News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 18, 2025
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President Donald Trump's United States of America

No it doesn't. We re not even sure if any lower court action has taken place at all. It's called an 'advisory opinion' (in Canadian jurisprudence it is similar to a 'reference case'). There has been a lot of legal ink spilled on the constitutionality of advisory opinions that I won't even try to distill but, historically, their courts have been really reluctant to get involved.


As it pushes to implement a plan to end birthright citizenship, the Trump administration is counting on an argument about out-of-control federal judges to prove irresistible to some Supreme Court conservatives.

Rather than waiting to ask the court to rule directly on the merits of birthright citizenship, which President Donald Trump is seeking to unwind, the administration used a series of emergency appeals Thursday to argue that lower courts are vastly exceeding their authority to block the White House’s agenda.


For now, the court doesn’t appear to be in any rush to resolve the cases. The three justices handling Trump’s appeals on Friday asked for a response from the groups challenging Trump by April 4, a far longer timeline than is usual on the court’s emergency docket.

The birthright citizenship appeals made their way to the high court at a moment when judges are wrestling with a slew of controversial executive actions that seem designed to push the boundaries of the law. The Supreme Court has already twice declined to overturn lower courts that blocked Trump initiatives since January 20.

Yes, the Supreme Court would not actually then create the statute, but the country would be subject to the Executive Order.
First off, as a Canadian, you have no ability to change anything down there.

Next, there's other countries in the world which are as bad or worse. I doubt you're tracking those with the same passion.

Finally, how much of your attention to the US is taking away attention to Canada and/or influencing your views of Canada. This last point, is why I'm particularly careful of over-consuming Trump news.
I think you seem to be confusing awareness with helplessness, the recognition of the awful with whataboutisms and raising concerns with obsessions. While I am sure there are plenty of ways we can look at this as unhealthy and not being very helpful with it, but there is still a time we still need to be mindful of what is going on. This is not an either/or situation...

So to respond, I can say in the example...

First we can still give refuge and assistance to those who need to flee from there.

Next by setting the example by doing the reasonable opposite of what they're are doing. Giving the rest of the world hope so that they too can follow suit...

And finally, raising the awareness so this never happens here. Ever.

...I am pretty sure that as Canadian focused as you can get here. However, I don't expect everyone to necessarily agree to or to do all that's what each of us can individually handle. And that's fair. But since you are bringing this up in the counter...these are my thoughts on the matter. And for what that's worth.
The right is almost entirely silent on Trump's overreach.
I am going to wager there are a lot of conservatives that are not happy about this...particularly if you look outside the MAGA circle. As it also depends on what you mean by the right...because there's a whole spectrum of different philosophies, ideas and view points that some would likely run smack against that same circle. And finally, because you may not hear anything about it doesn't mean it's not there.
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I think you seem to be confusing awareness
I've heard the same excuse from every person who I question on this topic.

I'll say that if your "awareness" is substantially more US centric than a concern about where you live (even your supposed actions were about helping Americans), than I'd suggest it's obsessive.

There's an old maxim, "Think globally. Act locally.". Canadians would do well to relearn it. We need more energy going towards building up our own country against the Orange Menace than "awareness" of their politics.

Americans can always buy Trump wine! Made from the finest sour grapes!
Meh, Americans call anything with bubbles "champagne", so I don't think they're overly choosy.
Canada's new Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry is The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne.
Meh, Americans call anything with bubbles "champagne", so I don't think they're overly choosy.
Wonder if Trump would want some sparking wine from Québec around the riding of Saint-Maurice—Champlain? 🤣

Yes, the Supreme Court would not actually then create the statute, but the country would be subject to the Executive Order.
Thanks. it seems there have been injunctions issued in three federal court districts. The DOJ is arguing against the injunctions, arguing that they should only apply to the district themselves, and seeking the blessing of the Supreme Court that the government can continue acting like the EO is legal before the court rules whether or not it is.
We are about to see one of the only countries left on the planet with a positive birth rate take a tanking musk probably realizes his main reason for having to cut social security is so that not only all the tax cuts he's giving can be afforded but also they can make up for the Lost tax revenue when they start taking even legal taxpayers out of the country because they don't fit the status quo
For those wanting to believe Trump's actions against Birthright Citizenship only apply to future births, it's already being used retroactively. In this case on a 10 year old, born in the US to undocumented parents and is (was) undergoing brain cancer treatment.

Tragic and cruel as this case is....

Where does it say her citizenship was cancelled? Which is what the debate over birthright citizenship is about.

Citizenship does not imply an automatic right to say for a minor. Both Canada and the US routinely deport minor citizens with non-citizen parents. The alternative is family separation.
