Under section 67 of the Constitution Act, 1867, if the Lieutenant Governor is absent from the province, is ill, or otherwise unable to perform his constitutional responsibilities, the Administrator of the Government executes his office and functions. The Governor General-in-Council appoints the Administrator. The Chief Justice of Ontario, by tradition, holds a standing appointment as the Administrator, assisted from time to time by the Chief and Associate Chief Justices of the Ontario Court
Powers vested in Lieutenant Governor 1. In matters within the jurisdiction of the Legislature, all powers, authorities and functions that, in respect of like matters, were vested in or exercisable by the governors or lieutenant governors of the several provinces now forming part of Canada or any of the provinces, under commissions, instructions or otherwise, at or before the passing of the Constitution Act, 1867, are, so far as the Legislature has power thus to enact, vested in and exercisable by the Lieutenant Governor or Administrator for the time being of the Province of Ontario, in the name of Her Majesty or otherwise as the case requires, subject always to the Royal Prerogative as heretofore. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.13, s. 1.