Trump is just not all that bad of a President, which is what a silent but determined plurality of Americans are coming to realize. The economy is booming, unemployment at its lowest in recorded history, peace treaties and trade agreements abound.
If Trump had a (D) behind his title instead of a (R) methinks the glowing praise would never end. When the worse thing you can criticize him for is how he got into office, more so than anything he's actually done in office then that's where the disconnect lies for most average voters. I mean, I detest Trudeau but I don't fault him for winning elections. When the Democrats can come up with actual policy planks upon which to judge them by, and not MuhRussia, Orange Man Bad bullshit, perhaps then they'll have a platform people can get behind and be excited about.
Lets put aside the unending list of embarrassments and vulgarities that spew from his mouth; and the damage they cause; just for a moment.
Lets instead go for what used to be a classic Conservative/Republican talking point, the deficit. It has exploded under Trump, with no end in sight. The deficit when Trump took over was in the range of 587B.
Today its cresting 984B and set to rise; in a 'good' economy.
The gap between revenues and spending was the widest in seven years. Defense, Medicare and interest payments ballooned the shortfall.
So, certainly his fiscal management skills don't seem great.
What trade treaties abound that matter?
We're finishing up year 3 of Trump, and he snuffed the TPP; has no deal w/the E-U, and the new NAFTA hasn't yet been ratified.
The latter makes very few changes that will matter to a typical American, they are largely cosmetic/bureaucratic with some updates to cover modern advancements in electronic commerce, biological drugs and the like.
Its one accomplishment, arguably, would raise the wages of Mexican workers in certain factories; but not to a level that will see any of those jobs repatriated to the U.S.
So let's turn to Health Insurance shall we?
America still had serious problems in this space at the end of the Obama years, though he had driven the uninsured rate down to about 11% by 2016, down from a high 18% in 2013.
Under Trump, that number has climbed to 13.7%
The U.S. adult uninsured rate rose to 13.7% in the fourth quarter of 2018, its highest level since the first quarter of 2014.
So, let's sum up shall we:
Trump has doubled the deficit, during good economic times.
Trump has seen an significant increase in the number of Americans without health insurance.
Trump has accomplished....just about nothing
Trump has been a jackass throughout the above.
I wouldn't call that success no matter what label you put on it.