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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Thank goodness Trudeau is our PM. He's just announced a 75% wage subsidy to all small and medium sized businesses in order to avoid layoffs. His press briefings are a sea of reassurance vs Trumps'.

For all his faults, he seems to be stepping up and handling this crisis rather well. If he keeps it up, he'll get a majority in the next election easily.
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For all his faults, he seems to be stepping up and handling this crisis rather well. If he keeps it up, he'll get a majority in the next election easily.


Rather early days yet.

Aside from dissecting how public policy was handled throughout the crisis; the mountain of debt we're piling on is going to have to be serviced. How that is managed in subsequent budgets will be something to watch.

Note, I'm not arguing against the spending. Its quite necessary, in fact.

I'm merely pointing out it will have consequences.
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Rather early days yet.

Aside from dissecting how public policy was handled throughout the crisis; the mountain of debt we're piling on is going to have to be serviced. How that is managed in subsequent budgets will something to watch.

Note, I'm not arguing against the spending. Its quite necessary, in fact.

I'm merely pointing out it will have consequences.

No doubt, that debt will be a challenge for any government going forward.

When was the last time Canada did not hold any debt?
When was the last time Canada did not hold any debt?



We started the country, in 1867 with net debt per capita of $22

Lowest we ever got was 1869 at $21

That said, we have had periods of much lower deficits and indeed some years of surplus; and net debt to GDP in the early days of Canada would have been in/around 20% , as compared to today, hovering in the low 30's range, Federally.

Debt per capita, at its worst, was probably about 50% higher than today's levels, in the late 90s.

This, one year, won't bring that back, and that's good as we should avoid that.

However, it will close the gap some.

Federal and provincial polling. Both the provincial and federal Liberals doing well.
Someone in the CPC leaked Scheer's expense audit to the media. Needless to say, it is not a good look. Perhaps someone saw some bad internal polls?


Federal Polling: LPC: 34% CPC:23% NDP: 13% BQ: 7% GPC: 6% PPC: 2% Undecided/Refuse: 14% Innovative Research

Bad news for the CPC.
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Canada signs deal with Amazon to distribute medical supplies

Alicja Siekierska
Yahoo Finance Canada April 3, 2020

Canada has signed an agreement with Amazon (AMZN) to distribute critical medical supplies across the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Friday.

The federal government has tapped the online behemoth to manage the distribution of medical supplies, including masks, face shields, gowns, ventilators, and test kits.

“For the past few weeks, our government has been working closely with industry to produce the supplies our healthcare workers need like masks, face shields, gowns, ventilators, and test kits,” Trudeau said at his daily press conference on Friday.

“Today, I can announce that our government has signed an agreement with Amazon Canada to manage the distribution of this equipment to the provinces and territories.”

Earlier this week, Trudeau announced that the federal government will spend $2 billion on protective personal equipment, including masks, face shields, gowns, along with ventilators, test kits and swabs and hand sanitizer as the country fights the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ottawa has spoken to more than 3,000 companies that have offered to contribute in various ways in the fight against COVID-19. It has so far reached formal agreements with Thornhill Medical, as well as Medicom Group and Spartan Bioscience to produce medical supplies and equipment.

