News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 18, 2025
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News   Mar 18, 2025
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President Donald Trump's United States of America

When was the last time that you heard of a green card holder being deported for criticizing the American government? It has never happened. They are trying to deport this guy because he protested the actions of a foreign country.

Green Cards have been revoked in the US on national security grounds before. So while this is a novel application of that doctrine, the action itself is not new. And in all these articles, there are plenty of quotes from other students who pointed out that other students with non-citizen status avoided these protests for fear of exactly this. Enough of his fellow students understood the risk apparently.

There are many principled conservatives that are appalled about this attack on the First Amendment. The most cherished right of all Americans.

I'm not seeing a lot of principled conservatives in a rage about this. Every criticism/concern I've seen is from someone left leaning.

Finally, it is not just the left that is "going to bat" for this guy.

Democrats lost the House, the Senate, the Presidency and most Governorships. If that's not a message, I don't know what is.

So, I'll stand by my argument. Whatever you think of Mahmoud's cause, making him a cause célèbre makes the left and the Democratic Party look even more out of touch and unconcerned with the priorities of the average American voter.
That’s on the 68% of eligible US voters who either voted for Trump or couldn’t be bothered to vote. This is what they asked for, even if they didn’t know it.

Remember all those Michigan Arab voters who convinced themselves that staying home or voting for Trump was the better option to voting for a Democrat?

In the town of Dearborn, Michigan, which has the largest Muslim population per capita in the country, 43% voted for President Trump in the 2024 election. Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris won 37% of the vote, substantially lower than the 68% former President Joe Biden won in 2020, according to the city's election data.

You can read here about how some of them are mad that the Michigan Democratic Party called out their bigotry against Pride:

So these people want the bigotry of the Republican Party against LGBTQ. But are upset when that bigotry also gets wielded against relatives in the old country.
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I believe he’s lost his PR, which is granted and rescinded at the whim of the government.

It's at the discretion of an immigration judge, which he has yet to see. Outside of the judicial system, no one has the right to remove his green card status.

Our man should have kept his mouth shut, and just gone about with his studies per his PR and visa. Leave the movement to change America’s politics and foreign policy to Americans.

You may have noticed the US affects a whole lot of the world outside of their borders. The right to protest the US shouldn't be left to only US citizens, let alone those who are natural born.

From 1976 to 1995 I was a PR in Canada, and I remember the protests at my Ontario university over whatever irked the student protest movement of the day, and even then I remember thinking I’m not a citizen of this country, and will not rock any boats.
Tacit approval is tacit approval, much like abstaining the election.
Why this is a bad thing...

What's worse is Trump's trying to get rid of birthright citizenship. Too many Americans seem to believe that only applies to "immigrants", and will soon find out that if that power is granted (Trump just asked it of the Supreme Court), a whole lot of agitators, "leftists" and political threats will be without any national citizenship, regardless of race, creed or how long their families have been here.
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Zero chance that is true. Unless she's not a citizen (which I suspect is the case). I think his kid is born in the US. But the US (and Canada) routinely deports minor citizens with their parents.

And Trump just yesterday asked the question of whether he's allowed to rescind birthright citizenship to the Supreme Court.

Doesn't work like that. Visas are entirely at government discretion. And they can be revoked for any reason. They can't really jail him for his speech. That would be a violation of his First Amendment rights. They can, however, cancel his visa and deport him.
Trump has already used the words "illegal protest" in regards to university campuses and Tesla dealerships. First amendment, what?
And Trump just yesterday asked the question of whether he's allowed to rescind birthright citizenship to the Supreme Court.

Asking a question doesn't suddenly create legal space to do that. Trump says a lot of nonsense.

Also to be specific, the Trump question isn't about rescinding birthright citizenship. It's about refusing to grant citizenship to newborns going forward. They aren't going to be retroactively stripping citizenship.

Trump has already used the words "illegal protest" in regards to university campuses and Tesla dealerships. First amendment, what?

And how many of those have been cracked down by federal authorities yet? Again, he can say and make up stuff.

Is Trump an authoritarian trying to shut up opponents? Certainly. Is he going to succeed? Doubtful. What exactly are they going to charge someone holding a sign in front of a Tesla dealership with? And how long would that charge last in front of a judge?

It's silly to put all this in the same bucket. A foreign national getting pulled into Immigration Court is very different from being able to arrest a citizen peacefully protesting.
Also to be specific, the Trump question isn't about rescinding birthright citizenship. It's about refusing to grant citizenship to newborns going forward. They aren't going to be retroactively stripping citizenship.
If a country is more careful about who gets in you need worry less about anchor babies and the like.
What's worse is Trump's trying to get rid of birthright citizenship. Too many Americans seem to believe that only applies to "immigrants", and will soon find out that if that power is granted (Trump just asked it of the Supreme Court), a whole lot of agitators, "leftists" and political threats will be without any national citizenship, regardless of race, creed or how long their families have been here.
It will be a "Wait, they mean me as well!?" moment... /sigh
Asking a question doesn't suddenly create legal space to do that. Trump says a lot of nonsense.
By "asking the question", it means all lower court appeals have failed for Trump and it's being brought before the Supreme Court as of yesterday. As a docket, for the court to decide on and to make law if they choose. It's not rhetoric.
And how many of those have been cracked down by federal authorities yet? Again, he can say and make up stuff.

He's already used it as a pretext to pull funding from Columbia University. He will challenge the constitution at every opportunity and he will win at least some of the rulings he doesn't just blatantly ignore. He's already ignored Congress' power of the purse and now seeks to remove that power altogether

And his sycophants in congress will fall over themselves looking to make it happen.

Is Trump an authoritarian trying to shut up opponents? Certainly. Is he going to succeed? Doubtful. What exactly are they going to charge someone holding a sign in front of a Tesla dealership with? And how long would that charge last in front of a judge?

Who appointed the judge? The US currently has a Supreme Court judge who never sat a day behind a bench prior. There were guardrails and sane minded cabinet members his first term. Such is not the case today

It's silly to put all this in the same bucket. A foreign national getting pulled into Immigration Court is very different from being able to arrest a citizen peacefully protesting.

It's not a question of previous legal statute. It's a question of whether the addle-brained moron at the top (and more specifically, his Christian Nationalist advisors) think it's the same.
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If a country is more careful about who gets in you need worry less about anchor babies and the like.

I'm not sure this logic squares with Trump's request to deny birthright citizenship to children of parents with legal temporary status. This is aimed at, for example, parents on H1Bs. Or even theoretically someone like my daughter, born while I was on exchange in the US, on a NATO-1 visa.

It's part of their culture wars. And I can't really be bothered to get all worked up over it. It's ultimately up to Americans to decide who should be American. I think we should save our energy for issues in Canada.
And I can't really be bothered to get all worked up over it. It's ultimately up to Americans to decide who should be American. I think we should save our energy for issues in Canada.
Agreed. I'm more rubbernecking at the wreckage than invested. Through voting or abstaining, the vast majority of American adults got Trump elected. Decisions have consequences, as pundits like to exclaim.
Not sure I can ever agree to horrifies me what they are doing to people down there that don't fit their bill. And think it would be at our peril if we also just ignored it...
Not sure I can ever agree to horrifies me what they are doing to people down there that don't fit their bill. And think it would be at our peril if we also just ignored it...

First off, as a Canadian, you have no ability to change anything down there.

Next, there's other countries in the world which are as bad or worse. I doubt you're tracking those with the same passion.

Finally, how much of your attention to the US is taking away attention to Canada and/or influencing your views of Canada. This last point, is why I'm particularly careful of over-consuming Trump news.

My wife watches The View regularly. She is not normally a news junkie. But she did this during the last Trump them too, of which we spent half in the US. Yet, she couldn't be bothered to vote in the recent provincial election.... And she's a teacher. When I called her out, her response was that our politics are too boring. And this right here is my issue with Canadians who incessantly obsess about Trump. They get sucked in to that show and start basically thinking they are maple flavoured Republicans or Democrats. Their identity and political views get Americanized. It's why we have Convoy protestors asking a Canadian judge to respect their First Amendment rights. It's why our left ignored years of First Nations protests but massively mobilized for Black Lives Matter. No wonder, Trump and co think Canadians don't have a real identity.

If you know more about the tenth district of Iowa than you do about your own riding, I'm going to suggest it's time for you to turn off CNN, MSNBC and Fox.
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First off, as a Canadian, you have no ability to change anything down there.

Next, there's other countries in the world which are as bad or worse. I doubt you're tracking those with the same passion.

For the plainly obvious reason that US politics very directly affects Canadians. If Zimbabwe put tariffs on Canadian products, it would be a single 30 second news story, halfway through the morning news, never to be repeated. It wouldn't even register in our economy and Few outside of Zimbabwean descent would ever bother posting it or mentioning it and it likely would never gain traction in the average Canadian mindset.

How do I know? Because we there are tariffs on products imported into Zimbabwe from Canada, along with many, many other countries. With Zimbabwe some of the tariffs are as high as 260%. We do so little trade with them however, it's barely worth mentioning or paying attention to.

Secondly, many of us have family in the US and we are concerned with how things will affect them. In my case, about a dozen in-laws.

Finally, how much of your attention to the US is taking away attention to Canada and/or influencing your views of Canada. This last point, is why I'm particularly careful of over-consuming Trump news.

Do what works for you. Don't chide others for the same. People can pay attention to both the situation in the US and the situation here. They aren't mutually exclusive.

My wife watches The View regularly. She is not normally a news junkie.

For the record, The View is no more news than Fox & Friends. It's an opinion show. It's pundits, not journalists.

And this right here is my issue with Canadians who incessantly obsess about Trump. They get sucked in to that show and start basically thinking they are maple flavoured Republicans or Democrats. Their identity and political views get Americanized. It's why we have Convoy protestors asking a Canadian judge to respect their First Amendment rights.

I can quite literally tell you that every single Maple MAGA/Pro Convoy twit I know from high school are the wasteoids who failed just about every class, peaked in high school and thought they could coast through life on their very, very local hockey or lacrosse fame.

They think we have a First Amendment and Bill of Rights because they've never, ever put in an effort to learn otherwise. It's not consumption of foreign media. I watch (and pay a lot of attention to) UK politics, and yet I'm not here thinking WE have a House of Lords (though it should be abolished for a properly elected body, or at the very least appointment with term limits).

Those ignorant folks are the same ones ones who complain about Carney (and Kathleen Wynne before him) being "unelected", ignoring the entirety of the months we spent in history classes learning about the Westminster system of Parliament.

Just about every one of them shows signs of narcissism and entitlement. They're all the bullies, the chads and karens, the people who *only* care about getting theirs. They're the people who couldn't be bothered to vote until someone decided to tap into their heinous grievances. It's not the media, it's willful ignorance. They choose not to ever challenge their own views, follow logic or think forward in any kind of way.

It's why our left ignored years of First Nations protests but massively mobilized for Black Lives Matter. No wonder, Trump and co think Canadians don't have a real identity.

I've gotta call bullsh!t on this. NDPs have always been vocal about the plight of First Nations. FFS, Ed Broadbent was championing indigenous rights from the day he became leader of the NDP in 1975. He is the reason the NDP polls so well in Northern Ontario and just about every word of Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution was written by him (much to P.E.T.s dislike, who didn't feel the need for the section to begin with).

It's not the left who weren't paying attention; it's always been the mushy centrists and the media that caters to them.

On top of it all, BLM is an organized movement. Almost every indigenous protest in Canada is local in nature, and far, far less organized. If we're talking about major organized movements, you can't tell me Every Child Matters and Orange Shirt Day haven't been successful. Hell, even the Convoy idiots coopted it when they honked their way to Ottawa (now, a great number of those same folk deny residential school graves, but I digress).

If you know more about the tenth district of Iowa than you do about your own riding, I'm going to suggest it's time for you to turn off CNN, MSNBC and Fox.
I doubt you'll find *anyone* in that hyperbolic category, even amongst the Maple MAGA. They know the local racist politician they need to vote for and the names of every "lefty" (ie; Green, NDP, Liberal and old school Progressive Conservative) to vote against.
By "asking the question", it means all lower court appeals have failed for Trump and it's being brought before the Supreme Court as of yesterday. As a docket, for the court to decide on and to make law if they choose. It's not rhetoric.

No it doesn't. We re not even sure if any lower court action has taken place at all. It's called an 'advisory opinion' (in Canadian jurisprudence it is similar to a 'reference case'). There has been a lot of legal ink spilled on the constitutionality of advisory opinions that I won't even try to distill but, historically, their courts have been really reluctant to get involved.

My wife watches The View
Sometimes we may leave the TV on in the background but I simply cannot do it if The View is on.

My favourite interpretation of The View.

