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Rob Ford's Toronto

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and don't get me wrong. It's not like I'd enjoy "groping" her. I'm just saying that if I see 92 year old woman about to fall into the water, I'd gladly take the risk of groping her over the risk of her becoming injured or even dying.

Of course I haven't seen any video from the event, so I can't assess the urgency of the situation. I'm really giving Ford the benefit of the doubt here.
I honestly hope it wouldn't take a minute for you to come to a decision. Because at this point, there could be a 92 year old woman drowning in a lake.

Sorry, I'm trying to cut down on the emoticons and LOL's, but I thought it would be pretty obvious I was kidding.
my gf observed that hollywood threatens people with multi-million dollar lawsuits and jail time for leaking movies, but people do it anyways. the threat of prison seems sufficient to keep this video from leaking. could it be that the people who have it on their hard drives now - police guns and gangs officers, crown prosecutors, defense attorneys, courts staff (those assisting judges), and the judiciary - are deterred by the threat of punishment enough to not leak it?

Rob Ford ducks questions on jail visit
Mayor won’t answer when asked about after-hours trip to detention centre and his whereabouts before the Taste of the Danforth festival

" When a reporter asked Ford why he went to the jailhouse, he responded, "That's addressed." When asked to clarify if and when he had previously addressed the report, he replied, "Yes I have. Yes. Anything else?"


After the scrum, reporters asked two of Ford's staffers when the mayor had addressed the report about the jail visit. One, acting press secretary Sunny Petrujkic, said that he wasn't paying attention during the mayor's scrum. A second, special assistant for communications Amin Massoudi, told reporters "It's over, guys" and walked away."
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"After successfully reeling in the salmon, Ms. McCallion, clad in an oversized, blue-and-green plaid fishing shirt, beams and looks up at Mr. Ford: “Thank you Rob,” she says.

“No problem,” the Toronto mayor replies, planting a kiss on Ms. McCallion’s cheek before they pose with the massive fish "



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‘Ford Nation’ is bigger than you think

"Let us accept, from the very start, that the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford appears unfit for public office. His personal problems and obvious lack of self-control — reading at the wheel of his car, going to KFC while on a highly-publicized diet, showing up drunk at public functions — are a source of considerable embarrassment inside and outside of the city. He hangs out with drug dealers, and — if reports of a video showing him smoking crack cocaine are reliable — he has a drug problem.

Even if we set this aside, and look at his policies and political agenda, he’s a disaster. Rob Ford lacks a coherent, consistent plan for the development of transit in Toronto. On files of central concern, he appears poorly briefed or plainly ignorant. He is in over his head.

Yet, despite all of this, Ford still enjoys the support of somewhere between a third to a half of Torontonians polled. How can this be?"
"Curtis C (Nanaimo, Van Isle.) channels the spirit of Toronto, Onatrio’s mayor Rob Ford in his new song “Rob Ford Smokes Crack (Jay-Z Tom Ford Remake)”. Curtis takes a funny, yet unique approach to Jay-Z’s “Tom Ford” by reworking it to poke fun at the blundering buffoon that is Rob Ford."

Why is a left-wing mayor de facto "irresponsible"? I happen to think left wing policies would be an incredibly responsible choice for Toronto. It wasn't long ago that choosing to invest in public transit over automobile transit would have been considered "far left". Still considered "far left", but very responsible in my view, are policies on increasing the energy efficiency of older buildings. I also think it is entirely responsible to target priority neighbourhoods with more accessible social services.

Still...TrickyRicky said, "far left", not merely "left-wing". And for a true opposite-number pendant to Ford, you'd need to go way beyond Smitherman or even Miller or somebody like the late Tooker Gomberg. Luckily, there's no such potential-frontrunner figure on the horizon...

And NB: that's not a dis on Gomberg as activist and motivator. But he really would've self-destructed in office (and I mean literally, taking into account his actual fate)
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" On Tuesday, reporters asked Doug, “Did the mayor tell you where he was drinking? A lot of people were concerned because the first place he was spotted was standing outside his car.†Doug dismissed the question and accused the reporters of playing “investigative reporter.†This is precisely the question that needs answering. Did the mayor drive under the influence?

If there is an innocent explanation for how the mayor came to be videotaped alone and inebriated beside his vehicle, one would expect a Ford staffer to clarify it and end the speculation at once. But the longer this goes unanswered the more damning it is. Instead of clarifying, Doug went on the attack, making falsehoods against councillors who recommended the mayor to take a leave of absence to get help, saying that Councillor Jaye Robinson, “couldn’t perform in her job†and that Shelley Carroll “put the city into hundreds of millions of dollars into debt.â€

The Fords frequently allege their superiority by citing their success in the business world, and they disparage colleagues on these grounds too, saying councillors would be out of work if they were subject to the free market. So let’s transpose this Danforth incident and its response into free market terms.

Let’s imagine that the city was truly run as a business. Citizens play the shareholders invested in the company depending on CEO Rob Ford to manage their money. The shareholders ask CEO Rob: “Why did you miss a staff event? You getting filmed inebriated beside your vehicle is very bad for business. Explain, please.†Imagine shareholders satisfied with, “I don’t believe I did offend anyone, and if I did, you know what, I had a good time, I let my hair down a bit.â€

The company can forgive Ford for missing the event, but profit is threatened if the perception persists that the CEO operated his vehicle under the influence, so the question is put again: “Where and when did you drink the alleged beers? You admitted you drank them, you must reveal where this took place.†But the CEO refuses to answer and instead Doug, a lower-level employee unauthorized to speak for the CEO, says, “He had a couple of pops, big deal, in the end, nobody got hurt, everyone had a good time.â€

While the above situation is an allegory, the quotations are really Rob and Doug Ford’s. In the business world, nobody would dare be so impertinent and hope to keep their job. Ironically, if the Fords were held accountable to their cherished view of politics conducted by the rules of business, they’d be fired. After this affront, I doubt the business world would be so generous as to afford them a third chance to explain that night’s events, but this is politics; the Fords are still very much here and we are still very much owed an explanation into why a night that should have been spent celebrating food has devolved into speculating about exactly how our mayor got inebriated and whether or not he broke the law and put people’s lives at risk."
B R E A K I N G . N E W S:

Police probe friends of Rob Ford who sought crack video

Lots of NEW juicy jaw-dropping EXPLOSIVE information!

Toronto police are investigating attempts by associates of Mayor Rob Ford to retrieve the crack cocaine video.
One target of the investigation is Alexander “Sandro” Lisi, 35, a Range Rover-driving Etobicoke man with a criminal history of threatening and assaulting women, who has been acting as an occasional driver and security guard for the mayor.

Lisi has told three associates interviewed by the Star that he is a supplier of drugs to Ford. The Star has been unable to verify Lisi’s claims, and Ford has not responded to questions about this sent by the Star on Monday.

While a great deal of media attention has been focused on the video itself, the Star’s ongoing investigation shows that the video is just part of a puzzle that involves a great deal of unusual behaviour by the mayor of Canada’s largest city.

Lisi is one of a cast of characters with whom Ford has surrounded himself. Like Lisi, two others we are about to tell you about live with their parents, within a kilometre or two of Ford’s home in Etobicoke.
Toronto police will not say whether they have spoken or attempted to speak to these men.
One of the men, Bruno Bellissimo, 43, who has known Ford since high school days, is a crack addict who is currently in a substance abuse treatment program. In one of many attempts to interview Bellissimo over the past month, the Etobicoke man unleashed a string of profanities, threatening the reporter’s job and family.

It is not clear why Ford was trying to visit a known crack addict. According to two of Bellissimo’s friends, Bellissimo had boasted in the past that Ford had given him a debit card with instructions to withdraw money, and told Bellissimo he could use $500 for himself from time to time. Ford did not respond to written questions about this.
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