News   Sep 17, 2024
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News   Sep 17, 2024
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News   Sep 17, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Apparently based on the fact that they administered a full dose instead of a half-dose... Well, I can say the third Pfizer dose I had yesterday is the worst of the three when it comes to side effects!

That's interesting. Did you had much of a response to the first two?

Apparently based on the fact that they administered a full dose instead of a half-dose... Well, I can say the third Pfizer dose I had yesterday is the worst of the three when it comes to side effects!
I guess effects vary, my 3rd was probably one with the least sore arm and almost zero other (minor) effects.
Something to look forward to?

That's interesting. Did you had much of a response to the first two?

Nothing after the first, and mild body aches for a couple of hours the day after the second. Fatigue and lots of body aches today, but an Advil helped. It's not recommended before the shot, but it's apparently ok after.
Other than some changes in the long-term care system, Dr. Moore's unscheduled appearance was just more pleading on vaccines and nothing else. He actually reminded people to wash their hands when everybody knows it's basically useless because the virus is airborne. Vaccination capacity is laughable - my business partner and his husband were in the system just after me yesterday, and their appointments are in 2 weeks! SDM has nothing available either. They are reacting too slowly, and Ford is in radio silence and wasting a great opportunity to look decisive a few months before the election. Anyway, back to work before my head explodes. /rant
Someone I work with who has a spouse that is a teacher in TDSB and said this afternoon they were told to prepare contingency plans for a two month school shut down starting January 1.
Kenney is relaxing gathering restrictions in Alberta. What a perfectly appropriate time to do so! Unvaccinated people can now gather with the vaccinated; groups of 10 (not including kids!) are allowed. Apparently, he eliminated the restrictions on unvaccinated people because they were not widely respected. I am not sure how someone with that level of logic can become premier.
