I don't understand why the Gardiner isn't being buried in the same tunnel as the Ontario Line. There's no reason why the Gardiner couldn't veer north underground just west of Bathurst and reemerge with ramps onto the DVP and Lakeshore, but when such solutions were floated years ago, the consensus was that maintaining an elevated highway in modified form (Hybrid) at great expense with a few parks below it around Fort York (The Bentway) is as high as we're going to shoot. Depressingly "on-the-cheap" as always. I hope at this point there are at least creative solutions to sprucing up the crossings at Lakeshore under the Gardiner in the core. York and Lakeshore isn't too bad, but Spadina and Lakeshore, Yonge and Lakeshore, and Jarvis and Lakeshore are inhumanely grim. At least allow market stalls and food vendors to set up shop and create continuity where there are gaping holes in the streetscape. Bright lighting and art installations would go a long way on the medians between the east and westbound lanes and ramps. I'm surprised how badly programmed these spaces are.