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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Rob and Doug Ford barking like dogs in what may be the unofficial beginning of a 2018 mayoral race

That's not an easy distinction to make given that the two oafs never left campaign mode. Campaigning (and its inherent self-promotion) is what they live for. Well, that and bullying. That whole governing thing, with all that boring (and elitist!) work involved? Not so much.
Greek Gods still trapped at Muzik Nightclub
The Exhibition Place board recommended in 2014 that the art be relocated, and even formed a re-location committee that has met monthly to determine a suitable site for the statues to flourish.

Upon insistence from Councillor Layton, the city even hired a stone conservator who has provided clear evidence that the statues have been significantly damaged while under the control of Muzik.

The damage is due to the statues being haphazardly moved, smashed into by construction equipment, and excessively power-washed which has eroded the decades old patina on many of the pieces. This will result in a cost of thousands of dollars in tax-payers' money to repair them.

Despite all of this, the nightclub refuses to let the art be moved. Muzik appears to be using them as a bargaining chip in getting their lease extended until 2034.

Currently there is no public access or viewing of this immaculate city-owned public art. Even if Muzik does get its lease extended, there's no guarantee the art will be released while they are tenants. Muzik's owner dubiously claims they are part of the marketing of his club.

The uncertainty that surrounds the statues is only increased by the mystery surrounding Muzik's lease. After two separate FOI (Freedom of Information) inquiries - one from the Toronto Star, and one from lawyers representing the Cox family - the terms of the lease remain obfuscated as the paragraphs relating to the sculpture have been redacted.
So after Lisi's trial are we allowed to hear the wiretaps, or can we only read the transcripts?

The audio is part of the evidence, which has already been thoroughly distributed to members of the press and others.

You will most certainly hear those wiretaps.

But curb your zeal, not all conversations were captured on tape. If you remember the ITO, there were many records of simply who called whom . . . or rather, of whose phone was used to call whoever else's phone—a mere particular large enough for the defence to drive a truck through.
The audio is part of the evidence, which has already been thoroughly distributed to members of the press and others.

You will most certainly hear those wiretaps.

But curb your zeal, not all conversations were captured on tape. If you remember the ITO, there were many records of simply who called whom . . . or rather, of whose phone was used to call whoever else's phone—a mere particular large enough for the defence to drive a truck through.

It's not really important to me that he gets convicted. I just heard some of the wiretaps are spectacularly entertaining!
It's not really important to me that he gets convicted. I just heard some of the wiretaps are spectacularly entertaining!

If Robbie gets convicted he will be made an actual martyr by FF Nation, and that is something I could not deal with, I would just prefer to have the rest of his credibility to non-thugs/non-FF Nation to be washed away.
Thanks for this, evvabeing. I was wondering what happened to the Greek Gods. Only being held hostage, not being used for target practice!
i'm angry that muzik not only gets to basically steal and vandalise city property, but then also uses it as a bargaining chip. compare that to say...

Devon Shane Scott charged with theft in Toronto
On Monday, October 18, 2010, at 12:06 a.m., police responded to a call for damage in the Huron Street/Dundas Street West area.

It is alleged that:

- the accused was in possession of 41 election signs.

Devon Shane Scott, 29, of Toronto, has been charged with:

1) Theft Under,
2) Possession of Property obtained by Crime,
3) Mischief interfere with property.

The accused is scheduled to appear in court at Old City Hall, on Friday, December 3, 2010, room 111, at 11 a.m.


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