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Rob Ford's Toronto

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It's been suggested to me that we may see charges sooner rather than later because the TPS is rushing to wrap up this case before the crown is forced to reveal the content of the Project Traveller warrants -- which would compromise an ongoing investigation. As speculated, the recent leaks and confirmation that the police are indeed investigating Rob Ford suggest that they got what they want and are less concerned about Ford covering up his tracks with the knowledge that the cops are on his tail. Rob Ford and several high profile Torontonians are going to have a shitty Christmas this year.

...and a wonderful Christmas present for the rest of us.
I'm sure I've read it somewhere here, and possibly figured it out myself. But what exactly would Ford be charged with, and in relation to what? Is this some kind of conspiracy to commit murder/assault in the attempts to retrieve the video?
I'm sure I've read it somewhere here, and possibly figured it out myself. But what exactly would Ford be charged with, and in relation to what? Is this some kind of conspiracy to commit murder/assault in the attempts to retrieve the video?

I appreciate this question - was wondering the same thing. Along with how the "Obstruction of Justice" charges that keep getting mentioned fit into the whole scheme.
One point on the surveillance plane: We should not assume that Ford (or anyone associated with him) knew about this. There are a couple reasons to doubt what Doug has said:

1) Doug Ford is a pathological liar.
2) Does it seem very likely that police would pay for a special surveillance plane and then use it to "buzz" one of the locations they were monitoring?
3) I'm not convinced that those "two superintendents" actually did reveal anything to Doug because (see #1 above).

To me, this sounds a lot like Doug trying to bluster the impression than they know more than they actually do. It would certainly not be the first time he'd done so.

If what we've been hearing is true, then very likely:

And obstruction of justice

Who knows what else TPS has dug up

Some more possibilities:
Assault (Bassos)
Murder (Smith)
Attempted murder
False pretense or false statement
Influence Peddling
Laundering proceeds of crime

Simplest answer would be Ford is a cokehead who got his supplies from the wrong gang and botched the cover-up. More interesting would be if the drug investigation uncovered any shady dealings that he has going on at City Hall, which could lead to much more serious charges. Simply being a drug user would not warrant this attention, so there's got to be more to the story.

There could also be tax evasion or other charges against Deco if it was being used to funnel funds/hide activities. Doesn't sound like a "Los Deco Hermanos" situation, but things like Deco owning Ford's Escalade could feature in.
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^What do you mean by "solicitation", TTM? Are you referring to prostitution, drugs or general criminal communications?

Solicitation of drugs and possession of drugs is what I had in mind.

But I could see general criminal communications there, depending on how deep Ford is involved in this criminal enterprise.

Prostitution is more unlikely, but there have been a few rumors.

What I'm really interested to know is what Doug will be charged with. I have a feeling that he'll get slapped harder than Rob.
Some more possibilities:
Assault (Bassos)
Murder (Smith)
Attempted murder
False pretense or false statement
Influence Peddling
Laundering proceeds of crime

Simplest answer would be Ford is a cokehead who got his supplies from the wrong gang and botched the cover-up. More interesting would be if the drug investigation uncovered any shady dealings that he has going on at City Hall, which could lead to much more serious charges. Simply being a drug user would not warrant this attention, so there's got to be more to the story.

There could also be tax evasion or other charges against Deco if it was being used to funnel funds/hide activities. Doesn't sound like a "Los Deco Hermanos" situation, but things like Deco owning Ford's Escalade could feature in.

Are you talking about attempted murder for Ford? I cannot see that happening. He hasn't attempted to murder anyone. Everything else is plausible, but I wouldn't make any bets on it.
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Whether or not the deeper cesspool of drugs, violence, crime, corruption, and whatever else many of us suspect to exist is ever revealed and disgraces the mayor, there can be a fascinating story here for a writer. Something like Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, where the author uses a factual incident but spends a lot of time telling tales of the colorful characters surrounding it.

Some aspects of the Ford story that would interest me in Doolittle's prospective book:

The rise of the Ford family, especially how the father born into a large impoverished family in East York gained enough affluence and connections to provide a foundation for Ford's rise to mayor.

Drugs - the serious addiction of the sister, the 70's entrepreneurship of Doug and his buddy Dave, the present Etobicoke drug culture of Rob's middle-aged loser buddies and the Somalis.

The competing cultures of Old Toronto downtown and the former suburbs, in how they regard government, how they think about cars, transit and urban development.

High School Football - it's prominence in Ontario versus in American culture, in the time of Ford's highschool years versus now (I think there's a lot less participation and attention, and in many places is being replaced by rugby).

Populism and anti-tax politics. How media has responded to Ford's popularity.
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Some more possibilities:
Assault (Bassos)
Murder (Smith)
Attempted murder
False pretense or false statement
Influence Peddling
Laundering proceeds of crime

Simplest answer would be Ford is a cokehead who got his supplies from the wrong gang and botched the cover-up. More interesting would be if the drug investigation uncovered any shady dealings that he has going on at City Hall, which could lead to much more serious charges. Simply being a drug user would not warrant this attention, so there's got to be more to the story.

There could also be tax evasion or other charges against Deco if it was being used to funnel funds/hide activities. Doesn't sound like a "Los Deco Hermanos" situation, but things like Deco owning Ford's Escalade could feature in.

Agreed. This is about more than possession of drugs. Actions taken in the search for the video, maybe ordered by Ford himself, are a good candidate for more.

But trafficking? It would explain some things (like how Deco prospers despite being run by morons). But if the Fords have their own drug import business, why is Rob Ford consorting with low-level dealers to get his own personal supply?
Are you talking about attempted murder for Ford? I cannot see that happening. He hasn't attempted to murder anyone. Everything else is plausible, but I wouldn't hold make any bets on it.

I doubt that Ford would be charged with "Attempted Murder", but I'm pretty confident that any charge against him will begin with the words "Conspiracy to...". It would appear that the police are working their way up the food chain and getting lower-level players to turn on the people who gave them their orders. Essentially, someone will have to testify that Rob (or Doug, or Price) directed them to do a home invasion at 15 Windsor, shoot Smith, etc.
If Deco is being investigated then one would assume that multiple agencies are involved considering they have offices in Chicago and at one time Florida. I, for one, am eager to find out what Doolittle found out when she was investigating in Florida. Either Deco-related or rehab-related.
I doubt that Ford would be charged with "Attempted Murder", but I'm pretty confident that any charge against him will begin with the words "Conspiracy to...". It would appear that the police are working their way up the food chain and getting lower-level players to turn on the people who gave them their orders. Essentially, someone will have to testify that Rob (or Doug, or Price) directed them to do a home invasion at 15 Windsor, shoot Smith, etc.
If Ford did initiate some kind of request to retrieve the video from Smith, my hunch is he didn't specifically say "kill". Maybe he said "get the video any way you can" which eventually lead to a murder. What I'm confused about is isn't Basso old friends with Rob, going back to high school? Would he really tell someone to go rough up an old friend/drug buddy? Or did the people who busted into Basso's place do it on their own initiative when they found out that it was his house where the video was filmed?
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