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Rob Ford's Toronto

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How about Mayor Ford -- do you maybe see anything newsworthy happening to him personally?

Perhaps a few bigoted comments? He's always been a little rough around the edges. Not expecting anything as bad as the ACC drinking scandal though. His staff will have that kind of stuff well under control.
...and here I thought me and my Feyenoord kid were universally despised. You made my morning. Doug the Slug is gone. Long live Feyenoord kid.
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New UT Member --- I'll forgive it. I've done the same when browsing unfamiliar forums ... It's as if Hobsh wrote this in 2010 and forgot to press the submit button for three years.

Rather meaningless comments like this to old or long-dead threads seem to me to be people trying to post enough responses to be able to start threads but it could just be confusion. Either way they are often from people who treat a forum (where one can write long, and sometimes useful, comments) the same as Twitter (where you are restricted to short (and hopefully, pithy) comments!
Argh, tried to post a photo of my favourite Rob Ford Valentine but the photo is insanely big!! Trying again.

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Hey, look who pops up in the comments on that Eye Crazy garbage dump blog! It's Peepers, reminding us all why he isn't allowed to sit at the same table as the grown-ups. I'm not going to quote it here because frankly it's not something everyone will want to waste their time reading, and is as feeble as it is disgusting, but here it is if your day is going a little bit too well and you feel the need to feel slightly worse. Following Peeper's comment, the blog's owner then provides some simpering validation. Presumably they are two separate people, but who knows?

Why would I post this? Partly to allow anyone interested to gain a little extra insight into the sort of mind who goes online to defend Rob Ford in 2014, and partly as something for the mods to take into consideration, if they're ever wondering if Peepers has cleaned up his act enough to be unbanned.
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mbu @hot_sushi
from Sun on the Ford crack scandal: "This wasn't a fabricated vendetta by the Toronto Star. It was all true." Quite a backtrack #topoli

mbu @hot_sushi
@hot_sushi Only the Sun would publish a 7 part series about Ford where the majority of the reporting was done by other papers #topoli

Funny/true tweets. To this I would add, "...and while staff columnists are still proudly carrying water for him."
Was the refund for the one hour delay or the 15 minutes of 2010 recycled Ford blather disguised as campaign speech?

The official explanation will probably have to be the former. But I wonder if there is a back story to this. In my mind I am still skeptical with the chain of events in those 45 min or so. Maybe there is more that meets the eye?
Does anyone recall the recording of Rob Ford talking about his house and his intention to tear it down and eventually rebuild? It is proof that his intention in trying to acquire the park next door was not merely security, but to increase the FSR of the property, so he could demolish and build a big Mcmansion.

If anyone has a link I'd a'perchiate it.
When asked what he does at City Hall, this was Ford's response:
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