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Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

Roy Den Hollander is a misogynist attorney who blames feminism for society's woes, sues various organizations for holding women's nights and for allowing women into those organizations, and claims that mainstream media ruined him. Yet, he had to shoot family members of Esther Salas, a New Jersey judge and he committed suicide.

Me, he deserves no sympathy. He ruined himself for holding archaic views on society.

An ominous metaphor for Trump's vengeful America? (And given Salas' involvement in the Deutsche Bank case, perhaps even passively "dispatched" by Trump, in the "citizens taking action" sense?)

This is Trump-style "strength"--"strength" in only the crudest alpha sense of being the murderous perpetrator, and of taking action on one's self once one knows the jig is up. (Not that Trump himself would be precisely "suicidal", except maybe through sullen self-neglect.)
Trump asked US ambassador to the UK to request the British Open be held at a Trump resort in Scotland, New York Times reports

July 21, 2020
  • President Donald Trump reportedly asked the US ambassador to the United Kingdom in 2018 to find out if it was possible for the British Open could be hosted at the Trump Turnberry resort in Scotland, The New York Times reported.
  • The request would violate a federal conflict-of-interest law which bars the president from using his political influence for personal gain.
  • In the case of the golf tournament, the British and Scottish governments would likely have to pay security and hosting costs, which would ultimately benefit Trump.
  • Johnson asked the secretary of state of Scotland David Mundell the British Open could be moved to a Trump resort, three sources familiar with the situation told The Times. None of the next four British Opens are scheduled to take place at the Turnberry resort, according to The Times report.

Everything he says requires a laugh track at this point.
It is time all social media, including UT, have automatic laugh tracks.

However, there's one major problem: almost every post would have laugh tracks due to one side finding the other hilarious regardless of the side.
As Trump calls for schools to fully reopen, his son's school says it will not

From link.

The school attended by President Donald Trump’s youngest son will not fully reopen in September out of concern over the coronavirus pandemic, despite the president’s insistence that students across the country be brought back to classrooms in the fall.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, a private school in Washington’s Maryland suburbs, said in a letter to parents that it was still deciding whether to adopt a hybrid model for the fall that would allow limited in-person education or to resume holding all classes completely online, as was done in the spring. The school will decide early next month which option to follow.

“We are hopeful that public health conditions will support our implementation of the hybrid model in the fall,” said the letter from head of school Robert Kosasky and assistant head David Brow.

“As we prepare to make a decision the week of Aug. 10 about how to best begin the school year,” they added, “we will continue to follow guidance of appropriate health officials and refine both our hybrid and distance learning plans.”

If the school does opt for the hybrid model, students in seventh through 12th grades would rotate between on-campus and distance learning, with half of the students learning remotely each week. Barron Trump, 14, the youngest of the president’s five children, has spent the last three years at St. Andrew’s.

The president has repeatedly insisted that schools fully open and has threatened to withhold federal money from districts that do not, but states, localities and private schools increasingly are defying him.

Teachers union leaders said the St. Andrew’s situation should bring home to Mr. Trump how complicated reopening is for schools trying to balance the educational needs of their children and the health concerns of the staff, students and community.

“The president now has to face what every other parent in America and every other teacher in America is grappling with right now, which is: In the midst of a pandemic, how do schools keep their kids and their faculty safe?” said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers. “It’s about safety, not bluster. It’s about a plan and resources, not threats.”

Ms. Weingarten said Mr. Trump’s confrontational approach had made it harder to find practical solutions to a problem everyone wants fixed.

“Hopefully, Donald Trump will have a scintilla of empathy and consideration for what Americans are going through now that he is experiencing it himself,” she said.

The Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School of the Nation’s Capital — where Ivanka Trump, the president’s oldest child, and her husband, Trump senior adviser Jared Kushner, send their children — has not decided whether or how to reopen in the fall.

At a coronavirus briefing Wednesday, Mr. Trump expressed no qualms about Barron or his school-age grandchildren returning to class.

“I am comfortable with that,” he said.

The White House had no comment Thursday on the decision by St. Andrew’s, but Mr. rump seemed more flexible at a briefing later in the day in demanding reopenings, acknowledging the need to take safety measures more than he has in the past.

In areas with surging infections, he said while reading from a script, “districts may need to delay reopening for a few weeks.”

“That’s possible,” he said. “That’ll be up to governors. The decisions should be made based on the data and the facts on the ground.”

But he emphasized the need to reopen quickly.

“We cannot indefinitely stop 50 million American children from going to schools, harming their mental, physical, emotional and development,” he said. “Reopening our schools is also critical to ensuring that their parents can go to work and provide for their families.”
This meme always gets me:
I was thinking about how historically impactful 2020 is in American history. It’s always difficult to place your time in historical perspective.

I think this era has surpassed the Vietnam era in historical importance with the pandemic taking more American lives per capita, domestic unrest, the Trump presidency, and the inflection point where China matches or even overtakes the US as a global superpower.

P.S. if pandemic deaths in the US surpass 360k or so the pandemic will pass WW1 in American deaths per capita.
And the wall came tumbling down: Watch Trump’s border wall get felled by tropical storm Hanna

From link.


It’s appropriate that the former Hurricane Hanna — now downgraded to a tropical storm since making landfall —is named after a woman.

After all, everyone has been predicting that women would be taking Trump down at the ballot boxes in November, so it’s perfectly fitting that it was a female-named storm that took down his worthless and now so obviously poorly constructed wall on the nation’s southern border with Mexico.

Mother Nature gives and she takes, but only Trump’s vanity believed that he could overcome forces that humans simply can’t control.
