Mayor's game plan full of holes
September 14, 2007
Royson James
This is a column minus opinion. No punditry – just dispassionate observations of Mayor David Miller's launch yesterday of a campaign for "a fair tax plan for Toronto."
The hall was filled with unionists, community and arts activists whose applause gave the distinct flavour of an election campaign.
Poster boards, flyers and brochures in the mayor's campaign colours, Ikea blue and gold, framed the podium. The trappings of last fall's partisan campaign have merged with the mayor's office and administration.
"We heard from realtors," Miller said in a jab at the Toronto Real Estate Board, which opposes imposing the land transfer tax. "Now we're going to hear from real Torontonians."
He announced a website,, where citizens can go to vote for the new taxes. He didn't say how he plans to stop bogus citizens – real estate agents, Board of Trade members and other such "unworthies" – from accessing the site to give their unwelcome views on higher taxes.
Miller called on his fractured council to unite for the good of the city. We counted 18 of 44 councillors flanking the mayor as he spoke. Not one of them was from the opposition ranks – the 23 dissidents who voted to defer action on the tax measure until Oct. 22.
This is what the mayor wants you, the citizens, to do: Urge your councillor to hike three taxes – on buying a home, on car licences and property taxes. It's to save Toronto and make it great, he said.
Will the new taxes end threatened service cuts to libraries and community services? Yee-aa-ssss. Maybe. For a while, at least. But the TTC fare hike stays.
The mayor said he "greatly respects" councillors but said nothing about allowing a vote on the service cuts – made by staff, at the mayor's direction. Several councillors protested this as undemocratic and a stumbling block to council unity.
Though he said he respects his colleagues on council – and acknowledged that their majority vote to defer crucial new taxes was all about allowing time for the city to make its case to office seekers in the provincial election – Miller's own campaign studiously avoids such lobbying. He announced no strategy yesterday to put pressure on provincial candidates to obtain more Toronto funding.
These items were also missing from the mayor's campaign launch:
No announcement of savings or efficiency measures.
No launch of a group of "waste busters" to report on city waste.
No cuts to councillors' perks or 9 per cent salary hike.
No long-term financing plan to confront the $575 million annual shortfall.
The mayor was asked whether curbing councillor frills such as municipal golf course and zoo passes, and generous office expenses – an issue that infuriates the very citizens who the mayor hopes will lobby their councillors to vote in support of his higher taxes – wasn't one way to find the $700,000 needed to halt Monday closings at the community centres.
Miller replied: "The best way is to vote for the taxes."
A reporter wondered why Miller is only now launching a campaign to get higher taxes for Toronto. Why not three months ago?
"That's a fair question," Miller said.
"This is how we solve the problem," he said, waving the pamphlet outlining his three-pronged plan: new land transfer tax, new $60 vehicle fee, and a "fair and affordable level of property taxes."