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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Oh they support his plan to build subways, except of course that pesky little detail about having them pay for it through development charges. The only thing they want is for the public to build them a nice selling feature for there developments while they keep the profits.

Seriously, did anyone ever believe the private sector would pay for a subway? All the private sector is good for is taking government handouts.
Oh they support his plan to build subways, except of course that pesky little detail about having them pay for it through development charges. The only thing they want is for the public to build them a nice selling feature for there developments while they keep the profits.

exactly ... the developers aren't willing to put their money up for it.

frankly, development fees aren't even paid by them, but by the condo purchaser.
it just limits their profit:

$50K minimum per unit x 250 units per 25s building = $12.5 Million per building

minimum of 25 buildings = $312.5 Million;

if one was to build 1 tower every 60m within 1 KM square of the subway, that would be 64 towers = $800 Million
For the Sun, "waste" = social programs, libraries, etc.

the sociale programmies r a waistes of dee taxpayerz needs edukation frome libaryes. and the school brekfaste programmies are alzo a waiste of the taxpayerz monays. if ur 2 pooor two afforde breacfast then u don diserve to live torono. dats why eye voted for rob forde. he agrees wit me and he wil destroye the sociale programmies. only dee comie socialist libtard think the sociale programmies are goode.

publik tranzit iz also a waiste of dee taxpayerz monays. only peoplez who hav carz shoulde live in torono.
So why does Ford come out and say publicly that he asked developers if it was not a good idea to build on top of subway stations and they all said yes. But guess he left out the part how little they would be willing to pay for it. But does he not have advisors or even Mike del grande or Doug Holyday to tell him it won;t work. They have been councillors long enough to know this about developers. He has ben in power for 1 1/2 yrs and he should have found out very early on that developers will not pay for it. Its amazing that lately you never hear from Mike Del Grande and Doug Holyday. Prior to this i would always hear them on Talk 1010 and for quite a while now nothing.
Oh they support his plan to build subways, except of course that pesky little detail about having them pay for it through development charges. The only thing they want is for the public to build them a nice selling feature for there developments while they keep the profits.

And the only money they see fit to pay are the kickbacks into Rob and Doug's pockets.
And the fraud freaking morons didn't even stop to consider that the landowners are under no obligation whatsoever to pay what amounts to a voluntary 50k fee. These guys are so stupid.
And the only money they see fit to pay are the kickbacks into Rob and Doug's pockets.
Any proof of this slanderous accusation? If you wouldn't say this in writing under your own true name on Facebook or in printed media then IMO you shouldn't say it while hiding behind a pseudonym.

Show us the proof of these kick backs. Otherwise you're just distracting from the issues that we've got the worst mayor in history - now that I would publicly say.
Why were the fraud's so interested in hijacking the Portland's for their developer buddies? It makes no sense unless there is some kind of ulterior motive. I have no proof, just a hunch, but I hope people look hard under the surface.
Why were the fraud's so interested in hijacking the Portland's for their developer buddies? It makes no sense unless there is some kind of ulterior motive. I have no proof, just a hunch, but I hope people look hard under the surface.

Exactly. You do not necessarily need proof to see that something is not right. I would not be surprised if through some numbered company they have a stake in that that company that has been contracted garbage disposal. Was there not some guy that worked in waste management for the City, he left and went to work for one of the companies bidding on the contract, I do not remember now if that company then was not permitted to make a bid due to conflict of interest or what. Look what has been going on with orange and the kickbacks. Heard it in the news this morning

Sorry, the firm which hired the ex-city employee was explicitly prevented from bidding for the contract for fears of conflict of interest.

Thats what i thought but he tried neverlheless. I do not trust these Fords. i just heard reported in the news this morning that Rob Ford is thinking of bringing back vehicle registration tax but that Doug Ford said "over my dead body". What kind of talk is this coming from a councillor and about what his own brother The mayor says? How could there not be fighting going on in that family
Especially when considering the Fords, I wouldn't attribute conspiracy to anything that can be explained by folly or incompetence. However, I do find it surprising that senior management of 20 development companies were able to assemble on short notice at the invite of the mayor. I also find it surprising that they'd even be willing to do so for a mayor who appears to be quickly losing influence and is flailing about in an absurd confluence of bravado and delusion.
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I've seen this clip used before to spoof Ford, but this latest version takes the prize.

Rob Ford on transit:

Ha ha. Of all the Downfall gags, this one is my favourite. Why? Because Rob Ford's situation reminds me the most of Hitler's situation when he was in the bunker.

DISCLAIMER: I am not comparing Rob Ford to Hitler. I think that their political stubbornness at the point of imminent demise is striklingly similar.

Basically, Ford is down to his last few men and putting road tolls and a VRT back on the table is the biggest "kingdom for a horse" moment I can remember in recent Canadian politics. It's like Hitler still deluded that he can win the war when he is bunkered down and Soviet tanks are shelling 14 and 65 year old militiamen on the Friedrichstrasse.
Especially when considering the Fords, I wouldn't attribute conspiracy to anything that can be explained by folly or incompetence. However, I do find it surprising that senior management of 20 development companies were able to assemble on short notice at the invite of the mayor. I also find it surprising that they'd even be willing to do so for a mayor who appears to be quickly losing influence and is flailing about in an absurd confluence of bravado and delusion.
I thought the same thing. Perhaps they probably though they could get huge concessions from Ford
Especially when considering the Fords, I wouldn't attribute conspiracy to anything that can be explained by folly or incompetence. However, I do find it surprising that senior management of 20 development companies were able to assemble on short notice at the invite of the mayor. I also find it surprising that they'd even be willing to do so for a mayor who appears to be quickly losing influence and is flailing about in an absurd confluence of bravado and delusion.

Y'all need to put your conspiracy theories back under the bed. You're muddying waters that don't need to be muddied, and will get legitimate opposition to the mayor painted with 'conspiracy theory' rhetoric -- 'everyone's out to get us.'

There's no doubt that the Portlands flyer came out of complaints from their friend who holds the rights to developing the Hearn and is impatient to see his money back. And it backfired hugely on him & them.

But the mayor -- any mayor - of Toronto getting the senior management of 20 builders together when he promises the meeting is to consult them on how to kickstart hundreds of millions of dollars of new development? He could do it at 3am in his bathroom and they'd be there. It's how they make their many millions of dollars.

More important to the discussion is how badly that meeting went for him. The most pro-biz and pro-building-anything-anywhere mayor Toronto has ever had holds a meeting with guys dying to agree with him, and can't even get a muttered 'maybe' out of them? Wow.
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