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News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Ford government moves to scrap ranked ballot elections for Ontario municipalities

From link.

The provincial government announced Tuesday that they plan to revoke the power granted to Ontario municipalities to hold ranked ballot votes for municipal elections.

In a press release issued Tuesday afternoon, the province said that it would move to amend the Municipal Elections Act to making voting “consistent” across federal, provincial and municipal elections.

Advocates for ranked ballot voting have long argued that it better represents the will of the electorate compared to the “first past the post” system traditionally used in Canadian elections and helps make the system more equitable and inclusive.

Ranked ballots allows a voter to list their candidates in order of preference. Candidates who receive the fewest votes as the top pick are dropped following the first round of counting and the vote of anyone who selected those candidates as their top pick is then transferred to their second pick and so on until a winner emerges.

In the “first past the post system,” the candidate who wins the greatest number of votes is the winner. The system means that candidates who least represent the will of most voters are sometimes elected because parties with similar ideologies split the vote. Proponents of the “first past the post” system argue that it is simpler to understand and prevents fringe candidates, some of whom might have radical ideas, from getting elected.

Following years of lobbying, the government of former premier Kathleen Wynne amended the Municipal Elections Act to allow municipalities to decide for themselves whether they wanted to adopt the voting system. The 2018 municipal elections were the first time that municipalities were able to use ranked balloting. While it was not widely adopted, it was used for the first time in London, Ont.

Toronto was working toward the possibility of a ranked ballot election in 2022. However a report last month by the city clerk advised that the COVID-19 pandemic had made much of the preparatory work impossible and suggested 2026 as a more realistic target.

The move to scrap ranked ballot elections was announced as part of the “Supporting Ontario's Recovery Act,” new legislation meant to shield essential workers from additional liability associated with health measures around the pandemic.

Ideally, Doug would like only (Progressive) Conservatives to be the only candidates in any provincial or municipal election.
Virtual education is not the answer. Why access to Wi-Fi at libraries is needed. The following is a US story, but can apply here.

A fourth-grader walked to school to use its WiFi because he didn't have internet at home

From link.

A fourth-grader in Roswell, New Mexico, has been walking to his shuttered elementary school to do his classwork over the building's WiFi because he didn't have internet access at home.

Schools in the Roswell Independent School District have been conducting classes online because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Angel Endecott says her son Jonathon turns 10 next month and is a very independent child. They live near the school, and Jonathon walked to school and home last year, when school was in session.

Endecott, who works in home health, lost both of her jobs at one point because of Covid-19. She's back at work at one of her jobs but wasn't able to afford internet service.

She said her son was happy when she told him to go to the school to go online.

"He was like, 'Yeah, I need to be back on the school property, and I could be like a normal kid again,'" she said. "Him just being outside of the building gives him that, 'Hey, I'm at school' feeling even though he's not around other classmates or teachers."

Endecott said their house is just across a field from the school, so she and her husband felt safe having him spend the day there.

"The principal, the secretary and a few teachers, they do come outside to check up on him and see if he needs anything," she said.

A teacher, who works in the school district, said she was heartbroken when she saw Jonathon outside the school earlier this month. She shared a photo of Jonathon with a friend, who posted it on Facebook after getting permission from his mom.

The post was shared widely online and someone who saw it offered to pay for the Endecott's internet service for a year.

The woman who posted the Facebook photo has created a GoFundMe account to raise money to help other kids get internet access.

Jonathon told CNN that he's able to talk with his friends and classmates online and that being at the school building feels more like being in school. He said his favorite subject is science.

His mom said he's been excited to get up and go to school and get a little bit of a break from being with his family.

She said he'd like to keep going to school even after the family gets internet service again, but the school district said he'd need to have a parent with him.
Provincial Budget arrives Nov 5th; that's one week from Thursday.

- Premier says no tax hikes coming.

- 3-year plan

- No plan to get back to balance until the Budget after this.

So, minimum, 4 years of deficits.

My thoughts:

* Deficit spending as with not hiking taxes is entirely reasonable in the midst of a broader crisis.

But tax hikes must be contemplated as soon as is practical, and it would be better if that discussion were in the open.

Given that the taps will likely be more open in the coming budget than any in memory, I truly hope we're able to fund some useful, long-term projects, both infrastructure and services and not fritter this investment away.
Sneak attack Doug strikes again.

Here's an article on it:

Doug Ford’s provincial government ‘sidesteps’ local community, overrules Toronto on developments in West Don Lands

Can someone let Ford know he's not the Mayor of Toronto?

Why do these recent Conservative governments have such a big problem with Toronto?
Sneak attack Doug strikes again.

I'm actually on stand-by for more info notice on this file. Of course I dislike the precedent this sets, but I think given that these are provincially owned properties that we are talking about here and that IO had a clear idea of what social objectives (affordable housing) that they wanted to deliver on the site, it is very likely that Dream negotiated the MZO with IO to expedite the approval process while still delivering those aforementioned social objectives.

Though perhaps I am being optimistic.
Sam Oosterhoof is now hiding from the media. Sad and amusing at the same time.

Well, this didn't help his case:

Laura Stone


The restaurant tagged by MPP @samoosterhoff in his group picture says in a Facebook post that a recent group "chose not to follow posted rules about wearing masks and distancing." Premier's office refers to @fordnation remarks yesterday, calling it "a mistake." #onpoli


(via )
Is anyone surprised by such irreverent behaviour from a notorious so-con bozo? This creep should be forced to resign.

What I am disappointed in is that it is a whole party of 40 - it isn't just a small group doing this. That's a lot of bad judgement and entitlement in that entire group.

