This exactly. Ford may have the incumbency advantage and he may still be popular with his base, but he has no financing and no campaign organization. This combination will either lead to him breaking complex electoral rules multiple times before election day (i.e. donating to himself) becoming disqualified or being outspent to the point where he can't get his message out or at the very least appears to be a second tier candidate, conceding the race to the two big campaign spenders.
I don't think financing is a problem for Ford. For example there is no limit on the amount that he could contribute to his own campaign as long as the money comes from his personal bank account and not the Deco Label account (that is how he got in trouble last time - Deco money was deemed a corporate contribution).
In the last election most of Ford's contributions were in small amounts from grass-root supporters and these people are still around as witnessed by the latest Ford-Fest where they turned out in the 10,000's to get their picture taken with Mayor Ford. Another Ford-Fest is planned for next month in Etobicoke where an even bigger turnout of 30,000 is expected!
Money is not going to be a problem for Ford when you consider that most campaign funds go towards advertising and as the most famous politician in Canada - Rob Ford doesn't have to spend a dime to get publicity. Rob Ford just steps outside of his house in the morning and he is surrounded by a phalanx of reporters all eager to get a sound-bite from him.