Active Member
My appointment went well! After a lot of thinking I decided to go with the brown package. I replaced the carpet to the beige one that’s in the rod package and switched the counter top to the one that's in the light package. The bathroom comes with grey tiles so I think it will look nice. I really liked the bathroom that’s in the 2 bedroom model suite but those colors are all discontinued. So be careful if you were planning to pick that combination. In terms of upgrades, the standard ceilings are popcorn and to have them smoothed out its $6 per sqf. To upgrade the flooring to all laminate its $6 per sqf. There are other upgrades available such as setup of tv mount in the living room. I think it includes the installation of plywood and wiring and the price was around $1400 if I remember correctly. Or you can request to just have them install the plywood in the wall for support in case you ever decide to add a tv mount. This way you will not have to open up the drywall. The cost of that was $350. It’s probably worth it but I declined it. Oh and to change the kitchen backsplash it's around $40 which is not bad, but unfortunately they do not have a lot of options to choose from.
Hope this helps and good luck on your appointment as well!
Hey Ana,
I stopped by yesterday and overheard an appointment going on around noon. I heard the lady talk about the $1400 for the extra plywood..thats a rip off! And why is the 2nd bedroom bathroom discountinued? that makes me sad! My appointment is June 5th..cant wait but not looking forward paying for the upgrades. Ive decided to upgrade my counter top to this other one that is $900 extra (not too bad considering most) and I want to change the carpet to the same as yours. Any other upgrades they told you about?