Developer: Mattamy Homes
Address: 90 Stadium Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2011
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 23 storeys
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Quay West @ Tip Top Condo (Monarch Group) - Real Estate -

Beautiful building but it's not looking its best with garbage blowing all around it the past few days; this morning was really bad.

The building got registered yesterday and final closing will be between April 18 - 21. Congratulations all my neighbours...!

while i sympathize with the people that bought/reside there, did they not do due diligence before buying?

it's not like the H.M.C.S. York compound and it's accompanying lights were just plopped there. who knows, there's probably a disclaimer inserted in the condo docs by the developer stating as much.

next thing they'll be complaining about the slaughter house and low income housing in the area ... oh, you didn't know about that either ?!?
while i sympathize with the people that bought/reside there, did they not do due diligence before buying?

it's not like the H.M.C.S. York compound and it's accompanying lights were just plopped there. who knows, there's probably a disclaimer inserted in the condo docs by the developer stating as much.

next thing they'll be complaining about the slaughter house and low income housing in the area ... oh, you didn't know about that either ?!?

And there's an airport a stone's throw away! :O
so those who are living here are you happy with the is the sound isolation from other tenants....any issues yet?
