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Rob Ford's Toronto

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That will never happen...there will be an NDPer and there will be a center-left Liberal...and sorry folks, yes there will be Rob Ford

I guess we'll see how it plays out, but I would put money on there being a single, consensus centre-left candidate.

Also, the three-way race poll numbers are the same as they were before; what is remarkable is the absence of poll numbers for a two-candidate mayoral race. What's Forum got to hide?
Again, this is the disconnect (and it's alwasy interesting to see the perspectives) The Yonge line that 'allows' people to get downtown already exists. Yes the DRL would relieve congestion AFTER the Bloor line interchange, but from someone that lives in the burbs, it's only a very SMALL portion of their commute (Bloor to Queen/King/Union?) Where as if you build Eglinton/Shepperd, you are providing them a superior alternative for a much larger portion of their commute that is probably the most aggravating. It's stretching it to say a DRL services suburbian instead of downtowners.
Even if the DRL didn't benefit the suburbs (and it does, tremendously, especially if it gets extended up Don Mills), subways are built where the demand warrants them, not doled out evenly across the city to be "fair". Hate to break it to you, but LRT and regional rail are good enough for Scarborough...the only exception is that the Danforth line really should get extended to its natural terminus at SCC. The most demand is in the central part of the network that's currently overcrowded, yet that part of the network has had nothing built in decades. Just about every other subway network in the world concentrates on its core because they know this. It's time for a line that would benefit the part of the city that actually supports subways.

But again, the DRL, especially future phases, would benefit the suburbs. Especially with future phases, it'll allow a lot of people to avoid the Yonge and Danforth lines altogether.
I guess we'll see how it plays out, but I would put money on there being a single, consensus centre-left candidate.

Would the NDP's municipal caucus agree to not running a candidate? If Karen Stintz runs, it'll be quite a reach for them to support a Conservative like her, despite her support for Transit City.
Where as if you build Eglinton/Shepperd, you are providing them a superior alternative for a much larger portion of their commute that is probably the most aggravating.

Except an Eglinton/Sheppard line of any kind is never going to be in danger of being near or at capacity.

A DRL line will probably have to intersect the BD line east of Yonge, before it will ever make it north to intersect Eglinton and then Sheppard.
That will never happen...there will be an NDPer and there will be a center-left Liberal...and sorry folks, yes there will be Rob Ford

There was an NDPer and centre-lefter in 2003, as well as John Tory (and don't sneer because it's John Tory: his campaign was exemplary that year)--and the NDPer won.

Beyond that, we have to consider that the present poll is a "hypothetical" in the absence of an actual campaign; which could make all the difference in defining where whichever pawns might fall. (And besides, Stintz is more centre-right Conservative than centre-left Liberal--which, in the end, might be her pitfall.)
Mocking fat people is the last prejudice still considered politically correct by the enforcers of political correctness.

Amen. I find it amazing how the most politically correct group of all absolutely go to town on Rob for being overweight. Like his weight is somehow linked directly to his character and proves he's evil. Hypocrites.
It's long been clear to me that political correctness is one of those things which has no natural allegiance to either end of the political spectrum. Moreover, denouncing political correctness on a routine basis strikes me as yet another expression of political correctness. It's one of those cliches people reach for when they feel fed up, but it's been so abused it's been rendered practically meaningless.

That point aside, taking down the mayor a peg or two because of his weight issues is, as ever, a cheap shot. I would much rather target the man for his gaffes, his oafish stubbornness, his inability to listen, his arrogance. To heck with his appearance - there are many truly substantive issues to address the man. Why waste time with superficialities?
Political correctness is a fictional concept to deride people who treat marginalized groups as human beings.
Amen. I find it amazing how the most politically correct group of all absolutely go to town on Rob for being overweight. Like his weight is somehow linked directly to his character and proves he's evil. Hypocrites.

Maybe you should inform the mayor who linked his weight - and failed weight loss effort - to cutting waste at city hall. It's Mr. Ford who brought his abundant weight into public focus.
Amen. I find it amazing how the most politically correct group of all absolutely go to town on Rob for being overweight. Like his weight is somehow linked directly to his character and proves he's evil. Hypocrites.

I'm sure that him starting his "Cut the Waste"--ahem--I mean waist campaign during the budget fight was pure coincidence. He can't cry about the sideshow that he called down on himself.
Wrong. People were making fun of his weight as soon as he was elected. NOW magazine leading the charge. Fat = Stupid.
Amen. I find it amazing how the most politically correct group of all absolutely go to town on Rob for being overweight. Like his weight is somehow linked directly to his character and proves he's evil. Hypocrites.

By the way, maybe you can address some considerable omissions in your own rhetoric. First, which "politically correct group" are you referring to? You know, the one you suggested as being "the most politically correct group of all." Second, can you show that all members of this group acted in exactly the manner you have alluded to in your post?

Thank you. I look forward to your detailed response.
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