Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

Yeah, all they offered me was 30% off cable and free box rental, which is still $50+ for cable alone. Don't really want to sign for 2 years with bell, even with 6 months free, seems like it would add up after that point.

Yeah, I noticed yesterday while throwing out garbage that the green light was on the North one. I pressed it to recycling, but all it ended up doing was reverting back to waste.
Yeah, all they offered me was 30% off cable and free box rental, which is still $50+ for cable alone. Don't really want to sign for 2 years with bell, even with 6 months free, seems like it would add up after that point.

Yeah, I noticed yesterday while throwing out garbage that the green light was on the North one. I pressed it to recycling, but all it ended up doing was reverting back to waste.

After speaking to different Rogers people about cancelling, I was quoted $120, then $140 so I put through my cancellation. Spent all kinds of time on hold with them.... annoying. Then 2 days later I got a call from them saying they don't want me to cancel and will offer a similar package for $95.

I'm still going with Bell. 6 months free = ~$1200 of savings for the package I'm getting (~$600 for the package I would actually want). So even if cancelling it's worth doing. Otherwise there's no fee to downgrade.
I love how they randomly let people into your unit to do a repair because you didn't reply to an email same-day.
Knew someone was in my unit today....
I love how they randomly let people into your unit to do a repair because you didn't reply to an email same-day.
Knew someone was in my unit today....

Ya they seem to waver quite a bit on the whole 'required permission' thing, but it's gotta be tough juggling 180 units, so long as they're fixing things!

This time they re-leveled a pipe in the utility room that wasn't slopped properly, and adjusted both the utility room and main entry doors. Both items weren't mentioned by me or listed on my 30 day. My main entry door is way better now :)
They fixed a chipped tile on my bathroom wall, but the guy was obviously standing on the ledge of my bathtub with his boots on to reach it because paint has been scuffed off the edge a bit and there is a tiny chip. Most people wouldn't notice it, but obviously I do. If I had been there, I would have had him using my step ladder or something.

That's good if your main door looks better now. I can't tell if mine was looked at, looks the same to me. Hard to tell because the hallway light is burnt out.
They went in my unit too, yesterday, which I was thrilled about because I have chipped tiles on my bathrrom floor. They were there, made a bit of a mess, and my tiles are still chipped. I have no idea what they did in my bathroom, but they were there all right.
As Asmegin said before, how many times does it have to break down before they replace it??
AC still broken. No response from useless Skywater. Time for a nasty email.

I go at night so haven't noticed it being broken (even with multiple people inside it stays at 20-21).

On another note, one thing this building needs is unit directions when people get out of the elevators. (ie Units 200-223 <--|--> Units 224-245)
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I agree, directions would be great! I also exercise at night so I haven't found it to be to hot, although I did go in the afternoon once last week when it was warmer with the blinds up and it was very hot, I was dripping.
Did anyone receive an Enbridge bill copy outside their door from Skywater? I noticed a few other units had them outside when I was walking down the hall.
I suggest you guys look at the meter reading period on the bill. My bill is addressed to Vandyk and it goes from Mar 6 - Apr 10 and it's listed as FINAL.

I took occupancy April 11 and I have had two bills since then, one from Apr 11-Jul 29 and one from Jul 30-Aug 28, both in my name.

Vandyk or Skywater obviously can't read the meter reading period on the bill properly and is trying to charge people for usage when they didn't even live here.
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Did anyone receive an Enbridge bill copy outside their door from Skywater? I noticed a few other units had them outside when I was walking down the hall.
I suggest you guys look at the meter reading period on the bill. My bill is addressed to Vandyk and it goes from Mar 6 - Apr 10 and it's listed as FINAL.

I took occupancy April 11 and I have had two bills since then, one from Apr 11-Jul 29 and one from Jul 30-Aug 28, both in my name.

Vandyk or Skywater obviously can't read the meter reading period on the bill properly and is trying to charge people for usage when they didn't even live here.

I'm sure in all the forms we signed, one of them said we had to pay for the period between service activation and occupancy. The letter is odd though - says we have to transfer the account to our name so we can start getting bills. But.. that's already all done.
