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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Getting back to Doris McCarthy...why would anyone know who she is?
Damned if I know. Never heard of her, and I haven't bothered to look up her Wikipedia page.

But what the heck, here goes.

Oh, of course ... I remember reading her obituary. And I've certainly seen some of her paintings - recently at the McMicheal and the National Gallery.

But to be honest, the name doesn't stick in my mind. Should it? Is there something wrong not to even be familiar with her work? Perhaps that kind of stuff doesn't appeal to some. Is that a reason to look down on some people?
No offense, but if Fiona Crean is so biased, then why did both Ford Brothers actually voted in favour of her recommendations, stemming from her investigations?

Yes it is correct that both Fords voted in favor of the recommendations but that is not the same as agreeing with the findings of the report. These are two separate things. I am sure that they would have voted against accepting the findings (or more accurately allegation) that Rob Ford somehow interfered with the appointment process. Personally I think they should have voted against accepting the recommendations but who knows what calculation was made. Perhaps they were just keeping their powder dry.

So you are saying that the Ombusperson should investigate issues surrounding the appointments process while avoiding the fact that the changes to the process is directed from the mayors office leading to the foul-up? Is that the love that doesn't dare speak its' name?

Any time an investigation leads the Ombudsman into any taboo area that is strictly off-limits such as the actions of the Mayor or other members of council - she has a duty to immediately back-off. The limits of her authority are very well defined and it does not include scrutinizing and passing judgement on the actions of the Mayor or any other elected officials. That's the job of the electorate! We get to deal with the politicians at the ballot box! What is going on here is a perversion of democracy.

The first part is optics, the second part is purely conjecture masquerading as fact. BTW a sitting mayor directing (read: prioritizing) city staff in person to spruce up his family company's property - including property staff has no business in dealing with in the first place over the regular process, constitute a misuse of power and city resources for clear personal gains without ifs, ands or buts. Plus, Kyle Rae didn't run on a platform of accountability, transparency and gravy - his worship did. So if you want to compare the two on that basis, be my guest.

Just because Kyle Rae didn't run on a platform of accountability, transparency and gravy did not give him licence to spend $12,000 in taxpayer money on a private party for himself.

Oh and I haven't even brought up the issue of using city funded staff for running his football team.

I am pretty consistent when it comes to Ford. I don't agree with a lot of his actions. I don't agree with him hiring two "special assistants" whose main qualifications seem to be that they were great football players in University. Also on this forum I called for reckless driving charges be brought against Ford when he was caught driving and reading on the Gardiner. I have been critical of Ford many times.

Yes I did vote for Ford but at the time he was the best we had. If confronted with the same horrible choices again I would vote for Ford in a heartbeat.
Kyle Rae did nothing illegal, it's over and done with. Admittidly I wasn't much of a fan of his in the end but remember that he did serve for nearly 20 years and put in probably thousands of hours during that time over and above a civil servant's 40 hour work week with no overtime pay so IMO it's really just the optics that look bad having a $12K retirement party.
Damned if I know. Never heard of her, and I haven't bothered to look up her Wikipedia page.

But what the heck, here goes.

Oh, of course ... I remember reading her obituary. And I've certainly seen some of her paintings - recently at the McMicheal and the National Gallery.

But to be honest, the name doesn't stick in my mind. Should it? Is there something wrong not to even be familiar with her work? Perhaps that kind of stuff doesn't appeal to some. Is that a reason to look down on some people?

Yeah, but you're not a so-called "proud Scarberian", so you're off the hook. At least somewhat.

But then again, to invert the argument: it might do many a hostile Ford Nation-phobic downtowner good to comprehend the historical/cultural multidimensionality of Scarborough, inclusive of Doris McCarthy (among others), rather than to fall back upon burlesque notions of it being little more than a sprawlsville that's better off deamalgamated. (And ditto w/Etobicoke. Like, to those who say that "Etobicoke can keep the Fords", I like to respond: no, even Etobicoke doesn't deserve the Fords. At least, not as elected politicians, at least beyond the municipal-councillor or parliamentary-backbencher level.)
Yes it is correct that both Fords voted in favor of the recommendations but that is not the same as agreeing with the findings of the report. These are two separate things. I am sure that they would have voted against accepting the findings (or more accurately allegation) that Rob Ford somehow interfered with the appointment process. Personally I think they should have voted against accepting the recommendations but who knows what calculation was made. Perhaps they were just keeping their powder dry.

Or, let me conjecture for a moment, that he can't plausibly get out of it looking good, so he took the course of least resistance. Just like he did with the Portlands file when his hand was caught in the candy jar.

Any time an investigation leads the Ombudsman into any taboo area that is strictly off-limits such as the actions of the Mayor or other members of council - she has a duty to immediately back-off. The limits of her authority are very well defined and it does not include scrutinizing and passing judgement on the actions of the Mayor or any other elected officials. That's the job of the electorate! We get to deal with the politicians at the ballot box! What is going on here is a perversion of democracy.

Perversion of democracy? Duty? Democracy requires representatives to follow the rules - and here we have an individual at the helm of the city who has been, under multiple avenues of evidence, acting in a way that is contrary to such when it is his DUTY not to do so. Where is your protest of inappropriate "duty" in that case? That someone that by the nature of her job requires looking into the facts surrounding the appointment process has to back off (when it was clearly out of whack to start - like picking and choosing which paper to put ads on)? She didn't investigate what his office did internally or pass judgement of it - she investigated what the city bureaucracy did and stated the facts surrounding the involvement of worship.

Quite frankly, your reading of democracy and electorate is not a get out of jail card - certain countries have had rather tragic histories using this populist approach. Besides, why deny the electorate more information to make up their decisions? Democracy requires transparency and accountability afterall - are you saying what happened is reflective of such?

Just because Kyle Rae didn't run on a platform of accountability, transparency and gravy did not give him licence to spend $12,000 in taxpayer money on a private party for himself.

I personally don't agree with it doesn't meant he broke the rules (and it was concluded as such). What excuse can you muster for a) his worship's behaviour per the examples that I have listed and b) how it relates to his promises? Please try to do so.

I am pretty consistent when it comes to Ford. I don't agree with a lot of his actions. I don't agree with him hiring two "special assistants" whose main qualifications seem to be that they were great football players in University. Also on this forum I called for reckless driving charges be brought against Ford when he was caught driving and reading on the Gardiner. I have been critical of Ford many times.

No you weren't. You are willing to give him a pass - hell you are dragging up old examples of supposed past wrongs to justify the behaviour of his worship. That isn't the sign of someone critical - that is the sign of someone trying to deflect the issue to the previous administration. Please, the oldest trick in the political book.

Yes I did vote for Ford but at the time he was the best we had. If confronted with the same horrible choices again I would vote for Ford in a heartbeat.

Would have saved us a lot of time stating that in the first place.

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Yes I did vote for Ford but at the time he was the best we had.
The best we had?

How can that be? Ford is such an extreme bigot, that he speaks out against same-sex marriage. How could anyone who believes anything so be "the best we had"?
The best we had? How can that be? Ford is such an extreme bigot, that he speaks out against same-sex marriage. How could anyone who believes anything so be "the best we had"?

For the same reason frauds like Peter Popoff have been getting away with it (even after you have been clearly exposed)....lots of delusional, stupid people.
Apparently when your main opponents are Smitherman and Pantalone.

Exactly! Rob Ford may not be a great Mayor, in fact he is far from it , but the fact remains he was better than the alternatives on the ballot.

Rob Ford saved Toronto from George Smitherman. During the last election most of us were aware of the e-health and greed-energy billion dollar boondoggles fathered by George Smitherman. Since then we have learned that Smitherman was also the father of Ornge which, as we now know, evolved into something resembling a major scam to defraud taxpayers. Had Smitherman been elected who knows what kind of trail of destruction he could have left behind at city hall.
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Toronto Star: ‘Playing hooky from City Hall?’ Ford says he was just kidding

On his Newstalk 1010 radio show on Sunday, he said he would be spending Tuesday, Nov. 27, at the Rogers Centre to attend the five OFSAA Bills Toronto Series Football Bowls beginning at 8:30 a.m. The monthly council meeting begins at 9:30 a.m.

“Tuesday, Nov. 27, I’m going to be playing hooky from City Hall,” he said. He added: “Come to Rogers Centre if you need to find Rob Ford. I’ve got five high school bowls, I’m not going to miss them.”

Twenty minutes later, his guest, Councillor Frances Nunziata, said: “Now mayor, before the break, you mentioned Nov. 27, about attending a game. You were just joking, weren’t you?”

Ford burst into loud laughter. “Of course! I can’t sit there all day on a council day. I can’t be there for 8:30 (a.m.) The only thing I was referring to” — he laughed hard again — “you looked at the schedule, you said, ‘Are you nuts? You’re missing a council day?’ I said, ‘No.’ At 8 o’clock at night, obviously if Don Bosco — hopefully we are — in the Metro Bowl, of course I’m going to be there, I’m the head coach of the team.”

Nunziata interjected, “But I knew it was a joke.”

Ford continued: “But at 8:30 in the morning, I will not — no, no, council comes first, obviously. But I think everyone expects: you’re a head coach, and your team’s in the — you’re the best team in Toronto — I think you have to be at the game, so maybe at 8 o’clock, hopefully at 8 o’clock, on the 27th, I’ll be at the Metro Bowl. So — no, no.”

Council meetings typically run until 8 p.m. on Tuesdays. The Metro Bowl is the GTA championship.
Rob Ford may not be a great Mayor, in fact he is far from it , but the fact remains he was better than the alternatives on the ballot.

This is how one knows when others are simply voting ideology. Ford was clearly the only candidate unfit to run in the first place, no matter what track record the other candidates had.

Speaking of which, Smitherman had nothing to do with e-health, nor was he the "father" of its predecessor, SSHA, which was created by the previous PC government. And to pretend this is the only thing Smitherman ever did in provincial politics is to simply be dishonest. He will have to take a big bite of the shit sandwich that was the bungled attempt to improve electronic health records, but he did not make the sandwich.

On the other hand, everything that is moronic of both the character, or policies of Rob Ford, are 100% owned by him. To overlook what is truly despicable about this man to justify voting for him is a tragedy of human reasoning.
Had Smitherman been elected who knows what kind of trail of destruction he could have left behind at city hall.
Are you kidding me?

Smitherman might well be overly aggressive ... but even he would have found a way to find a consensus among council and move forward. Ford has little sway over council, who now move forward in spite of him.

You ignore that Ford is for many reason not fit to be in public office. Why does it have to go any further than "lied on his CV about his education". There have been so many lies, ethical failings, and now the detailed evidence of his corrupt mis-use of public funds and resources.

Rob Ford should be in jail. I can't imagine any reason one would support anyone so clearly corrupt.

No one can deny that Smitherman, even with his failings, is a far better man and human being than Rob Ford. And I say that as someone who criticized and pounced on Smitherman the day he entered the race.
Exactly! Rob Ford may not be a great Mayor, in fact he is far from it , but the fact remains he was better than the alternatives on the ballot.

Rob Ford saved Toronto from George Smitherman. During the last election most of us were aware of the e-health and greed-energy billion dollar boondoggles fathered by George Smitherman. Since then we have learned that Smitherman was also the father of Ornge which, as we now know, evolved into something resembling a major scam to defraud taxpayers. Had Smitherman been elected who knows what kind of trail of destruction he could have left behind at city hall.

You have been a Rob Ford cheerleader all along, so who are you trying to fool? I think people here know you too well, at this point, so it's not working. You can support Ford and justify his stupidity all you want, just don't expect the rest of us, who have a conscience, to follow along.
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