One Bloor East Condos (Great Gulf Homes) - Real Estate -

Last thing about CC. Why do they use such tiny baseboards? Thought in this development they'd be more substantial but the same tiny basboards I see at Charlie, X2, St Nicholas, etc.

Yikes, it looks to be even thinner than the door casing and on top of that they slapped on that dreaded quarter round on top (didn't know that was still done these days unless the hardwood installers were really sloppy).
These baseboards will require twice as much dusting/cleaning, which is a real first-world pain.

I can't wait to see the finishes on the higher floors.
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Cecconi Simone had a nice start but now I find myself growing tired of their designs. The kitchens with these oversized islands that take up half the kitchen.

As far as the look goes, keep in mind One Bloor has 3 levels of finishes. Higher floors get "high end" finishes, mid floors get just below that and lower level get the low end finishes which is what you'd find in the average condo. Finishes were very basic. If I remember correctly, it was granite or corian standard. No Ceasarstone. The styles were very limited.

I stated earlier that GG was nickle and dime-ing on the finishes and charging for things you'd get standard in other projects.

I still have no doubt the building as a whole will be spectacular but was disappointed by color selection.

Last thing about CC. Why do they use such tiny baseboards? Thought in this development they'd be more substantial but the same tiny basboards I see at Charlie, X2, St Nicholas, etc.

Yikes, it looks to be even thinner than the door casing and on top of that they slapped on that dreaded quarter round on top (didn't know that was still done these days unless the hardwood installers were really sloppy).
These baseboards will require twice as much dusting/cleaning, which is real first world pain.

I can't wait to see the finishes on the higher floors.

Cecconi Simone was generic 10 years ago and they've gotten lazy and more blah - copy and paste every project
I actually like these large islands but in a larger space. I think that overall the design where kitchen and island are on the shorter side of the perimeter works better for a small size condo. The problem here is not just that the island takes up half the kitchen and a quarter of the living room, it also creates a narrow corridor from the front door to the living area. Imagine people come in with a backpack, grocery bags etc, and if it is more that one person, there is literally no space to come in. I think the problem with CC is that the same design is indiscriminately applied to large and small spaces, but designing small spaces takes special consideration, and it is less forgiving.
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My current condo was designed by CC and I am only so-so with them. They seem to be very popular as a lot of condo developments I've been looking at in the past year have interiors designed by them. :( And I agree that they are very generic and form over function; I hate their washroom sinks that are slanted, islands that are too large that lack storage space, etc. I don't think they are the worst I've seen, but I can almost guess that a showroom was done by CC now.
PDI went pretty well for the most part. I'll say they have a ways to go before the building is anywhere near ready. Pretty much a construction zone. The workmanship is pretty decent and the finishes turned out better than expected. We were given over an hour and were pretty pleased with the process. For those who are not happy, trust me I've seen much, much worse from the many PDIs I've experienced over the years.

Will post pics later.


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PDI went pretty well for the most part. I'll say they have a ways to go before the building is anywhere near ready. Pretty much a construction zone. The workmanship is pretty decent and the finishes turned out better than expected. We were given over an hour and were pretty pleased with the process. For those who are not happy, trust me I've seen much, much worse from the many PDIs I've experienced over the years.

Will post pics later.
I like your finishes, the colours work together very nicely. How soon is occupancy? I was told they start mid November but I do not see any progress in the corridor on your pictures compared to when I was there.
I like your finishes, the colours work together very nicely. How soon is occupancy? I was told they start mid November but I do not see any progress in the corridor on your pictures compared to when I was there.

Thanks. Yes, occupancy should be within the next week or so. I wish the construction was further along but this seems to be the norm. I've seen occupancies without fridges, doors, sinks, etc so the fact that the unit was ready to go was a pleasant surprise. The wallpaper is up in the hallways so the carpet shouldn't be too far away. I admit there's quite a bit of work to go.
Big thanks to the folks posting pics from their inspections; very cool for the rest of us to get a glimpse inside before we strategically befriend residents on high floors.

Also, that is one serious pillar.
Yes, for some reason GG projects seem to have these humongous pillars. Saw the same thing at X2 but the unit I saw had 2 of these things.

BTW, that pillar picture is of a 2 bedroom unit. It is tiny and cramped. Good luck fitting regular sized furniture in there.

question, how many floors does a usual highrise occupy per week ?
would 1 floor per week be realistic? or can it be much faster like 3 floors per week?

I hear the 14th floor is occupying in early Jan.
how many weeks out would we expect the 30/50/70th floor to occupy?
