Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

I am seeing empty beer bottles in the plants near the elevator, and dog poo on the grass by the door entrance. I never thought people can be inconsiderate. This is is all our new homes, and we should all keep it clean.
When I was in the gym the other day the elipticals were turned sideways and shit, why is that needed? Not enough space?? Put them back the way they were...

Sunday morning the AC in the gym was still broken. Anyone been since? Working yet?

Garage door still broken.

left Elevator still broken.

and yes, bottles and garbage everywhere.
I went yesterday and it wasn't working yet, but it was a holiday.

Those 3 things are my biggest annoyances, since they are constantly not working properly and not being fixed properly.

Yeah, you would think if people are going to have parties and stuff that the unit owner or person renting it would make sure their guests properly dispose of their garbage, not leaving it around the building. What a bunch of pigs.
I went yesterday and it wasn't working yet, but it was a holiday.

I agree, but given that it's been broken for some 5 days now, the holiday shouldn't make a difference. It's next impossible to get issued resolved in our building. Nothing is done until there is a big fuss made - that's the only way to light a fire under Skywater's ass, otherwise they are entirely useless.

I am messaging you for a 3rd time now regarding the broken AC in the gym. It's been 5 (maybe more) days that it has not worked at all. As per my previous complaints, it is unpleasantly warm in the gym, making it an unwelcome setting for a workout. These are amenities that should be properly maintained at all times as many people use them and rely on them as part of their lifestyle. I, as well as other property owners would appreciate it if Skywater held up their part of the agreement in ensuring amenities such as this are properly maintained, and issues were addressed quickly and effectively.

Feel free to email Harold with all your comments/concerns about what a shit job Skywater is doing:

"Harold Pizel, President of Skywater Property Management has been managing real estate operations in Metropolitan Toronto over the past 20 years... As members of the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) and the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI), we uphold the highest industry standards" -
I will send another email.
I think Vandyk is partly to blame as well. This is a brand new building that has been lived in only since mid-March. For these things to constantly be breaking down is pretty ridiculous. They are the ones that had this stuff installed, Skywater is just picking up their mess.

Also seems like the hallway doors are starting to slam closed again, at least on the North side.
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The elevator technicians are on strike so the time it takes for service can vary.

The A/C unit in the gym is under warranty as is the garage door. The installers will not come out to service on the weekend, hence the delay. Everything will hopefully be taken care of today.

A/C appears to be working again the gym and I saw a guy fixing the garage door again.
I totally agree with you, the garbage around this place is disgusting, I feel like I am back in university living in residency. I constantly am finding beer bottles/cans, food etc. in the hallways, elevators and front lawn, it leaves such a great impression on the Realtors and potential buyers. I live on the second floor at the south side of the building and our garbage chute area is always being filled with peoples garbage bags, just to lazy to pull the handle and put the bag down themselves.

I also emailed Harold today with a list of my complaints and issues with the building, with my biggest complaint being the state of the visitors parking both above and below ground. We have a new puppy and I am often out at 3 or 4 in the morning and more often then not the visitors parking is full, and it doesn't matter if its a weekend or weekday. I know they put up their notice that they will start to enforce parking but I am not sure how they plan on going about this. I suggested to him maybe each unit is allocated a certain number of overnight passes a month to which people can use as they wish. I just think it is ridiculous that people can bother to pay to rent out another spot. Their is one unit in particular that I have seen that park both of their cars in the visitors parking, either they own three cars or are just to lazy to park underground.

I also noticed somebody down fixing the garage door today, so hopefully it will be fixed this evening as it appears to be working right now
Yeah, people are slobs. They just don't care because they know Victor/Skywater will clean it up, which is stupid.

Parking is annoying. I feel sorry for the people who paid $15,000 or whatever it was for a second spot, or are paying someone monthly for the spot, while others are parking their second/third cars in visitor parking. I agree, it's going to be hard to enforce. If they do give passes, it will be an added cost and I don't know how they would monitor them as people would just make copies or whatever. And who is going to come at night and check them all? Something has to be done though, everynight the parking is full, people are parking in the fire lanes (this one is easy to enforce as Mississauga Parking Enforcement will love handing out those big tickets).

Elevator strike ended last Friday, so hopefully that gets fixed soon.

Won't be able to check out gym for a week or so, but glad to hear it's fixed (for now). A lot of the problems just look like the contractors messed up. I think it was a bidding process so Vandyk maybe went with the cheaper companies? (see: painters :D ) Who knows!

It's too bad there weren't more security cameras installed. Once the board gets going we could check who is littering/breaking things and start fining them :D
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I got a response from Harold within twenty minutes. He basically said a newsletter will be distributed this week that will address alot of my issues I mentioned. He also said regarding the mail delivery that it was something that should have been addressed weeks ago, and that it is a problem on Canada posts side. So I put a call into them and am supposed to here back this week, but Harold said it should be fixed this week.
They should do something about the cars parking on the side street, there are so many cars, it was never full like that before, I really dont like to see all those cars when I drive, when there are lots of parking space for rent
When I went to Canada Post on Friday the lady there mentioned that the guy had come that week to deliver, but that the key he had didn't work or something like that. Hopefully that was addressed and delivery starts asap.

The cars on the street could be easily solved if someone places a call to Mississauga parking enforcement. I think you are only allowed to park on the street for a few hours and definitely not overnight.
Its definitely a bunch of cheapskates who aren't bothering to rent a 2nd spot. Seems a lot more prevalent on the weekends for sure. Don't like seeing them parked in the roundabout and on the end near the dumpster, makes the place look like shit and disorganized.
I will send another email.
I think Vandyk is partly to blame as well. This is a brand new building that has been lived in only since mid-March. For these things to constantly be breaking down is pretty ridiculous. They are the ones that had this stuff installed, Skywater is just picking up their mess.

Also seems like the hallway doors are starting to slam closed again, at least on the North side.

I do agree with you. Both can be blamed, but it just irritates me that there is no mechanism for getting issues resolved in timely manner. Something will be broken for a few days, and eventually someone contacts Skywater... then we all just wait not knowing if Skywater has been notified, or we contact them as well. Skywater provides very little feedback so we never really know what's going on. It would be nice if we had some sort of email list or e-bulletin with up to date information.

eg. "X is broken. SKywater is aware of the situation and have contacted the appropriate parties. Y is the expected date of resolution".

It's just frustrating having shit broken for days at a time and not knowing what to expect.
