Senior Member
As much as I am not a Ford fan, I think that the punishment may be out of proportion to the offense. Technically, he might be formally guilty. However, I really don't think the guy was acting in bad faith or malevolently, or trying to pull a fast one - this particular time, anyway. I think that this, like so many of his errors happened because he is forthrightly stupid.
I think that the punishment should be in proportion to the crime. If he had been trying to do something more harmful and covert, I think we'd have a real problem worthy of his losing his position. As others here have stated - despite the law being coldly correct, this is not going to go over well. It will add tons of fuel to the 'everyman' fire, the 'red tape' scare, the notion that City Hall is an inhumane, impersonal setup designed by eggheads and maintained by bureaucrats to trip up the little guy with heart.
That said, if he's guilty of breaking the law as it stands, so be it. I imagine public opinion will be soothed in the next few years if someone like Holyday more calmly and clearly is steering the ship.
Watching Ford reminds me of that old SNL skit, "Lone Wolf McCord" - a send up of Chuck Norris movies. Pulled before the court for repeatedly breaking the law, McCord is in tears and sobs, "I don't want to be a lone wolf...but...the rules are so hard to follow!"
I think the real problem here is that he has not been properly called on any of the verifiable problems he has been causing since he got into office. From the Transit City cancellation debacle, with it's attendant fees and terrible confusion, to having Don Cherry alienate half the city for him and disgrace the council chamber, to the hackwork service cuts and wretched budget drama, his forcible alienation of the LGBT community, the public firing of Gary Webster. etc., etc. Too much to list right now. However, I would rather see him be in court over, say, Transit City cancellation fees and suppressing the Sheppard report, than a doltish issue like this. It's like nabbing Al Capone for not getting a lemonade stand permit.
That said - Ford uses stupidity, his gut feelings and his bumbling hoser-elite persona to get away with a lot. If he's called on this I won't shed any tears. It's a cold way to go. In truth, I feel kind of sorry for the guy. I think he's in way over his head. However, Conservative or Liberal, we badly need someone in office who knows how to think, speak and act.
I think that the punishment should be in proportion to the crime. If he had been trying to do something more harmful and covert, I think we'd have a real problem worthy of his losing his position. As others here have stated - despite the law being coldly correct, this is not going to go over well. It will add tons of fuel to the 'everyman' fire, the 'red tape' scare, the notion that City Hall is an inhumane, impersonal setup designed by eggheads and maintained by bureaucrats to trip up the little guy with heart.
That said, if he's guilty of breaking the law as it stands, so be it. I imagine public opinion will be soothed in the next few years if someone like Holyday more calmly and clearly is steering the ship.
Watching Ford reminds me of that old SNL skit, "Lone Wolf McCord" - a send up of Chuck Norris movies. Pulled before the court for repeatedly breaking the law, McCord is in tears and sobs, "I don't want to be a lone wolf...but...the rules are so hard to follow!"
I think the real problem here is that he has not been properly called on any of the verifiable problems he has been causing since he got into office. From the Transit City cancellation debacle, with it's attendant fees and terrible confusion, to having Don Cherry alienate half the city for him and disgrace the council chamber, to the hackwork service cuts and wretched budget drama, his forcible alienation of the LGBT community, the public firing of Gary Webster. etc., etc. Too much to list right now. However, I would rather see him be in court over, say, Transit City cancellation fees and suppressing the Sheppard report, than a doltish issue like this. It's like nabbing Al Capone for not getting a lemonade stand permit.
That said - Ford uses stupidity, his gut feelings and his bumbling hoser-elite persona to get away with a lot. If he's called on this I won't shed any tears. It's a cold way to go. In truth, I feel kind of sorry for the guy. I think he's in way over his head. However, Conservative or Liberal, we badly need someone in office who knows how to think, speak and act.
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