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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm still taking credit for this (see how I brought the discussion back around to me?)

So now it's all about you, is it? LOL Seriously, for them to ditch it so quick it must have been terribly bad - even by Sun/Fox standards. My God, a pretaped show that requires double the fixup time from actual recording...yikes....
When's recycling day in the 400 & Sheppard area? This sign was still up when I went northbound on the 400 today.

For those who didn't hear:

Radio 1 has been deconstructing Fordiots lies from last night's interview with Mansbridge all day during various newscasts.

Maybe they were embarrassed by how soft Mansbridge went on him.

It was refreshing to hear....though, their breakdown of the billion dollar lie was a bit of outsourcing.
This right here is why I think Ford had nothing to do with the Smith murder. The theory goes that Hashimi gets a plea deal, presumably because he'll confess that he helped murder Smith on orders from Lisi or whatever, right?

Which wouldn't even make it to a court room because both the Crown and defense already agreed that the manslaughter scenario was accurate and that case is closed. It's glaringly, stupidly obvious.

My thinking exactly. I'm more interested in that one solitary line, in a sea of redacted text, that says Ford's phone was not reported stolen. (Speculation disclaimer) Could it be that Siad pinched Fords cell phone while he was in one of his drunken stupors and filmed the video?
Ffs, that sign makes me want to puke....or torch it.

I've never been more DISRESPECTED as a taxpayer by any politician.

People truly are stupid and vile. Damn you, Burke....damn you.
So Ford's new Sun TV show has already been cancelled? That's just...I mean...How could...Hmmm. How to adequately express the appropriate sentiment here? Well how about this:

I'm just saying two days later and we're still talking about it (and seriously, a lot of the discussion is still of the is-she-or-isn't-she-a-whore variety). It's prurience beyond relevance. It's also, as someone else pointed out, the sort of character- and morality-judging many of us find so distasteful in Ford and his ilk.

Ford says "she's a friend." Someone finds a photo of her working for a "sexy lady for any occasion" service. You don't have to think she's a whore to note that this reflects differently on Ford than if she were truly a friend.
For those who didn't hear:

Radio 1 has been deconstructing Fordiots lies from last night's interview with Mansbridge all day during various newscasts.

Maybe they were embarrassed by how soft Mansbridge went on him.

It was refreshing to hear....though, their breakdown of the billion dollar lie was a bit of outsourcing.

Had my 15 minute commute home extended to 45 by snow/ice/maybe a car crash. Silver lining was getting to hear the lead story on World at 6 while averaging 6 km/h.

I have no problem with the outsourcing ... it seems right to put an expert on to get the "$1B is nonsense" story straight, and give credit where due to Daniel Dale and Toronto Star.
Maybe they got a call from someone worried about the damage being done to the Conservative brand.

Probably this. I'm looking forward to discussing politics with my friends for the next 10 years. Every time someone tries to defend a fiscal conservative position I can just say "well, thank you for the Sun News/Ford Nation viewpoint".
An article I read (in the national Post, I believe) pointed out that with his last driver is being charged with extortion, his new driver taking pictures of those people is particularly unnerving. Good point.

I hadn't put the two together yet I was thinking of how sketchy it was anyway.

I'd love to see these clowns tangle with the wrong people and shit the bed.
Somali youth aren't exactly the scariest people out there and neither are the Italians.
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