The strike involved about 24,000 city workers. Garbage collectors were only a small part.I'm with Riverdale Rink Rat on this one. A "Nixon going to China" moment would have occurred had Miller (the lefty union-sympathizer) maintained a hard line with the garbage collectors.
Given that supposedly pro-Union Miller did maintain a hard-line with the unions, and managed to obtain a relatively low pay increase, and eliminate the banking of sick days, I fail to understand why those that claim to have supported him seem to think the caved. It was quite clear that after a month the people of the city didn't have the stomach for much more of a strike, and it was clear from the union that they weren't about to cave on either the job security and seniority issues that the city had also sought concessions on. It's not even clear that the City actually wanted to gain much on those issues ... one doesn't go into a negotiation and expect all that you ask for. One asks for a lot of thing one doesn't really expect to get, or else you'll never get to what you really want.
The union clearly values the job security/seniority issues very highly, evidenced that they've offered to accept a 3-year (or was it 4) pay freeze in order to avoid touching those issues.