I got my first shot (AZ) at my family health team in April, a few days after my 40th birthday. It was so easy, that one.
My second shot, Pfizer, was at a city-run clinic at Downsview Park. Again, it was super smooth, with only a few minutes of waiting in line for registration and then again for the shot itself. The total time there, including the 15 minute observation, was less than 30 minutes.
The first booster appointment I could nab was the TEGH clinic at Thorncliffe Park, on the second floor of the abandoned Target, on December 30. That was a shitshow. Though this too was an appointment-only clinic, the line stretched down the driveway and halfway along Overlea Boulevard with them running an hour late. Once you got inside after hearing your 5-minute time slot called, there was yet another 15 minute long line for registration at the top of the escalator, and then another long, slow line for the shot.
So I was there for over 100 minutes.
The traffic in and out of that mall was awful, with people waiting in line having to navigate all those inpatient drivers.