Well, you may be right, but it doesn't make it right. Quite frankly, I don't hear anything in her speech that jumps out at me or rubs me the wrong way. There must be more to it than the polishing and packaging of the handlers. South of us, they elected a leader who struggled to form complete thoughts (Ford's not far off). I'm not aware of the machinations of German politics, but it seems Angela Merkel doesn't fit the typical mould but managed to hold power for 15 years.
Oratory hasn't been a prominent feature of western politics for a long time. I quite liked listening to the timing, patterns and cadence of Obama. I suppose it's in the ear of the beholder.
She does have a distinct speech pattern. As well as a couple of noticeable body language tics (notably, she nods her head frequently when listening to someone talk).
Neither of these, of course, relate to her competency to hold the office of PM.
Would they affect her electability? I don't know.
Its important to say, successful candidates for office, both male and female have run the gambit of traits.
Our current PM certainly rode his looks and smoothness of speech in both official languages, rather than offering a substantive CV, intellectual heft/gravitas
Jean Chretien has little of the former; but did exude a folksy/self-deprecating charm.
But Stephen Harper was neither anyone's idea of a playboy, so to speak, nor particularly warm.
Its possible to get elected without relatability per se; if you're with the right party, in the right moment, and against the right opposition.
As example, Harper faced Dion, and Ignatieff from the Liberals, both of whom were university professors; but both came off as even more aloof than Harper.
Dion was further challenged by his limitations in English (which frankly was decent and far better than most anglo leader's French).....but he didn't
come off as funny, or warm or smooth....etc.. While Ignatieff has a slightly affected speech too, that combined with his having lived out of the country for much of his adult life, and appearing to have returned only to be anointed PM
was vulnerable to attack ads. In that case, Harper works as a candidate; but he didn't against Trudeau (Admittedly after a couple of terms of gov't that may have seen him exit anyway)....
All of which is to say, substance should trump style, or at least be a pre-requisite for holding office.
But the right kind of style, from a candidate, male or female certainly helps with getting/holding office.
However, it isn't necessarily the outcome definer on its own.