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Rob Ford's Toronto

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If Rob Ford has his way, eventually Toronto would become like Bangkok. It is just a warning from the future.
Well perhaps we don't need an election then, and can have a change of government - Thai style: Riot in the streets, call in the military, and the incoming mayor can give a large cash donation to HRH. Rob Ford can go off to some foreign land and buy a football team ... are the Rams for sale?

This is plain pettiness, something I've come to expect out of populists like Ford. It's also borderline campaigning, and something that definitely should be addressed. By going after the individual councillors on his bully pulpit, Ford is attempting to redirect the converstion on transit funding to the individuals involved.
Does anyone know how much Toronto contributes to Ontario's and/or Canada's tax pool versus how much they receive back in funding?
Please don't go there... I spent my entire youth in Calgary with 'fair sharers' and it's the most painfully boring of all political arguments.
Isn't it an excellent question now that the Ontario government has promised to impose special taxes on the GTA, so that rural Ontario doesn't pay for transit in the GTA?
Isn't it an excellent question now that the Ontario government has promised to impose special taxes on the GTA, so that rural Ontario doesn't pay for transit in the GTA?

No, because the revenues and costs are all so interrrelated, the numbers the Fraser guys and the CPP guys will come up with will be bilions and billions apart, for political reasons, and those who feel aggrieved will be more aggrieved and those who feel put upon will feel more put upon. Asking that question is like trying to build a hundred little seperate Ford Nations. It adds zero clarity and much cloudiness to any debate.

If you have a specific subsidy or tax you think should be killed, have at it. But the 'Dad's nicer to you, you get all the nice toys' tone of the 'fairness' line poisons the well without furthering the debate.
But right now that tone is being used over and over to win elections by the conservatives outside of Toronto. You could sum up Ford's and Hudak's campaigns as 'we don't want our money to be used in downtown Toronto'. This is clearly ridiculous when downtown Toronto is subsidising the hell out of all these other places.

By not engaging you are just letting their lies stick.
But right now that tone is being used over and over to win elections by the conservatives outside of Toronto. You could sum up Ford's and Hudak's campaigns as 'we don't want our money to be used in downtown Toronto'. This is clearly ridiculous when downtown Toronto is subsidising the hell out of all these other places.

By not engaging you are just letting their lies stick.

Not the same thing at all. Rebutting (forcefully) Ford's stupid comments is something that should have been done years ago. The parsing of who gives what, who gets what is policy wonk masturbation. Ford Nation ALREADY KNOWS they're getting screwed -- you can't tell them otherwise. Line up all the numbers you want, but it's a nonsensical exercise that only turns centrists from rural ridings against you, without adding any votes for you.
I would like for the City to commission a study of the financial benefits of having Toronto succeed from the Province. More specifically, how much would it cost us annually to set up our own healthcare and education infrastructure etc... We already know from previous City reports that Toronto leaks $11 Billion to Ontario that it dosen't receive back in services, so there is a possibility that there is a large sum of money that could either be returned to Toronto taxpayers or reinvested elsewhere (eg transit).

The report should also examine the negative affects of the secession of the City of Toronto on the Province of Ontario. The loss of Toronto would undoubtedly have negative economic affects on the remaining parts of Ontario, but the extent of that loss in unknown.
I would like for the City to commission a study of the financial benefits of having Toronto succeed from the Province. More specifically, how much would it cost us annually to set up our own healthcare and education infrastructure etc... We already know from previous City reports that Toronto leaks $11 Billion to Ontario that it dosen't receive back in services, so there is a possibility that there is a large sum of money that could either be returned to Toronto taxpayers or reinvested elsewhere (eg transit).

The report should also examine the negative affects of the secession of the City of Toronto on the Province of Ontario. The loss of Toronto would undoubtedly have negative economic affects on the remaining parts of Ontario, but the extent of that loss in unknown.

Oh, FFS!
I would like for the City to commission a study of the financial benefits of having Toronto succeed from the Province.
And Canada and while you are at it, the Universe. Please take your bicycle with you.
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