The SAF discussion is an important one to have, although difficult on this forum do to the political background noise and trolling. Unfortunately a common problem for anyone pointing out the advantages of aviation.
I would like to highlight its relevance to Pickering Airport. The number of flights is expected to double in the next several decades. A worldwide trend, even in Europe It is projected to increase by at least 50%. Local accessible aviation capacity is important to make these flights as efficient as possible. Efficiency is not just landing slots, it is ground support buildings, taxiways etc. The more efficient our aviation infrastructure, the less fuel burned.
these flights need to be carbon neutral, and although electric flight is on its way, the majority of aircraft flights between now and 2050 will utilize jet fuel. SAF is a drop in replacement fuel able to reduce emissions , potentially to net zero depending on how the SAF is produce.
Canada used 7 billion litres of Jet A in 2019
the US produced 9 billion litres of bio diese fuel of all types in 2019.
Canada, although it has the potential to out produce the US in BioDiesel, produced less than 400 million lites in 2019 and almost none of that was utilized as SAF.
We need to do better, starting with a recognition of the importance of local production of SAF.
right now our efforts are inhibited but a misapplied carbon tax on SAF, politics of the far left that want to shut down aviation due to its role in the global economy.
Some of the provinces get it, for instance
Europe’s dominant airframe maker has committed to invest in SAF development and production in North America.
What is needed now is federal leadership with production incentives and for the industry to switch over to SAF.