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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Who’s calling for full shutdowns?

Quash dine-in at restaurants. Close the gyms. Close anywhere people don’t wear masks. Close the places the age groups contributing the most to the spread visit often.

But no one said repeat March 18th all over again.
I misunderstood and that I largely agree with.

Think dine can remain in areas with limited cases.

I thought people calling for lockdown 1 again which I think would be a disaster on its own
Issue in quebec and ontario is different.

So just because quebec went into lockdown does not mean ontario needs to follow right away.

Maybe we can take steps to avoid a full shutdown.
Quebec is getting set to close its borders to interprovincial travel again according to an Ontario family member who has property there.
Ontario's 'dog's breakfast of guidance' around COVID-19 sowing confusion, distrust, some experts say

Friday's news conference contradicted earlier directive to restrict contact to own household

Oct 2, 2020

The Ontario government's confusing and contradictory information about how people should act amid the COVID-19 pandemic is leading to some public distrust of the province's advice, several experts say.

The more precise and concise messaging at the start of the pandemic has become increasingly convoluted, they say, leaving some people frustrated as cases surge.

"It seems like they're making it up as they go," said Laura Babcock, owner of the communications firm Powergroup Communications.

That seemed to be the case at Friday's provincial COVID-19 news conference, when reporters repeatedly asked if families should gather for Thanksgiving next weekend.

The press conference came just as the province issued a news release saying that it is "pausing social circles" and advising Ontarians to "allow close contact only with people living in their own household."

Instead of echoing that advice, Premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliott and other health officials all gave responses that seemed to contradict it.

Money is more important than the people in Ontario's lives for Doug Ford.

Many experts advised Ontario for months to boost COVID testing capacity. Sources say they just didn’t want to spend the money

Read link.

Ontario’s pandemic response feels frantic. The province’s COVID-19 testing backlog reached 90,513 on Friday morning, or more than double the province’s daily testing capacity. The daily case count hit 732, the second daily record in a week, though that was boosted by belated cases from the spring. The City of Toronto asked the province to place the city back in a modified Stage 2 for 28 days; Ottawa Public Health’s Dr. Vera Etches said, “Our health system is in crisis … (the system) is on the edge of collapse.”...
