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Roads: Post on TO Viaduct "proposal"

Why does it need on/off ramps? Everybody knows that people only use the Gardiner to travel across downtown and continue on east or west...

actually i used to do that when i first started driving. not to get anywhere, but just for the fun of it because driving was new and fun to me. then i got a car that used more gas than my original one and that was the end of that.
You might be right about Socialwoe!

I enjoyed Alcock's websites - the history parts were very good, even if written from a biased point of view. Some of the highway proposals were even better, like that Humber Bay bridge thingy.
Only thing about socialwoe is that he doesn't engage in lefty-bashing...well, at least openly declaring them to be leftys...
OMG! Socialwoe is James Alcock! It all makes sense now!

Oh shit, my cover's been blown, woe is me! Yes it is I, the Dark Lord of Fear and Trepadation unleashed like a banshee from the bowels of the abyss to torment thee with my maniacal rants :evil moo, ha, ha, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


James Alcock A.K.A. the Socialwoe :rollin .

Seriously you give me too much credit, even if it seems now like I was an unknowing follower of the Cult of Alcockery!

even if written from a biased point of view.

Darn, I guess I'm not him afterall, my only bias is that we build more subways in the core first ahead of the 905.

well, at least openly declaring them to be leftys...

If leftys= NIMBYs/sit-on-their-hands do-nothings/sidelines naysayers with nothing worthwhile to contribute well then perhaps, but I'm guessing not.
Socialwoe meets Alcock, after being pushed into Lake Ontario by leftys

Thanks for the Tom of Finland imagery, especially after that read...

And I guess the name "Alcock" would take on new meaning. (Though thank me for using a relatively mild ToF image.)
I find people like James Alcock to be a throwback to how a lot of Web-based scholarship/discussion "worked" a decade ago, when there was a lot more libertarian anti-left lunatics running the asylum via Usenet et al--now that the Web's attained greater maturity and legitimacy, they're more like primitive anachronisms usually addressed though Wikipedia's natural self-correcting tendencies, etc. (Though they may be in part responsible for birthing South Park Republicanism...)
TORONTO, March 5 /CNW/ -

Crumbling Urban Toronto stock reinvigorated by tragedy.

In a bizarre twist, Urban Toronto's stock closed 34% higher today in heavy trading, after a large piece of reinforced concrete fell from the deck of the Gardiner Expressway, flattening a VW bus purported to be carrying a group of UT forumers with very high post counts. According to industry insiders, the loose alliance of erudite message board thugs in the van, had terrorized UT threads and maintained an effective stranglehold on UT bandwidth.

Business experts insist the forum may have turned a corner, and is now on the road to a full recovery as an open, democratic and welcoming meeting place for legitimate discussion of urban issues.

In related news, Mayor David Miller's office declined comment on any plans to repair the rupture in the expressway, saying only it would be deferred to the last quarter of 2007, at which time a public consultation may or may not take place.

An unnamed UT source suggested that "God had intervened at last to silence this group of self-important, picture posting forum dandies" who rarely stayed on topic and never proposed "concrete solutions" to pressing urban challenges.

james alcock used to be my cub-scout leader when i was a young lad of 7 or 8. he took us to the toronto archives one time where he tried to instill upon us his urban-expressway philosophies while lamenting the death of the spadina expressway. no joke!
I think those are the best three consecutive posts I have ever read on UT in all my years. Congratulations on a job well done!
^^^^ Y'all are bat-shit crazy :lol ! I mean that in the sincerest non-threatening way though I suppose I should be a tad did afterall just wish dead upon me, psychos!
