Developer: Mattamy Homes
Address: 90 Stadium Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2011
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 23 storeys
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Quay West @ Tip Top Condo (Monarch Group) - Real Estate -


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Aug 2, 2008
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Hey everyone,

I'm thinking of purchasing a unit in this tower and was wondering you opinions. Do you think it would be a good investment in the long run? Any idea about the rental market in that area?

Thanks in advance
Hey everyone,

I'm thinking of purchasing a unit in this tower and was wondering you opinions. Do you think it would be a good investment in the long run? Any idea about the rental market in that area?

Thanks in advance

Yes sir, I believe the south side of that building will be a fantastic investment, especially once the tower behind it is finished, totally blocking anyone's view of the lake. (Are there any pictures of THAT big hole in the ground posted on this site anywhere?) You'll be able to save on cable fees because you can just sit in your window and watch the guy's TV across from you!


PS: Gorgeous retro-fit. Hate the halls.
It is remarkably quiet and private because of where it is situated and has an excellent water view... That combination can not be found anywhere else in downtown Toronto. I am bit concerned however, with the amount of light that will enter the courtyard suites because of the U shape design.. Not sure if that will turn off some potential purchasers/tenants
It is remarkably quiet and private because of where it is situated and has an excellent water view... That combination can not be found anywhere else in downtown Toronto. I am bit concerned however, with the amount of light that will enter the courtyard suites because of the U shape design.. Not sure if that will turn off some potential purchasers/tenants

You do realize that another condo is being built 20 feet away from Tip
Top, on the south side? Woe are those who live on any of the lower floors.
You do realize that another condo is being built 20 feet away from Tip
Top, on the south side? Woe are those who live on any of the lower floors.

You do realize that "another condo is being built 20 feet away from Tip Top" is the project we are discussing in this thread?

Quay West@ Tip Top, by Monarch. Duh!
You do realize that "another condo is being built 20 feet away from Tip Top" is the project we are discussing in this thread?

Quay West@ Tip Top, by Monarch. Duh!

My bad. I got one strip mine confused with another. :eek:
My parents bought a unit in this building two years ago. Originally I think it was supposed to be done (or just about done) by now, but it's been delayed several times. Not it's not going to be ready until some time in 2010. It does look like a nice place though. Their unit will have two separate balconies.
my friend bought a unit in the tower and he's been delayed till 2011 summer. which suprises me a bit cuz that's quite a long time and this isn't really that big of a project. But I do think it's a good investment, it's a very nice mixed income nbrhood, extremely close to the lake and somewhat close to transit. If all goes well with the Toronto Museum for the silos, i think the area will have even greater improvements
Yeah unfortunately for us we (stupidly) passed up a 2 bedroom unit on the south east corner on the 21st floor(view of lake and queens quay) and now we decided to check what's left.. pretty much only a north west corner on the 19th floor

Not sure if we should just purchase that and hope it'll become a good investment or wait until the unit is built and purchase our original unit we were hoping to get for probably $60 k more than original..

btw how much do you think the prices will go up from when it was first sold? The 2 bedroom units were around $400k, I'm guessing by the time they are built, they'll possibly go for $460? MAYBE 500 but thats pushing it.. what do you guys think?
i think it would depend on the size of the unit, the floor and which direction it faces but on average I would say an additoinal 50K for a 2 bdrm unit in this location
The market is cooling off... it's hard to say. My guess 15 - 30 max
Quay West at Tip Top

Someone wants to sell me their unit here.
Would like your thoughts on this project. I'm thinking of moving down to the Waterfront and selling my unit in Murano. I really love the architectural design of this bldg and reputation of Monarch seems pretty good, but the location is definitely an issue. Not much going on and transportation is quite inconvenient. It's also very close to the Island Airport which could be a good or bad thing.
Anyone live around this area? Anyone bought into this project to live? When is occupancy, was told next year?
Hi HiRiser,

I've bought a unit here - on the 15th floor - my confirmed move in date is in January - and no, it's not for sale.

As far as the location being an issue, I think that's a matter of personal preferances. For me the location is great - easy access to roads and I love being right on the waterfront with direct access to the waterfront trail. The only big issue is a lack of shops really close by but with the number of people moving into this area I think that's only a matter of time before that changes. I'm hoping Loblaws goes ahead and develops that big warehouse on the corner of Lakeshore and Bathurst. I'm also very excited about the plans for Queen's Quay.
Hi Jasper,

My unit is on the 15th floor as well. It seems like you will be one of my future neighbours! AS far as the location concers, I believe that with all these projects being developed in the area there will be a big change and a lot of shops and facilities will be opening to serve the new residence. If you added Quay west , Panorama, watercitypark, neptune, westharbourcity,malibu, LTD, and finally GArrison at the yard/ toronto district library condo then you can imagine how this area will look in 5 years time..
Hi Jasper,

My unit is on the 15th floor as well. It seems like you will be one of my future neighbours! AS far as the location concers, I believe that with all these projects being developed in the area there will be a big change and a lot of shops and facilities will be opening to serve the new residence. If you added Quay west , Panorama, watercitypark, neptune, westharbourcity,malibu, LTD, and finally GArrison at the yard/ toronto district library condo then you can imagine how this area will look in 5 years time..

It's a great looking project and I suspect the maintenance fees will be kept low given that there aren't that many amenities in the bldg. A relative of mine is wanting to sell his unit to me on asisgnment. I'd be on the 14th floor I would be your nbr below if I end up buying. Hope Monarch does a good job.
