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News   Jan 08, 2025
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Post: Suburbs, Calgary take over Toronto jobs

There is no dense residential anywhere in Calgary (assumption, not based on any fact other than flying into Calgary)

wait, you've only ever seen calgary from an airplane and you feel qualified to much such statements?

calgary is no toronto, montreal or vancouver, but come on.

^ And what does the other 99% of the city look like?
^ I've always wondered, is that a real place or is it some back-lot set they used for the movie? I have a feeling I've seen it somewhere else other than Edward Scissors-hands/
is that a real place or is it some back-lot set they used for the movie

It's Sierra Morena Circle SW, Calgary (not to be confused with Sierra Morena Gardens SW, 500 Sierra Morena Place, 400 Sierra Morena Place, etc., etc.)

Actually, most of it is real suburbs: Far-flung suburbs (more like exurbs) of Tampa, Florida. There really are pastel-coloured ranch homes in some of the Florida suburbs, like the ones I seen around Orlando.

(Though I was 13, and went on the typical Orlando Disney/Universal/tourist trap trip, I did insist on seeing the "real" Florida - so we as a family drove US 92 between Orlando and Tampa, and saw it in all its Dixie glory - my father was interested in doing this too).
