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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Oh, and however much he holes himself up in Jamaica, he's probably still the sort to pronounce that Led Zeppelin song title as "Dire Maker".
Is the Don Bosco coaching jacket a core item to him? They fired / rejected him, so wouldn't he want to monetize that instead? By selling it, it's an excellent "F-U" to the administration and parents who wanted him out - he gets one last benefit out of his connection to the program, and they simply have the shame of having exposed their children to him and his scary / possibly dangerous cronies.

I think it's in Crazytown where he brings some druggy friends into his house and starts looking for his weed in his bosco jacket? His 15 minutes are nearly up and this crap won't be of any value at all. Also imagine his kids looking at this stuff in 10 years and comparing it to the youtube videos of his time in the limelight. Better to get rid of it now.
I think some of the best stuff is yet to come.

I concur. UTers who attend pertinent trials should wear a distinguishing item...say a pink scarf or maybe a rasta hat. I rue not having met many of you at the rob ford defeat party on Oct. 27 Our best bet to be rid of les frods is still Jude's COI but crim trials are so much fun!
I concur. UTers who attend pertinent trials should wear a distinguishing item...say a pink scarf or maybe a rasta hat. I rue not having met many of you at the rob ford defeat party on Oct. 27 Our best bet to be rid of les frods is still Jude's COI but crim trials are so much fun!
Can't say I'll purposely want strangers to come find me but if you look rather dapper in pink I'll say hi.

Another interesting day. It's bring your kindergarten class to old city hall day. Today's lesson revolves around bad language. Lol
Well, I was wondering about the same. If things turn sour in T.O. would he be able to avoid be subpoenaed to court by staying in Jamaica?

(Does Deco need a West Indies branch?)

If you were a hotmail lawyer, are there any legal circumstances where you'd advise your Canadian client to stay in Jamaica?

I don't think he'd have much of a legal basis for refusing to leave and his immigration status would be in question. Still, he could hole up for a while until the paperwork is ready ...
I think I read somewhere that Ford won't be testifying in court until April.
The only scenario I can think of where Ford is purposely avoiding being in Canada is if a warrant for his arrest is issued during the preliminary/trial due to new evidence being presented. But that's probably highly unlikely to happen, right? I think so. Maybe that's not even how the court system works.
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I was thinking about police investigating some matters more aggressively (brazenly?) now that he's no longer a sitting mayor.

Also, "family vacation" seemed like a typical Ford lie, so one automatically wonders what he's trying hide.

Basically Imma jus' hopin himma go away.:) Besides, Joey Worms could still quote him by phone, so The Stun won't lose any FN clicks 'n' eyeballs.
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Also, "family vacation" seemed like a typical Ford lie, so one automatically wonders what he's trying hide.
I don't think there's an ulterior motive to his Jamaica trip. Keep in mind, he just went through chemo and radiation therapy. If I did the same and the doctor said it was okay for me to travel and I had the money to do so then you bet your ass I'm going somewhere warm to relax.
I don't think there's an ulterior motive to his Jamaica trip. Keep in mind, he just went through chemo and radiation therapy. If I did the same and the doctor said it was okay for me to travel and I had the money to do so then you bet your ass I'm going somewhere warm to relax.

Granted, but the man is ostensibly a city Councillor. Doesn't he have actual, you know, duties to perform? Can he just take a vacation any time he pleases? I know, I know: Rules are for the little people, but come on. Can anyone here imagine the sorts of things Ford and his usual allies in the Sun, on talk radio, et al would be screeching if this kind of high-handed behavior was coming from some progressive politico they'd consider an enemy? Recovering from chemotherapy or not, the usual complaints about "gravy" would be the least we'd be hearing from that faction. Why should Ford get a pass?

And, yes, Fatass buggering off during Lisi's trial does look suspicious, whatever the reality of the situation. Maybe it is just a coincidence. I don't care. Ford has long since exhausted any benefits of a doubt we might be willing to extend to an ordinary politician.
Granted, but the man is ostensibly a city Councillor. Doesn't he have actual, you know, duties to perform? Can he just take a vacation any time he pleases? I know, I know: Rules are for the little people, but come on. Can anyone here imagine the sorts of things Ford and his usual allies in the Sun, on talk radio, et al would be screeching if this kind of high-handed behavior was coming from some progressive politico they'd consider an enemy? Recovering from chemotherapy or not, the usual complaints about "gravy" would be the least we'd be hearing from that faction. Why should Ford get a pass?

Furthermore, one glance at the city's meeting schedule shows nothing particularly important going on during March Break. In fact, "March Break" is on the schedule, so I imagine a lot of councillors take their family vacations then.

If he had waited two weeks, Rob still wouldn't have missed Council next week, and the children wouldn't have missed any school.

My hunch is that they've either already scheduled surgery during March break, or that he has already received some very bad news (which would make the whole eBay thing make a little more sense).
My hunch is that he doesn't give a shit if work or school is in session. Rob does what he wants when he wants thanks to his ridiculous sense of entitlement
My hunch is that he doesn't give a shit if work or school is in session. Rob does what he wants when he wants thanks to his ridiculous sense of entitlement

There needs to be a 3 strike rule with him... because slaps on the wrist are doing absolutely nothing to curb his behaviour.

To go with your point, this was just posted to Twitter today:

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