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News   Sep 20, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

The one thing that has always bugged me is the Speaker.
If my MP (or MPP) becomes speaker, I essentially have no voice in the house (legislature). They can only vote in case of a tie, and they can't speak on any issue.
I would say the parties should be able to nominate a non-MP as the speaker, then the MP's vote on who the speaker would become - likely the party with the majority would get their choice.
The situation needs to be called out. If it damages diplomatic relations with Iran, so be it.
Problem is that Harper shone the spotlight on the Iran regime and called them out for their terrorist associations. He closed the embassy in Iran in 2012.

In the past 2 years, Trudeau has been doing his best to restore relationships with Iran and normalize the government. It was a campaign promise in 2015. Some sanctions were lifted in 2016. A Canadian government trade missions has gone to Iran in advance of their elections in early 2017 - essentially normalizing the Iran regime - and a farther meeting was held in October 2017. The Trudeau government has invested a lot to show how they endorse the Iran regime. It must be hard on them now that some are saying that locals in Iran want a change and are calling it a murderous regime.
For whatever reason, the Liberal governments, and especially this Trudeau government, seems enamored by dictators. They have no concept of how the elections in these countries are not free and that the leaders are serving themselves and not the people.

Liberal Member of Parliament for Richmond Hill, Majid Jowhari,
As our government is closely monitoring the ongoing protests in Iran; it is my sincere hope that the brave nation of #Iran have the opportunity to air their legitimate financial, social and political concerns.. [1/2]
Cont’d. “With the support of their elected government, in a secure environment and without the fear of persecution. “ [2/2]

Liberal PM Justin Trudeau
“It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.

"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."
Problem is that Harper shone the spotlight on the Iran regime and called them out for their terrorist associations. He closed the embassy in Iran in 2012.

In the past 2 years, Trudeau has been doing his best to restore relationships with Iran and normalize the government. It was a campaign promise in 2015. Some sanctions were lifted in 2016. A Canadian government trade missions has gone to Iran in advance of their elections in early 2017 - essentially normalizing the Iran regime - and a farther meeting was held in October 2017. The Trudeau government has invested a lot to show how they endorse the Iran regime. It must be hard on them now that some are saying that locals in Iran want a change and are calling it a murderous regime.

Back in 2012, I was a CPC supporter and liked how Harper dealt with Iran. If anyone is normalizing authoritarian regimes, it is the guy in the White House. I suspect he is frustrated by having to deal with checks and balances and would love to have unlimited power. That is off topic though...

If people thought the delay in the BC election was bad, just look at Germany. They still haven't formed a government!
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Looks like Trudeau's new best friend is in some trouble.
Joshua Boyle, former Canadian hostage, faces 15 criminal charges

Everyone was suspicious of this guy when he was freed in the fall, yet Trudeau had to meet him. He took a pregnant wife to Afghanistan, and while in "captivity" decided to start his family. If this didn't ring alarm bells, I don't know what would.

It really is becoming embarrassing to the Liberal Party, and to Canada, what Trudeau is doing.
Apparently Alberta is picking up speed like a Tesla on whatever mental mode. Best of luck to Kenney, blaming the again-booming economy on Notley et al.
She should have been booted in March! Now she only gets kicked out because she won't take down a letter...
Poor form on the part of the CPC. Apparently, they were made aware of several such letters on her site as far back as September by a (I refer to them as concentration camps for kids, they sure as hell weren't schools) survivor from Sioux Lookout. This bloke apparently wrote to Scheer's office as well as I think the CPC Senate Leader telling them of these letters of "support". They ignored him and only did something with the publication of the Walrus article.
Also, Beyak's son is fully defending her with thoughts such as that he can't believe anyone would think that priests and nuns couldn't do good and that no logical person would think they could do harm.

Um...... ><'

Good take on how the CPC was late to the situation.

Poor form on the part of the CPC. Apparently, they were made aware of several such letters on her site as far back as September by a (I refer to them as concentration camps for kids, they sure as hell weren't schools) survivor from Sioux Lookout. This bloke apparently wrote to Scheer's office as well as I think the CPC Senate Leader telling them of these letters of "support". They ignored him and only did something with the publication of the Walrus article.

Red meat the for Liberals to campaign on. If you want to get a message across that the CPC is racist and bigoted, here is some good material.
