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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Test drilling for Scarborough Subway’s McCowan route now underway
Machines begin to move dirt from boreholes on Danforth Road

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Even his visual branding has a very Ford Nation vibe. It wouldn't surprise me at all if we stared hearing the term "Trump Nation."

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YPQ and Everyone:

I agree - there is definitely similarities to what is now becoming "Trump Nation" in the US to "Ford Nation" in Toronto...

I think that the US needs a President to succeed Barack Obama in 2017 that will be a "uniter" and NOT a "divider" like Donald Trump...

Just think "United We Stand - Divided We Fall" and to me the divisive "Us vs. Them" rhetoric is nothing but negative...


I wonder what the local councillor will have to say about that.
Mammoliti calls on feds to send in military after city's latest shooting
He called the shooters "terrorists" and said they need to be treated as such.

"ISIS isn't the only thing we have to worry about in terms of terrorism. We have our own and they're called drug dealers," he said from the scene.

eta: more from mammoliti
Mammoliti also encouraged people to stop ‘picking on’ the city’s police officers, and let them ‘roll up their sleeves.’

“Call it carding, call it whatever you want. It’s a coincidence, isn’t it, that once we stop carding all of these shootings start to take place in the city,” he said.

“It’s not a coincidence – we’re jeopardizing communities because of our political interference with the police department.”
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And I hear about this just after having watched 3 hours of nutbar Republicans on CNN, talking about how they will "keep America safe". My IQ has taken a beating tonight.
Anyone else seeing/hearing US media reports that at Monday's Trump rally in Los Vegas some of his supporters were calling out to "burn" one of the Black Lives Matter protesters beaten and hauled out of the event, and another Trump supporter shouting out "Sieg Heil"? I don't think its that bad here yet, and to their credit, France beat back the fascist fringe in their recent regional elections.
Anyone else seeing/hearing US media reports that at Monday's Trump rally in Los Vegas some of his supporters were calling out to "burn" one of the Black Lives Matter protesters beaten and hauled out of the event, and another Trump supporter shouting out "Sieg Heil"? I don't think its that bad here yet, and to their credit, France beat back the fascist fringe in their recent regional elections.
Donald Trump supporter wants to burn a black man alive: “Light the motherf**ker on fire”
The horror at a Trump rally in Las Vegas last night has been nurtured by Fox News for years
This is not the first time that either actual physical violence or violent rhetoric has been used at Donald Trump rallies. Several weeks ago, a black protester in Alabama was beaten on by Donald Trump supporters and reportedly called racial slurs. At other events, Donald Trump’s supporters have attacked protesters who were voicing their concerns about his anti-immigrant screeds towards Hispanics and Latinos. Trump supporters also attacked a homeless person because they thought he was an “illegal immigrant.”

Donald Trump describes his public as “passionate” and high energy. He urges on their violence with statements such as “maybe he should have been roughed up.”

Trump does not condemn the violence; the thuggery of his supporters is a type of barometer and life blood for his effectiveness as a proto-fascist demagogue. The right-wing media is largely mute on Trump’s antics. They have circulated and ginned up violence—be it domestic terrorism and/or thuggery by Trump supporters—for years. To forcibly and enthusiastically condemn it now would be a betrayal of how the Fox News media and its propagandists have weaponized their public and created the drumbeat for stochastic right-wing domestic terrorism.

Trump’s Las Vegas Rally Sounded A Lot Better In The Original German
One Trumptrooper even let the excitement get the best of him and shouted “Sieg Heil!” as a black protester was dragged away.

Donald Trump is nothing if not predictable. He always escalates the crazy.
Coppins was also able to capture the “5th or 6th scuffle to break out” on his own cellphone; minor riots were conveniently positioned all around the hall so everyone could get a look:
MSNBC reporter Benjy Sarlin heard one Trumpista shouting, as another protester was taken away, “He’s a Muslim guy! He’s a Muslim guy!” See? Having them wear a yellow crescent on their sleeves really does make identifying them easier. An NBC camera also caught a nice fellow screaming “Sieg Heil,” because what the hell, it’s only reality TV anyway:
Trump didn’t worry too much about trying to calm down the crowd, because why would he want to do such a thing? Instead, he poked them with a verbal cattle prod just to make ’em jump more:

“This is what we should have been doing to the other side for the last seven years!” Trump exclaimed during one of the scuffles with protesters.

At several points, Trump berated the reporters in the room for taking pictures of the clashes. “They are terrible!” Trump hissed of the press. “The worst!” Hundreds of riled-up Trump fans turned to face the press corps, and booed loudly.

A fine time was had by all, except perhaps for a few wussy parents who Coppins saw ushering their kids to the exits, and “some elderly people [who] had to leave in search of medical assistance.” Fortunately, Trump himself was in tip-top shape to rouse the rabble all night long, since he’s the healthiest man in America.

After reports of the youthful high jinks began making the rounds on Twitter, Trump supporters took to the social media platform to accuse Coppins of having shouted “Light the motherfucker on fire” himself to make them look bad:


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I find Trump supporters to be worse, especially when it comes to racism. The one thing you can say about Ford Nation is that there is diversity. Trump has a ton of support from white supremacist and neo-Nazi sites.
Speaking to AM640′s Lorne Honickman, the Ward 7 Councillor specified what he meant, saying his army suggestion was “taken out of context.”

“I’m talking about utilizing the tools at a federal level, the intelligence tools, that are able to tap into the network that our gangs have immediately. And also the laws, federal laws give certain access to our federal police department.”

or you could just ask robbie and kathy.
Case and Deaton blame dramatic spikes in poisonings (including drug overdoses), suicides, and liver disease as the main causes for the rising death rate among middle-aged white Americans. These problems have been most acute among the less-educated. Among those with no college, poisonings tripled between 1999 and 2013; suicides went up by 78 percent; death by liver disease increased by 46 percent.

In other words, what's killing middle-aged whites is the opioid epidemic. It's depression. It's alcoholism.
Trending: Is Giorgio Mammoliti the Donald Trump of Toronto?
It’s not the first time Mammoliti has called on the army to curb gun and gang violence. He first floated the idea back in 2007.

“I’m not talking about tanks, I’m not talking about armed guards on corners, I’m not talking about any of that,” Mammoliti said at the time. “I’m talking about bringing the resources and the tools that the army has at their fingertips to be able to resolve the problem immediately, so the army is a good way to do that.”

Pity that Chief Mark Saunders and the Toronto Police Service doesn’t have the resources and means to curb violence in the city, despite a billion-dollar budget. Pity we have to resort to some form of martial law in order to feel safe walking home from work.

But it’s just another zinger for Mammoliti, who, in the notable absence of Rob Ford, appears to be Toronto’s version of Donald Trump.
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