Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

We already paid for all connection charges etc in our closing costs, why would we be paying for their usage before we even occupied? That's like saying we should get an Enersource bill for the time our unit was under construction and they had tools plugged into our outlets and portable heaters on, etc.

I think Enbridge was late in sending all of Vandyk's individual final bills before occupancy and they received them all recently. They are confused because at the top of the bill it shows for the period ending Aug 28, so they probably thought it was part of an August bill that we didn't change over into our name yet. Shows page 96 of 121 on mine, so they obviously received a stack at once.
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We already paid for all connection charges etc in our closing costs, why would we be paying for their usage before we even occupied? That's like saying we should get an Enersource bill for the time our unit was under construction and they had tools plugged into our outlets and portable heaters on, etc.

I think Enbridge was late in sending all of Vandyk's individual final bills before occupancy and they received them all recently. They are confused because at the top of the bill it shows for the period ending Aug 28, so they probably thought it was part of an August bill that we didn't change over into our name yet. Shows page 96 of 121 on mine, so they obviously received a stack at once.

I got my keys April 23 and the bill is for up to April 22. Has anyone emailed Harold about this?
Yes, I did. He said he is going to look into it. I am assuming someone at Vandyk didn't read the bills properly and passed them onto Skywater to send to everyone.
I go at night so haven't noticed it being broken (even with multiple people inside it stays at 20-21).

I notice it isn't working when there is no air coming out of the vents when the set temp is lower than the room temp. Obviously if it's cooler outside the AC may not need to come on to keep it at 20-21. As of last night it was working however, so I don't know whether it was fixed Wed or Thursday. Either way, problem resolved... for now. 'Til next time!
if you are already with Enbridge, and paying your bills, then ignore the letter, I spoke to Enbridge and they do not want us to pay because they already included it in our last bill. sky water told me to ignore the letter if I am paying my bills. All residents need to be transferred to Enbridge.
Skywater said they were instructed to send out basically reminders that utility bills per unit must be transferred into the unit owners names and that there were several cases where things weren't properly handled at closing. Well good for them, I'd be crazy jealous if I knew there were people having their billed paid for them. Unfair.

Also, I guess there are a fair bit of owners new to the country (like my neighbors) who may not even understand how certain things work. I dunno, I don't mind it all, a bit confusing for sure but I feel better knowing Vandyk and Skywater are around doing something rather than being phantoms.
This wasn't really just a 'reminder', this was Vandyk/Skywater not properly reading bills (which they are paid to do) and then they sent them out to everyone for billing periods before people even lived here, which is kind of rediculous imo.

They should also be sending these types of things by mail and not trying to save a buck by leaving them outside peoples doors, as this is somewhat of a privacy issue. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't really look into this bill and pays Vandyk's gas bill.
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Wonder when the performance audit of this building is going to take place and when the first condo board meeting is taking place.
Board of Directors should just get together now and start getting quotes from other property management companies.

Ive been reading all the posts after hearing about this forum on the terrace the other night. I don't entirely understand why the new Board needs to review quotes from other management companies. I've yet to see an issue that is a management issue not a developer issue... warranties blah blah. I dunno, I'm just really curious to see how the new Board of Directors and Skywater are going to impact our quality of living. It's a team now rather than a solo entity so who knows what the future holds.

Example 1: I emailed Anna because she the easiest to reach about the mouse trap on the first floor... started smelling bad.
She responded back right away and said that a pest control company was coming out Monday to do an assessment of the property and submit a quote for monthly maintenance. Thank God... I dislike live mice more than dead ones. AND I heard Javier got rid of all the traps filled with mice. Is there anything the guy doesn't do? He's always so helpful every time I bump into him and have a question. He'll call up Skywater right in front of me to get the answer. So awesome.... and the cleaning lady does an awesome job, everything is squeaky clean. Loving it.

Example 2: Noise issues are incredible in that building, I don't know if we have party animals or elephants for neighbors but every time I complained... Yes I admit it I complained... The next day a letter was put at my door with a copy of the letter they sent to my noisey neighbor... didn't help much but "A" for effort.

Example 3: Ok so yes the terrace was a problem, there were a couple REALLY nice nights recently when I wanted to go out there to unwind from a Hellish day and there was an obnoxious party happening. I didn't feel like I could enjoy myself and my right to the use of the terrace. When I first moved in I couldn't decide if I should book the terrace or the party room. Skywater had Javier show me the party room and I decided it was better in case of weather, but Anna told me that the only reason that they were allowing for part of the terrace to be booked is because there was nothing to so say otherwise in the condo by laws and as there was no Board of Directors elected yet they had no direction on the residents preference. She gave me a run down of all the rules, though. I guess Skywater heard about people breaking the rules and heard the residents not being happy about it because they aren't doing terrace reservations anymore.

Don't mind me, I've been accused of being too optimistic for my own good. Still I need to do some research on the distribution of responsibilities... Developer, Property Management, Board of Directors, Residents... it's complicated.
This wasn't really just a 'reminder', this was Vandyk/Skywater not properly reading bills (which they are paid to do) and then they sent them out to everyone for billing periods before people even lived here, which is kind of rediculous imo.

They should also be sending these types of things by mail and not trying to save a buck by leaving them outside peoples doors, as this is somewhat of a privacy issue. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't really look into this bill and pays Vandyk's gas bill.

True... I'll go give my copy back to Vandyk. They still on the third floor?
Property Managments are responsible for reviewing and paying Condominium Corporation incurred bills.. Not Developer bills. Especially considering I was just told by my lawyer (had to give him the call to get the details on all this) that condo wasn't even fully registered at the time of these billing charges.

Ugh... I just don't know where to stick the finger you know... There need to be some guidelines on responsibility. Where to go for what. I think chasing our own tails is what's stirring up thing more or less.
Overall, I am fairly happy with my actual unit, but the common elements and the way things are run are surely important to me, as this is the biggest investment I have made. Personally, I haven't found them to be very quick in getting back to me about any concerns I have emailed about and I have only emailed a couple times.

This forum would be kind of boring if people constantly made posts about how amazing the building was lol..
Overall, I am fairly happy with my actual unit, but the common elements and the way things are run are surely important to me, as this is the biggest investment I have made. Personally, I haven't found them to be very quick in getting back to me about any concerns I have emailed about and I have only emailed a couple times.

This forum would be kind of boring if people constantly made posts about how amazing the building was lol..

You have a point... about the forum being dull otherwise... shit even the Carebears back in my day had drama added to the story line to make it interesting. I may be the happy go luck sort, but I'm also tech savvy and utilize the all the email addresses I have on hand to get answers. I actually submitted a list of everything that I'm not content about with regards to the common areas and such via email earlier in the week. iPads and dull lunch breaks at work make me proactive like that LOL. I was informed that scheduling meetings for Skywater and the new Board to discuss issues has had it's delays due to car accidents and a board member in the hospital but they have now rescheduled for next week Wednesday and I am told that my list will be brought up :)))))

But I totally understand about it all being a huge investment.... which is also why I'm kind of bothered that it seems to be turning into a rental building... A fair bit I have chatted with in the elevator and the gym.... they don't own the unit. I don't think they feel the same responsibility and care that we do.
I'm actually pretty happy with the soundproofing on my unit. If my balcony door and windows are closed, I pretty much hear nothing. If I go into the halls, THEN I can hear music, talking etc from every unit. Maybe the people near me just aren't loud?

Sometimes when I go to check my mail I hear this one unit blasting rap music haha you can hear it from the elevators.
LOL... then I'm right... I do have elephants for neighbors.

If I have to complain as zzz encourages, haha... then I must say another major thing that drives me nuts is whoever is smoking weed on the floor... it is filling up the hallway, and old pot smells like skunk butt... SOOO gross. But legally what can be done?
I mean, Skywater and everyone is aware but unless you go sniffing each door and potentially getting high you don't know which unit it is exactly... AND... it's a sensitive issue especially if it's medicinal. Don't know what to ... :s
