Per capita it's tough given how much the province has grown - but if we qualify it with "in most of our lifetimes", it would be accurate.Would this still be true if we measured the spending per capita, in constant dollars?
Would it still be true if we considered the much more expensive financing of P3s as opposed to traditionally cheaper government financed construction, with a higher portion of cash from current?
I don't immediately know the answer to the above questions, that math would take me a moment.........but ......I have my suspicions
It's also true in terms of amount of infrastructure in delivery - Ford has over 50km of subways / subway equivalent in delivery right now - if we include Ottawa.. it goes up to over 75km. Then you get to LRTs, with another 36km under construction and more in planning (hamilton LRT).
The metro expansions alone will almost double the amount of metro track in the province.
On top of all that you have GO RER.. which is basically doubling the scale of the metro network expansion.
And this also ignores the investments into the existing network - Bloor-Yonge capacity expansion, new Line 2 trains, easier-access... etc.
The capital spend on transit right now is honestly insane. And I've said it on this board before - but despite Ford's rhetoric, his actual capital dollars spent on the provincial road network for capacity expansions has been below that of the McGuinty / Wynne Liberals, at least so far.