Panorama Condos (Concord CityPlace) - Real Estate -

Good luck with that. Developers are allowed to make modifications. It's worth a shot though.
Visitor's parkings are taken by contractors. I need a parking for one night for this Saturday, June 5. I will pay $10-$15. I can leave an envelope with money at your door or with concierge. Please PM me if you can help me out.

Ok, so finally got Internet again and the move in is done. But was it ever a challenge. For anyone that is in the building, make sure you do not run the dish washer or cloths washer if you are not home and keep an eye on them. The first time we did the dishes, found out (in a really hard way) that the drain was not connected. Took us almost one week to get someone to fix it and they changed all the flooring in the kitchen. At least they fixed it right. Then there was the drain for the AC above us which was disconnected and our bedroom ceiling got wet. But they fixed that right way too. I would much rather not have to deal with all of these, but at least they have fixed it. As far as the fridge, is not really a big deal that we didn't get, but at least they gave us a better locker. I also hear some units on the 7th floor had a rough night, last night when we got all that rain. Apparently the drains can not handle that much water. I hope this is the end of our problems...
isnt having wood floors in the kitchen a very bad idea (e.g. spills = warped wood) ? Im surprised they didnt use Tile of some sort. I like the look of the building + the huge balcony/terraces, but the kitchen baffles me.

Hows the sound proofing so far for those who have moved in? (noise from the highway)
Ok, so finally got Internet again and the move in is done. But was it ever a challenge. For anyone that is in the building, make sure you do not run the dish washer or cloths washer if you are not home and keep an eye on them. The first time we did the dishes, found out (in a really hard way) that the drain was not connected. Took us almost one week to get someone to fix it and they changed all the flooring in the kitchen. At least they fixed it right. Then there was the drain for the AC above us which was disconnected and our bedroom ceiling got wet. But they fixed that right way too. I would much rather not have to deal with all of these, but at least they have fixed it. As far as the fridge, is not really a big deal that we didn't get, but at least they gave us a better locker. I also hear some units on the 7th floor had a rough night, last night when we got all that rain. Apparently the drains can not handle that much water. I hope this is the end of our problems...

I have not had a chance to run the dishwasher yet. Am I able to check the drain is connected before I start the dishwaher? My washer is running fine. How do I request for a better locker or parking spot??

Also for anyone who is in the building that have holes ready in the ceiling for additional lighting, are we able to add pot lights into them? The holes have no room for the metal box that comes with the pot light. Anyone have ideas?
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Hey guys,

Finally got my keys today! ...and I'm a bit upset about how they have only fixed half of the stuff.

Also to follow up on the glass, I decided not to get it since I think the counters will be fine without it...though it'd look much nicer I'm not sure if it's worth it.

Anyway my biggest issue at hand: parking. Is anyone here looking to rent or sell their parking spot? I'd prefer to buy a second parking if need be but renting is fine by me too.

PM me with an offer! Thanks.

Can anybody tell me when did the buildng started occupying for the first time? I'm just trying to estimate when will be the final closing for ? I know it usually 3-6 month after start of occupancy
I have not had a chance to run the dishwasher yet. Am I able to check the drain is connected before I start the dishwaher? My washer is running fine. How do I request for a better locker or parking spot??

Also for anyone who is in the building that have holes ready in the ceiling for additional lighting, are we able to add pot lights into them? The holes have no room for the metal box that comes with the pot light. Anyone have ideas?

I would probably just pour some water in and then see if it drains.

And you can't really request a better locker or parking spot. If you do, you'll need to get your lawyer and Concord's lawyers involved since they need to change this on the title, etc etc.

What's so bad about your parking spot anyway? I noticed this entire parking lot has really tight parking stalls in the first place. I would imagine the only parking stalls not assigned at the moment are the "Small cars only" parking stalls and handicap stall.

The round hole they have provided is for a box to go over. Unfortunately I don't think you can do it unless you can find a way to remove their box and you might need to cut into the ceiling in order to put your pot light. In all honesty I wouldn't do it. I'm looking at putting track lighting in the kitchen and dining area and in the bedroom between the closets I'm thinking of putting in either a 3-light cluster or a dome light.

I still haven't figured out what those two light switches in the master bedroom actually controls but I have a feeling it's for that box.
Check your paperwork if you're installing lights; you may be required to have a licensed electrician or risk voiding warranties.
I have not had a chance to run the dishwasher yet. Am I able to check the drain is connected before I start the dishwaher? My washer is running fine. How do I request for a better locker or parking spot??

Also for anyone who is in the building that have holes ready in the ceiling for additional lighting, are we able to add pot lights into them? The holes have no room for the metal box that comes with the pot light. Anyone have ideas?

Unless you are on a floor with a drop (drywall) ceiling you cannot put potlights in most condos.. perhaps bulkheads, but not on concrete ceilings.
Thank you for the helpful information everyone. I guess I will look into alternatives for the lights.

Welcome to the building Andy. One of the switch in the bedroom is the main switch for the power outlets in the bedroom. The other switch is probably for the round hole in the closet area. My parking spot is all the way near the end of lvl 3. It's inconvenient getting in and out of the car with a full wall next to the spot.

Occupancy started May 17th. I'm guessing final closing would be around Sept/Oct.
Looking for parking spot

Hi guys,

I'm looking to rent a parking spot. If you have one available or know of any parking spots available for rent, can you please pm me.

aznuwee, apparently there's a list that's with the conceirge for renting parking. I'm still on the other list (the one for buying a parking stall which is with Concord) and I'm also on the list for renting just in case (but I'm pretty far down the list). However, according to the conceirge, the building is already 60% "occupied" yet the parking lot is probably 5% filled. A lot of the people still looking for parking are RENTERS too not owners. It looks as though a lot of people decided to rent out the unit and parking separately so I think renting shouldn't be an issue with this building. To be honest, I don't even know if there's anyone living on my floor except me.

And yeah, I've been driving my fiancee's car while my car is still out West awaiting shipping (and parking) and it is pretty tough to get out of the parking stall. However, I've been practicing parking it like there was a guy next to me and I find the easiest way to get out of them is to back straight out, crank the wheel slightly so you're backing out at an angle, keep backing out, then once you've cleared the cars in front, crank the wheel completely and you'll be about 90 degrees to your parking space and far enough that you can just drive straight out and out the parkade.

On a side note, sucks to be the guy who owns the H3 Hummer on even more to be the guy who gets assigned to park next to him.

To be honest, I'm concerned with the high number of units being rented out. In my experience, a lot of people who rent just don't seem to take care of the place or care about the other residents.
