Senior Member
Right. Ford admits he lost his cool and admits he did swear, so for this reason alone he doesn't want tapes released that would (further) tarnish his rep. If the police chief can't be trusted, then the CBC needs to prove their claims. Not only would they be proven right, but they would also be proving the police chief lied - an equally large story that you'd think they would like to expose if true, no? I think the only thing one can conclude is that they can't, so they should retract.
Your argument is not cogent. If someone has proof that the CBC's police sources are lying, they need to make that evidence public so that the CBC can investigate. Bliar cannot say "the tapes don't say that" without proving what, in fact, the tapes do say. Put aside his questionable personal credibility, his argument is, by itself, without merit. He can either provide actual evidence or he cannot. If the CBC's sources lied, then let's see the evidence of their lies.