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News   Sep 13, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

The last residential school closed in 1996. It's not ancient history. None of it excuses China's current human rights abuses.
The last residential school closed in 1996. It's not ancient history. None of it excuses China's current human rights abuses.
Had nations threatened to boycott the 1976, 1988 or 2010 Olympics over Canada’s continued treatment of our indigenous peoples would Ottawa have acquiesced to their demands?

Today, Canada’s FN disproportionately face “overcrowded, poor quality housing, lack of clean water, food insecurity, unemployment, mental health problems in their youth and low levels of confidence in the justice system. In 2015, indigenous peoples (including Métis and Inuit) accounted for 25 per cent of homicide victims, despite only representing an estimated five per cent of the population. Canadian provinces also still allow the exploitation of indigenous lands by businesses and the lucrative extraction of natural resources on these lands, something which many indigenous peoples oppose.”’s-first-nations
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Just so we're clear, what happens here with FN people and what's happening in Xinjiang is not the same thing. Settle down on that one.

Anyone who can't distinguish between two radically different pogroms need their head checked, I don't mind telling ya.

We don't and never had mass sterilisations, organised rape and torture, mass surveillance, forced labour, etc of the FN peoples, unlike what's happening right now in China.

There are parrallels between what happened here and what is happening there, but they are not nearly the same.
Canada maybe didn't do it on quite the same massive scale, but I don't see a significant difference in what China is doing vs what Canada has done historically. It was wrong when Canada did it, and it is wrong now that China is doing it. I fear China is a bit more determined to erase difficult minority groups and Han-ify them.
I’m pretty sure you just described Indian residential school.

Sorry, where the hell was mass sterilisation and mass rape in residential schools?

I can't find any of that in the TRC report I have here at home.

Mass surveillance? Excuse you but the entirety of Xinjiang is a mass surveillance camp. The FN DID NOT have that here. Nice try. First of all, the technology being used didn't exist.

As I said above, anyone who thinks it's the same thing or on the same scale needs their head checked.

And trust, as someone who has had their head checked I know what the precipitory condition looks like and I'm seeing it here.

In any case, Parliament voted on the matter and every single MP but one Liberal and the cowardly government voted for the Conservative motion calling out China's genocide in Xinjiang.

There was one Liberal non-government MP who abstained. The cabinet abstained as well. All other MPs including all Liberals voted for the motion.

All the NDP, Bloc, Greens, Conservatives, all the Independents, and all but one Liberal.
I watched the vote live. I was actually surprised, as I thought there might be a handful of MPs voting against, but I guess, unlike you lot, they bothered tuning in to the parliamentary committee testimony.

I think the fact that that whole band of adult children voted for the motion tells us all we need to know.

If you're interested in educating yourself and learning about how it's not like what happened here, you can start by finding the relevant parliamentary committee videos on CPAC.

Or you can carry on with bullshit equivalencies.

In any case, if it were the same thing on the same scale, then it's even more imperative that as a thusly shamed nation we speak out against such horrors.

Open your eyes and learn about what's happening there. The Jews in 20th Century Europe wish they had sattelite images and witness accounts of the horrors they faced with which to unmask their tormentors.

I mean, I'm glad you're all comfortably ensconced in your Canadian homes with food in the fridge and nobody forcing you to do anything. Good on ya. Carry on.
Sorry, where the hell was mass sterilisation and mass rape in residential schools?

I can't find any of that in the TRC report I have here at home.

Mass surveillance? Excuse you but the entirety of Xinjiang is a mass surveillance camp. The FN DID NOT have that here. Nice try. First of all, the technology being used didn't exist.

As I said above, anyone who thinks it's the same thing or on the same scale needs their head checked.

And trust, as someone who has had their head checked I know what the precipitory condition looks like and I'm seeing it here.

In any case, Parliament voted on the matter and every single MP but one Liberal and the cowardly government voted for the Conservative motion calling out China's genocide in Xinjiang.

There was one Liberal non-government MP who abstained. The cabinet abstained as well. All other MPs including all Liberals voted for the motion.

All the NDP, Bloc, Greens, Conservatives, all the Independents, and all but one Liberal.
I watched the vote live. I was actually surprised, as I thought there might be a handful of MPs voting against, but I guess, unlike you lot, they bothered tuning in to the parliamentary committee testimony.

I think the fact that that whole band of adult children voted for the motion tells us all we need to know.

If you're interested in educating yourself and learning about how it's not like what happened here, you can start by finding the relevant parliamentary committee videos on CPAC.

Or you can carry on with bullshit equivalencies.

In any case, if it were the same thing on the same scale, then it's even more imperative that as a thusly shamed nation we speak out against such horrors.

Open your eyes and learn about what's happening there. The Jews in 20th Century Europe wish they had sattelite images and witness accounts of the horrors they faced with which to unmask their tormentors.

I mean, I'm glad you're all comfortably ensconced in your Canadian homes with food in the fridge and nobody forcing you to do anything. Good on ya. Carry on.
You’re the one downplaying the testimony of residential school survivors. Rampant sexual abuse and coerced or involuntary sterilization have been talked about for years. China is more technologically advanced than Canada was, but that is expected. By nature of being a residential school, the children were being monitored.

You want people to recognize the horrors in China, but have no problem dismissing the horrors that took place in Canada. More than one thing can be horrific and a tragedy. It’s not a goddamn competition.

Your whole condescending post just screams “tragedy hipster”.
You’re the one downplaying the testimony of residential school survivors.
I am not.

You want people to recognize the horrors in China, but have no problem dismissing the horrors that took place in Canada.
I have not. Read again, or better yet, stop seeing only what you want to see. Or, as I also said above: don't bother.

More than one thing can be horrific and a tragedy. It’s not a goddamn competition.
Yes, fairly sure I said the very same thing.

Your whole condescending post just screams “tragedy hipster”.
Sorry, that's much too clever for me. No idea what that might even mean.
Of course, you know nothing of my own history so I don't expect you to understand where I might be coming from.

For you to suggest that I'm downplaying anyone's experience would be offensive, if I could take offense to mischaracterisations such as yours. You're not the first. Won't be the last. Carry on.
So, Health Canada has approved three vaccines now and maybe four soon. What does the CPC have to say about this?

Personally I think Health Canada shouldn't have approved the AstraZeneca vaccine.

It is helpful to have options but when large chunks of people are refusing it and there are questions about its efficacy it shouldn't be allowed.

Europeans are snubbing it, it is not effective against some vaccines and the elderly may not find it very useful.

I would feel more comfortable taking the Pfizer or moderna vaccines personally.
