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News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Yeah, you're gas chambers (that we know of). Makes the mass rape, slave labour, mass sterilisation, etc seem like a decent short-term economic plan. Free labour! Genius!

Come one doesn't matter that there are no gas chambers, the effect of what is going on there is the same as if there were.
I just don't want to have the term genocide be reduced to meaninglessness. There is no mass extermination of Uighurs. China is trying to assimilate that population, quite brutally. But there is no mass extermination. We don't want to make actual genocides like the Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide seem banal.

The effect is not quite the same: we don't have millions of lives being snuffed out. It is bad that people are being oppressed for their cultural expression, but I don't think a Muslim being forced to eat pork is as bad as working children until they are near death and shuffling them into gas chambers.
My favourite ex-Liberal ever, Jody Wilson-Raybould today during QP: " for the Uyghurs, why is it 'genocide' for my people but not for the Uyghurs?"

Good question, Ms Wilson-Raybould. Good question to ask of a government that couldn't stand your doing your job properly. I feel it may be wasted on them however.
I just don't want to have the term genocide be reduced to meaninglessness. There is no mass extermination of Uighurs. China is trying to assimilate that population, quite brutally. But there is no mass extermination.

So rape and forced sterilisation isn't a form of extermination?

I'm wondering where the distinction lies.
So rape and forced sterilisation isn't a form of extermination?

I'm wondering where the distinction lies.
You must think abortion clinics are equivalent to gas chambers, then.

Not everything bad is at the level of 11. We can still criticize China for human rights abuses without engaging in hyperbole. Hyperbole more likely than not makes it easier for CCP to dismiss and ignore criticism.
- Trudeau too coward to call against Chinese genocide against Uighurs by the thousands in "re-education" camp. We know what "reeducation" means. In addition of them holding 2 Canadians citizen hostage in prison for bs reasons

- The US, with 10 times population, TEN TIMES, is getting everyone vaccinated 2 months before Canada, a country with 10 times smaller population to vaccinate

Trudeau's government is a mess and it shows in the actions. Not sure why he got elected the second time.
Canadians are giddy about his looks. Who cares, we're voting for a PM or a model? Complete useless inexperienced PM
You must think abortion clinics are equivalent to gas chambers, then.
They're nothing alike and abortion clinics are nothing like forced rape and sterilisation. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you know this because you seem to be quite intelligent. I'm assuming you're drawing up weird similes just to prove your point.

Not everything bad is at the level of 11.
That's fair and true.

We can still criticize China for human rights abuses without engaging in hyperbole.
Some of us can't, clearly. 😜
My usual self-deprecation aside, I don't think it's hyperbole to label a programme of mass incarceration, surveillance, forced sterilisation, and mass rape as genocide.

You'll have to better define the term for me to see your point.

Hyperbole more likely than not makes it easier for CCP to dismiss and ignore criticism.
They would ignore and dismiss criticism no matter what level of depravity they were found to be engaged in. That's what these totalitarian regimes are all about.
- Trudeau too coward to call against Chinese genocide against Uighurs by the thousands in "re-education" camp. We know what "reeducation" means. In addition of them holding 2 Canadians citizen hostage in prison for bs reasons

- The US, with 10 times population, TEN TIMES, is getting everyone vaccinated 2 months before Canada, a country with 10 times smaller population to vaccinate

Look, our government is beyond lame. They sacked Wilson-Raybould for doing her job. It just went downhill from there. But.....but! these two issues are not at all related and the vaccine panic is pathetic stood beside the crimes of the CCP.

Trudeau's government is a mess and it shows in the actions. Not sure why he got elected the second time.
Our shit electoral system that is only a potemkin democratic system, that's how.

Canadians are giddy about his looks. Who cares, we're voting for a PM or a model?
He ain't even that fit, trust. I don't think that's it. At least I bloody well hope not because that says a lot of bad things about a lot of people I have to live next to.

Complete useless inexperienced PM

At thist point, he's not inexperienced at all, let's be real. That's an old political attack that got stale about five years ago.

He IS, however, quite the knob. Let's keep it honest. :)
Just watching O'Toole and Paul and talking about the Olympics and boycotting them.

I don't know. Did we boycott the Moscow Olympics?
Did we lead a charge against a racist South African state?

Should we lie down now and take it because money?

Some on here moan about the Mulroney government and how, in the context of the current pandemic hysteria and the vaccine "problem", they let Connaught Labs be bought by a French company. Yet the Mulroney government led and international economic embargo against the racist South Africa government of the time.

Why does it seem like our government now are captured by a foreign government given how they deal with said foreign government?

To be clear, our Parliament, which is the purported will and representation of the people here, standsa against the Chinese genocide in East Turkestan. What's the question?
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Not that I'm a defender of the IOC or the Olympic Games themselves, which are largely an ad dollar circus. BUT... the movement is based on a competition of the world's best athletes, regardless of the country from which they hail or whatever government system the host country uses. I think there are some good reasons to respect that, otherwise, such international competitions would just not be possible.
My usual self-deprecation aside, I don't think it's hyperbole to label a programme of mass incarceration, surveillance, forced sterilisation, and mass rape as genocide.
Well, CCP has done many of the same things to the Han Chinese population (maybe not the mass rape). It seems to me that they are not trying to eradicate Uighurs, but to erase or neutralize them culturally.
Olympics boycott is more common than people make it seem to be...reading this thread, it sounds like some kinda armageddon when in reality hundreds of countries have boycotted the Olympics over the years for many reasons

It's not bad to boycott over human rights violations: illegal imprisonment of Canadian citizens, US already designated what China does to Uighurs population as genocide

List of countries boycotting Olympics

U.S. Says China’s Repression of Uighurs Is ‘Genocide’
Well, CCP has done many of the same things to the Han Chinese population (maybe not the mass rape). It seems to me that they are not trying to eradicate Uighurs, but to erase or neutralize them culturally.
Yes that is the definition of cultural genocide:

If they did it to other people within their population, means more reasons to boycott over human rights
Yes that is the definition of cultural genocide:

If they did it to other people within their population, means more reasons to boycott over human rights
Hence why I said it should be described as cultural genocide, and not genocide.

Cultural genocide is what Canada was up to until fairly recently with our native peoples population.
Hence why I said it should be described as cultural genocide, and not genocide.

Cultural genocide is what Canada was up to until fairly recently with our native peoples population.

Yes we are in 2021, not 1921, we need to learn from our pasts.
Slavery was normal once, and women not allowed to vote. The world has changed, so we should not place those standards upon our lives today in 2021

It doesn't justify China's treatments towards minority Uighurs: putting them into camps, torturing them, not allowing them to see their families, closing language schools and beating their men in isolation till they confess for some crime without proper legal process. etc. etc.

For every Olympics, there are 10x competitions annually for athletes to compete and spread their wings in: regional, provincial, federal, international
For example for Diving: there is a World Champion, national champion, provincial champion, North America Champion, etc. etc. etc.
And these happen annually if not more frequent, not just every 4 years
They're fine
