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Pearson T1 - Pier F

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"Methinks this may be it: Walkway propels Paris metro into future. Note mention of Toronto near the bottom."

That's got to be it - neat stuff. Simpler than I had imagined. Looks like ours is 100m longer than the French!
The primary use of moving sidewalks, as I recall them, is to wait until late at night, start running at the halfway mark, and hurl yourself off the far end at full speed, which lands you halfway to the streetcar tracks. (Alas.) I imagine that a 9 km/h version could cause internal injuries; I can hardly wait.
Oh yeah, and the bit about we Canadians being the only types to have customes pre-clearance at some of our airports: I'm only repeating what I was told by the guy in charge at the first trial for Pier F. I don't remember his name or have his badge number, but that's what he said. He called us unique. Maybe he dreams in technicolour.

Tuesday is the big day...several articles in the Star today...

Pier F is pointing straight to the future - News - Pier F is pointing straight to the future
Not just another $800 million pretty place. They're banking on it to really put Pearson on the map

January 27, 2007
Bill Taylor
Feature writer

This is one secret you can tell in Pier F ...

The new finger outstretched from Terminal 1 at Pearson International Airport isn't just a much-needed extension. It points to the future – a symbol of Toronto's reaching for a bigger share of the aviation market.

With room to build three more piers, that finger could eventually grow into a hand.

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority wants Pearson to be a major North American hub, taking on New York and Chicago and offering passengers transferring between international flights a way to avoid the United States and its increasingly draconian security regulations.

American paranoia could become a selling point for Pearson as a relatively painless way-station for globetrotters, especially those travelling between South America and Europe and Asia.

That's an open secret.

Anything else – like saying "I love you" to someone you shouldn't – and you might think twice. You could be telling the world.

Richard Serra's sculpture, Tilted Spheres, which dominates the 37,000-square-metre "hammerhead" at the end of the pier, is like the Whispering Gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral – it transmits sound. Say something quietly at one end of the curved sheets of steel and the people at the other end will hear you.

Pier F, opening at midnight Monday as Terminal 2 dies unmourned, is full of biggers, betters, longers and fasters.

Biggest duty-free store; fastest moving walkway, bigger customs hall, more remote check-in terminals, more baggage carousels, easier ... everything.

Chief among the bad things that are disappearing is the evil Terminal 2, with its low ceilings, harsh lighting and lack of room. Even on a quiet day, it made you irritable. At busy times, as the lineups grew and your personal space shrank, it was one big temper-tantrum flashpoint.

The infield satellite terminal, with an irksome bus ride out to the planes, is being mothballed. It's likely only to be used a few times a year.

With an $800 million construction tab, Pier F invites superlatives, demands a "gee whiz!" But what's even more significant is that for the first time in a long time, Pearson International isn't simply replacing existing facilities.

"This is an addition," says GTAA spokesperson Scott Armstrong. "An addition to something new, at that. The new Terminal 1. We're adding capacity so we can be aggressive in going after new airlines and new routes. We're currently handling 31 million passengers a year. Pier F means we can now handle 38 million."

The aim is to handle them faster, with less muss, less fuss (you'll never do away with airport muss and fuss entirely) and get them from where they've come from to where they're going in one seamless manoeuvre.

Upgrades over the past decade, including new runways and taxiways, mean the airport could accommodate 50 million passengers a year. "We expect to reach that by 2020," Armstrong says. "Until now, the terminals have always been the choke-point for airport capacity."

Two gates in the Hammerhead can handle the giant new double-decker Airbus A380, which can carry more than 500 passengers. It's set to enter service by 2008. Armstrong expects a shakedown flight to Toronto some time this year to try out the airport facilities.

Jetliners, super-jumbo or not, are big and need a lot of space. Walking considerable distances is a fact of airport life. From the parking garage to the hammerhead is almost a kilometre – about the same as walking up Yonge St. from Queen's Quay to King. Even Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok, constantly vying with Singapore's Changi as the world's top-rated airport, has signs telling passengers how long it'll take them to reach their departure gate – up to half an hour or more.

Armstrong says that, given a clear run with no check-in or security lineups – unlikely as that may be – you can be at the hammerhead in about 10 minutes. Thanks to North America's first high-speed moving walkway, a two-stage conveyor belt (no neck-snapping acceleration and deceleration when you get on and off) whisking you along at three times normal walking speed.

Along the way, you may notice through one of the huge windows a rectangle of asphalt on the concrete apron where jets taxi. That's the "footprint," Armstrong says, of the old Terminal 1, a concrete bunker with low ceilings and bad lighting that always had the feel of escaping from Soviet-era eastern Europe. This ghostly image on the ground is a reminder of how tiny and cramped it was. Terminal 2, soon to be torn down, was almost as bad.

Terminal 3, built in 1991, will continue to handle some U.S. and international airlines, including most charter flights. There will be no Terminal 2 for the foreseeable future, though the old one will be forgotten but not exactly gone. The goal is to recycle 98 per cent of the building, with metal, glass and copper cable being sold. Armstrong says 100 per cent of the concrete will be crushed on-site for the base layer of any new apron that is laid.

The green theme continues in the way lights are switched off automatically, depending on the available natural light. The airport was crippled during the Great Blackout of 2003 because it was down to 50 per cent power, cutting in half the speed with which planes could be dealt with. Pier F, Armstrong says, wouldn't be affected by a similar blackout. It has its own power plant.

Terminal 3 and the new Terminal 1, which opened in April, 2004, are spacious, light and airy. Pier F continues this with high ceilings and long skylights. The planners have identified potential roadblocks and tried to deal with them. For instance, passengers transferring between international and American flights won't have to schlep all the way down the pier and back. Satellite customs and immigration posts have been set up at the hammerhead. To catch your connecting flight, you just go up or down a level.

Passengers on some routes used to be bused to the infield satellite terminal. That will only be used at peak periods, such as Christmas, March break and next time Detroit hosts the Superbowl.

Every big airport has to make do with remote terminals.

At London's Heathrow, many planes are a 20-minute bus ride from the terminals. Being stuffed onto a bus as crammed as a TTC streetcar at rush-hour is the last thing you need after a long, overnight flight.

Pier F's customs hall, Armstrong says, is one of the biggest in North America. There are more baggage carousels (served by 11 kilometres of baggage belts) so passengers from two or three flights won't be jostling to get their luggage from one place. But it's still a bothersome toonie to get a baggage cart.

They're even taking some of the hassle out of spending your money. The 930-square-metre duty-free area is arguably the largest on the continent, with everything from booze to mp3 players – and the inevitable maple syrup – in one place. There are other stores outside the duty-free area and a wide choice of food and drink, from Starbucks to a rum bar.

That's good business sense. But there's smart thinking going on all over Pier F. Room has been made to put in a road between planes parked at the gates and the building itself. When a jet moves, all ground transport around it – fuel-tankers, catering trucks, whatever – has to stop. If a jet is pushed back from the gate and then develops a problem, it can produce a traffic snarl-up that delays other aircraft. But this terminal-hugging road avoids that.

Arrivals areas aren't always inviting. Terminal 2 and the old Terminal 1 had dingy little spaces where everyone crowded forward, elbows jostling, to spot their loved ones. Pier F has a big open space where Pier F joins Terminal 1. Passengers emerge on a platform raised about half a metre so they're easily visible without anyone being crushed.

So simple and, when you've seen it, so obvious. But who figures all this stuff out?

"Someone smarter than me," says Armstrong. "There's a logistics staff dedicated to bridges, gates, baggage handling and the use of space and facilities."

For anyone arriving who can't speak English or French, staff can handle at least 60 languages. "Our information people have to be tri-lingual," Armstrong says. "We try to have different `tri's.'"

In 2005, Pearson was rated 17th best airport in North America and 29th in the world. It's expected now to climb in the ratings.

Without seeing it full of people, it's impossible to judge how well it'll live up to its promise. But it looks terrific – spacious, laid out logically and ingeniously planned. It hasn't been cobbled together in the hope that it'll work fairly well most of the time. It's meant to be hospitable while you're there but to keep you there for as short a time possible.

Inevitably, sooner or later, passengers are going to find themselves stuck in the hammerhead waiting for a long-delayed flight. The fixed arms on the seats mean you can't stretch out and sleep. And the upper level has a couple of bridges that have glass walls. If you're jet-lagged and not paying attention, it can seem suddenly as if there's nothing there to stop you falling off. Instant vertigo.

Otherwise, Pier F looks as good as anything Hong Kong or Singapore or Amsterdam's Schiphol – a perennial Top 5 contender – can offer. It should be as pleasant an experience as flying in these overcrowded times can be.

But any airport lives and dies by how easy it is to access. Even a rusty old clunker like Heathrow has a state-of-the-art rail link that connects with central London in less than 20 minutes. Hong Kong has a similar service (that can even take you to the local Disney World). Passengers using Pearson as a hub to connect to other destinations won't care. But for those starting and ending their journeys in Toronto, getting to and from the airport remains the worst part of the experience. We greet the world with a broad and welcoming smile but it rapidly turns into a gap-toothed grin.

That should be a guilty secret.
from Hume...

Bright and airy, it takes flight - News - Bright and airy, it takes flight
January 27, 2007
Christopher Hume

At a time when air travel has become hell on Earth, Toronto's Pearson airport actually manages to take flight.

The new wing, officially Pier F, is everything most such terminals aren't – airy, light-filled and maybe even a nice place to be. Given the appalling tedium and tortuousness, not to mention manifest paranoia, of getting around by plane in North America, that's no mean feat.

Here is an airport whose builders fully understand, even embrace, the power of art and architecture. Where most such facilities – Heathrow, O'Hare, LaGuardia – appear to have been designed for maximum confusion and discomfort, Pearson hasn't forgotten that behind every frustrated traveller there lurks a real human being waiting to get out.

Indeed, with its impressive sense of cultural awareness, this is an airport that seeks to engage visitors not just as consumers of bad food and overpriced merchandise, but also as thinking, feeling creatures. Of course, one would have liked more, but anytime you can go to a regional hub and encounter artworks by major artists, you know something's right.

In Toronto's case, the most obvious example is Richard Serra's Tilted Spheres, an enormous piece comprised of four gently curving steel plates that rise from the ground, exquisite and undisturbed. Carefully situated to create their own echo, they form a marvellous interactive mini-environment unto themselves. It will stop people dead in their tracks just to experience the amazing things it does with sound. Though there's a sense that the piece is crowded by the surrounding retail, it has the heft to hold its own.

"It will be the first thing passengers see when they arrive and the last thing they see when they leave," explains Boston-based architect Moshe Safdie, who with SOM and Adamson Associates designed the facility.

The monumentality of Serra's 120-tonne installation notwithstanding, the most popular artwork will probably be Gwynn Murrill's life-sized bronze tigers. However unlikely, the two felines seem right at home among the seating of the Pier F hammerhead. This is sculpture at its most accessible, the kind of work that kids will love as much as adults.

Dereck Revington's more abstract, Skin of fLight, is less striking. This three-part piece offers a moment of stillness in the endless stream of people moving through the airport, like a stone in a river. Resembling a series of frozen splashes, it seems destined to be a climbing feature for children, if not their parents.

The other big work is Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing #1100, Concentric Bands, located at the opposite end of Pier F, where it connects to Terminal 1. Bold,and hard to miss, it will become a beacon that animates the pier.

As Safdie points out, the artworks will serve as interior landmarks, one more way to help visitors negotiate Pearson's vast spaces.

But as he also makes clear, the logistics of North American airports are made especially difficult by extraordinarily demanding security requirements.

"The big decision that was made at the start of the process, and what makes this the most complicated airport in the word, is the division of travellers into various categories," Safdie says. "We had to link them but keep them separate all along the process. To make matters worse, we had to be able to switch gates depending on which group is using them." These categories are determined by country of departure and destination, and whether passengers are staying or connecting. Given that U.S. travel restrictions are so stringent, the hope is that Pearson will be able to take business away from American airports in the future.

"I dread a trip through the U.S. when I have to go through one of the hubs," Safdie says. "I would rather fly to Singapore or Hong Kong. Travel in North America has become a nightmare."

No architect or artist can change that, of course, but they can ameliorate the experience.

"I think the most important thing is direction," he continues. "It has to be self-explanatory. We used light to do that. We wanted to achieve clarity of space and generosity of space, and avoid that generic and anonymous feel so typical of large airports."

The architects' best touch, perhaps, was to let the structure be the architecture and architecture the structure. The languid curves of the roof are clearly visible as are the beams and cables that support them. The walls, inside and out, are largely glass, which allows for maximum transparency.

It may not be enough to make travelling fun, but at least we will be able to see where we're going.
Food chosen for comfort - QuickFacts - Food chosen for comfort
January 27, 2007
Hungry Pearson passengers longing for familiar brands, meals and prices will feel right at home in Pier F. Sixteen food and beverage spots in eight "zones" boast trustworthy names like Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Pizza Pizza and the Molson Pub (the only concept relocating from Terminal 2). Popular chain Casey's goes Euro with Via Della Bici, and rum purveyor Bacardi offers up Latin-inspired bar and grill Casa Bacardi.

There are quick service spots, restaurants with table service and made-to-fly meals. Since most of the people passing through will be Canadians taking U.S. or international flights, eating and drinking options were chosen to please them. "Travel has become such a stressful thing for many, many people and brands just provide the public with that extra sense of comfort," explains GTAA retail initiatives manager Janine Gervais.

New bars include the Queen St. Bar in the U.S. section of the terminal, the Gardiner Bar in the U.S. part of the pier, and the Island Bar in the hammerhead. – Jennifer Bain
I didnt see a lot about having the highest fees in the world. That seems like a challenge to their dreams of taking on the other big hubs on the continent.
In fact, I didn't see anything at all in there that might be called criticism (or critical) at all. Except that toonies for luggage carts are bothersome...
Re: a

Yes, where's the quote.? like this)...

"When Peason finally gets its act together, and the remaining Piers are built, we might finally have an airport we might call world class - and Toronto might begin to emerge from the long shadow of its timid colonial past. In the meantime we will have to make due - a sad situation in a city desperately in need of some real vision - and real architectual achievements".

What a jolt not to find that typical bit of letdown anywhere.
Re: Terminal 1

The Star keeps bringing up the comparison between the new Terminal 1 and Hong Kong's terminal. Having been to both airports (in fact in 2006 I flew nonstop between the two airports) I'd like to make my own comparisons...

While Toronto's new terminal is pretty massive for North American airports, Hong Kong's terminal in terms of scale is in a whole different class of its own. HKIA, one of the world's busiest international airports, has only one terminal (the world's largest), and that terminal only has one Y-shaped pier to serve all the planes. The pier is so long that it has its own underground people mover to shuttle passengers back and forth between its ends.

HKIA is better than Terminal 1 in the amenities that it offers. There is a large part of the airport which is really a high-end shopping mall. The arrivals hall contains a number of big restaurants (plus a McDonald's) which has patio seating which allows people to sit and eat while waiting for people to come out.

Toronto beats HKIA with its pieces of artwork (something which is usually lacking at Asian airports, even those that are newly built) and its transportation layout. Here you have a nice parking garage with bridges leading to the terminal building, and pickup/dropoff facilities are decent. At HKIA, unless you're taking the Airport Express train into the city, things can get very unpleasant. The bus stop is nothing but an outdoor bus loop under the elevated airport train tracks, and the parking spots are all at surface parking lots. It's not a really nice feeling to step out of the air-conditioned terminal and then to suddenly find out that you're waiting for the bus in 30+ degree heat!

But any airport lives and dies by how easy it is to access. Even a rusty old clunker like Heathrow has a state-of-the-art rail link that connects with central London in less than 20 minutes. Hong Kong has a similar service (that can even take you to the local Disney World).

The Star got it wrong. While the Airport Express trains share the same ROW with the train (the Tung Chung line) that goes from the city to Sunny Bay, the transfer station to the Disneyland Line, the Airport Express trains run express through Sunny Bay. I have no idea why it does that.
Re: Terminal 1

the old Terminal 1, a concrete bunker with low ceilings and bad lighting that always had the feel of escaping from Soviet-era eastern Europe. This ghostly image on the ground is a reminder of how tiny and cramped it was. Terminal 2, soon to be torn down, was almost as bad.

Reading that this morning, I thought that Hume couldn't be so dumb as to say that of old T1 at this point. Then I noticed it wasn't Hume who wrote that...
Re: Terminal 1

The big complaint about the new terminal is the much greater walking distance from parking spot to gate, especially to short-haul flights, when compared with Terminal 2.

I think the new terminal is great, though, and it is impressive that there don't appear to have been shortcuts taken in design or construction anywhere.
Re: Terminal 1

I've used the terminal twice so far and have no complaints. I don't understand these comlaints over walking distances - what you have no legs?
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