asked the question in an apologetic way "other's have commented that the Mayor did not say he never smoked crack cocaine so I have to ask you...."
Doug Ford never answered the question directly instead launching into his "I have never ever ever ever ever in all my life seen Rob smoke crack and I swear on my children's grave" reply . None of the reporter had the guts to cut him off and demand an answer. None of them asked Doug directly has Rob told you that he has NEVER smoked crack cocaine at any time in his life, yes or no". None asked "has Rob told you that it is impossible for such a video to exist?" "has Rob denied to you that he ever called Justin Trudeau a fag?" many question's left unanswered by our gutless lazy stupid press corp!
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Well, "the media" isn't some monolithic whole that Doug et al made it out to be. Interesting how one would decry them as maggots and yet wouldn't hesitate to work with the more sympathetic elements eh?

From CBC News:

Sayeth the one who worked in daddy's company, with a brother that has no history of employment outside daddy's company and politics. Just what he is going to be hired as, a football coach for TCDSB?


Doug- sounds like he took over a successful family business and did a respectable job at it for many yrs

Rob- he's mayor of the 4th largest city in North America and the biggest city in Canada. He's trimmed many excesses from local government, played hard ball with unions & stayed focused on an agenda aimed at improving below ground transit, though has not been successful at that goal yet.

Both of them appear quite capable to pursue successful careers post politics in my opinion.
You will have to do better than repeating talking points like an automaton. As I recall, most of the councillors have careers of their own prior to joining politics (hell, David Miller was raised by a single mother and went on to Harvard and became a lawyer on his own) - and yet these two never even strayed beyond their family business. Pray tell, again, on what rational basis can Doug said what he did?

Doug- sounds like he took over a successful family business and did a respectable job at it for many yrs

Rob- he's mayor of the 4th largest city in North America and the biggest city in Canada. He's trimmed many excesses from local government, played hard ball with unions & stayed focused on an agenda aimed at improving below ground transit, though has not been successful at that goal yet.

Both of them appear quite capable to pursue successful careers post politics in my opinion.

But neither has ever gotten and held a private sector job of any kind, other than the ones their daddy gave them.
Pedophilia? Now, *there's* an untold twist...

Just to be clear, I think he was making a sarcastic comment - IE, just as Doug's "source" is completely full of shit, so is voxpopulicosmicum "source" (which doesn't exist). Please correct me if I'm wrong, voxpopulicosmicum
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