First off, as a Canadian, you have no ability to change anything down there.
Next, there's other countries in the world which are as bad or worse. I doubt you're tracking those with the same passion.
For the plainly obvious reason that US politics very directly affects Canadians. If Zimbabwe put tariffs on Canadian products, it would be a single 30 second news story, halfway through the morning news, never to be repeated. It wouldn't even register in our economy and Few outside of Zimbabwean descent would ever bother posting it or mentioning it and it likely would never gain traction in the average Canadian mindset.
How do I know? Because we there are tariffs on products imported into Zimbabwe from Canada, along with many, many other countries. With Zimbabwe some of the tariffs are as high as 260%. We do so little trade with them however, it's barely worth mentioning or paying attention to.
Secondly, many of us have family in the US and we are concerned with how things will affect them. In my case, about a dozen in-laws.
Finally, how much of your attention to the US is taking away attention to Canada and/or influencing your views of Canada. This last point, is why I'm particularly careful of over-consuming Trump news.
Do what works for you. Don't chide others for the same. People can pay attention to both the situation in the US and the situation here. They aren't mutually exclusive.
My wife watches The View regularly. She is not normally a news junkie.
For the record, The View is no more news than Fox & Friends. It's an opinion show. It's pundits, not journalists.
And this right here is my issue with Canadians who incessantly obsess about Trump. They get sucked in to that show and start basically thinking they are maple flavoured Republicans or Democrats. Their identity and political views get Americanized. It's why we have Convoy protestors asking a Canadian judge to respect their First Amendment rights.
I can quite literally tell you that every single Maple MAGA/Pro Convoy twit I know from high school are the wasteoids who failed just about every class, peaked in high school and thought they could coast through life on their very, very local hockey or lacrosse fame.
They think we have a First Amendment and Bill of Rights because they've never, ever put in an effort to learn otherwise. It's not consumption of foreign media. I watch (and pay a lot of attention to) UK politics, and yet I'm not here thinking WE have a House of Lords (though it should be abolished for a properly elected body, or at the very least appointment with term limits).
Those ignorant folks are the same ones ones who complain about Carney (and Kathleen Wynne before him) being "unelected", ignoring the entirety of the months we spent in history classes learning about the Westminster system of Parliament.
Just about every one of them shows signs of narcissism and entitlement. They're all the bullies, the chads and karens, the people who *only* care about getting theirs. They're the people who couldn't be bothered to vote until someone decided to tap into their heinous grievances. It's not the media, it's willful ignorance. They choose not to ever challenge their own views, follow logic or think forward in any kind of way.
It's why our left ignored years of First Nations protests but massively mobilized for Black Lives Matter. No wonder, Trump and co think Canadians don't have a real identity.
I've gotta call bullsh!t on this. NDPs have always been vocal about the plight of First Nations. FFS, Ed Broadbent was championing indigenous rights from the day he became leader of the NDP in 1975. He is the reason the NDP polls so well in Northern Ontario and just about every word of Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution was written by him (much to P.E.T.s dislike, who didn't feel the need for the section to begin with).
It's not the left who weren't paying attention; it's always been the mushy centrists and the media that caters to them.
On top of it all, BLM is an organized movement. Almost every indigenous protest in Canada is local in nature, and far, far less organized. If we're talking about major organized movements, you can't tell me Every Child Matters and Orange Shirt Day haven't been successful. Hell, even the Convoy idiots coopted it when they honked their way to Ottawa (now, a great number of those same folk deny residential school graves, but I digress).
If you know more about the tenth district of Iowa than you do about your own riding, I'm going to suggest it's time for you to turn off CNN, MSNBC and Fox.
I doubt you'll find *anyone* in that hyperbolic category, even amongst the Maple MAGA. They know the local racist politician they need to vote for and the names of every "lefty" (ie; Green, NDP, Liberal and old school Progressive Conservative) to vote against.