News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

A majority of seats! The CPC being under 30% support pretty much guarantees that. Vote distribution and efficiency is what matters. The last time a PM won a majority of the seats with a majority of the popular vote, I was two years old.
Fun maths....reminds me of Karma Police by Radiohead

Who else saw the memes of Trudeau and his hair today? The man needs a haircut!
There are memes of the man's hair? Pics or it didnt' happen! :p

I like his bush man look. It's what every Canadian PM should look like. What do you think I will look like when I becom PM? Trudeau's paving the way for bushman types like me to take over. Bout time.
If Scheer was in charge you can bet your ass we would have troops on the street.

People need to stop fearmongering about this. It's disgusting.

As someone who has served for two decades, I am patently sick of people acting like, those of us in uniform are out to oppress our fellow citizens. We are not. There has never been any such plan under any government. Nor do we have the capacity to deploy to every town and city in Canada. Our military exists to help fellow Canadians in trying times. And with the exception of the FLQ crisis has never been deployed domestically without a request for assistance from provincial governments, and even then without law enforcement authority unless accompanied by local peace officers.

All our mobilization to date has focused on building up spare capacity to do the domestic emergency response that civil authorities won't have the capacity for (think large forest fires), bolstering health care (like in Long Term Care homes or servicing remote communities) and providing the logistics capabilities (including warehousing and road moves and airlift) for critical supplies (like medical PPE).

In the absolute worst case scenario, maybe establishing control cordons with checkpoints would have happened. And in that case, your oppressors would be the local police officers and politicians directing all the legal consequences. Not the soldier deputized to them. And chances are if it ever came to this, you'd probably be damn glad to see those troops roll up. Not scared.
He can get shaggy like the rest of us.

Hair salons will be booked solid for months when this is over.....

There are memes of the man's hair? Pics or it didnt' happen! :p

I like his bush man look. It's what every Canadian PM should look like. What do you think I will look like when I become PM? Trudeau's paving the way for bushman types like me to take over. Bout time.

I saw GIF's of him sweeping his hair aside.

On a more serious note, Skippy has been pushing conspiracy theories lately. I would love to see him lose.
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People need to stop fearmongering about this. It's disgusting.

As someone who has served for two decades, I am patently sick of people acting like, those of us in uniform are out to oppress our fellow citizens. We are not. There has never been any such plan under any government. Nor do we have the capacity to deploy to every town and city in Canada. Our military exists to help fellow Canadians in trying times. And with the exception of the FLQ crisis has never been deployed domestically without a request for assistance from provincial governments, and even then without law enforcement authority unless accompanied by local peace officers.

All our mobilization to date has focused on building up spare capacity to do the domestic emergency response that civil authorities won't have the capacity for (think large forest fires), bolstering health care (like in Long Term Care homes or servicing remote communities) and providing the logistics capabilities (including warehousing and road moves and airlift) for critical supplies (like medical PPE).

In the absolute worst case scenario, maybe establishing control cordons with checkpoints would have happened. And in that case, your oppressors would be the local police officers and politicians directing all the legal consequences. Not the soldier deputized to them. And chances are if it ever came to this, you'd probably be damn glad to see those troops roll up. Not scared.

Tell 'em again!

Thank you for posting this....and for your service.
Not Scheer, though he did resign as leader. I was referring the Pierre whatshisname, who was using old, out of context photos as attack on Trudeau and implying he built a mansion at Harrington lake. The guy has gone full Alex Jones.
Oh, that's who you mean by "Skippy"!

Yeah, he's always been a bit deranged. As a former minister, shouldn't he know that Harrington Lake is a prime ministerial retreat for all prime ministers?

I don't know about him going full Alex Jones. Alex Jones is special. "Joe, I gotta be honest with you. I'm a little bit retarded."

When Poilievre attains that level of self-awareness is when we can compare him to Alex Jones. :D
