News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Sigh, so much for my hopes.

The reward for unethical and hypocritical behavior is a 7-figure pay out.............

What's the reward for misspeling 'behaviour'? :p

These people have done more of a disservice to their own calls to action in regards to the pandemic than any conspiracy theorist army could possibly hope.

What a joke.
Sad to see endangered gorillas at San Diego Zoo test positive for Covid.

Several gorillas test positive for COVID-19 at California zoo—first in the world​

Two of the gorillas first began coughing on January 6. Zoo staff collected fecal samples and sent them to the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System. That lab and the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed the infection on January 11.
Poor woman got a $3,000 ticket for breaking curfew. She was driving back from visiting her sick dad. I'm calling BS on the officer can't speak English. He was just being ignorant and chose not to speak English.

How about following the rules and not crossing provincial boundaries? Sure, she wants to visit a sick relative, but what if she brings a new case of Covid back to Ontario? Or what if she’s asymptomatic and gives Covid to someone in Quebec?

Except for groceries and walking the dog I haven’t left the house since March. Where are these thousands of Ontarians catching Covid?
How about following the rules and not crossing provincial boundaries?
I'm not sure that's a rule anywhere....and if it were, it'd be illegal.

Except for groceries and walking the dog I haven’t left the house since March.

Iirc, you've gone on some bike days out of town, no? I'm not calling you out because I care that you left town (I don't....I've left as well), I'm just trying to jog your memory. :p

Where are these thousands of Ontarians catching Covid?
Mostly at work and in LTC homes, wasn't it?
Yeah, and schools.

One of my colleagues had to be laid off because of the constant school-related disruptions with his kids.

It was a constant scare of outbreak or actual outbreak. Every other day he was picking one up early from school or the other from a daycare in a different school. And his wifey is a teacher at a third school, making it even more fun.

It was ridiculous. Now he's going insane at home with the kids. :D
Another bureaucratice travesty, in addition to the dismantling of the pandemic early warning system. (If you haven't read about that one in depth and feel like being vexed......check it out)

A small, specialized unit within the Canadian military's intelligence branch began producing warnings about COVID-19 in early January 2020, based largely on classified allied intelligence. Those warnings generally were three weeks ahead of other open sources, say defence insiders. But documents show that the COVID-19 rapid risk assessments of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) — which politicians and public servants used to guide their choices in the early days of the pandemic — contained no input from the military's warnings, instead relying almost exclusively on World Health Organization information gathering.

Update to the above:

"Due to the limited epidemiologic data from China, and limited virologic information available for the etiologic agent, the confidence level for this assessment is considered as 'low' and the algorithm outputs remain uncertain at this time," said the Feb. 2, 2020 PHAC risk assessment report.

The analysts at PHAC were uncertain because — as the world learned later — China was stonewalling the WHO about the extent of the Wuhan outbreak and assuring international health experts that everything was under control.


I'm glad our government has lately seemed to have somewhat hardened their tone in regards to China, because a year ago.......they were a pathetic bunch in this regard.

"Nothing to see here, just a re-education camp."
"Nothing to see here, one country, two systems, jk lol."
"Nothing to see here, just pneumonia."

Speaking of which, why is Dominic "I helped set up mass surveillance of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang whilst at McKinsey" Barton still our ambassador to China?

Don't worry, "Tangent" is my middle name. Glad to help.
Sad to see endangered gorillas at San Diego Zoo test positive for Covid.

Several gorillas test positive for COVID-19 at California zoo—first in the world​

Two of the gorillas first began coughing on January 6. Zoo staff collected fecal samples and sent them to the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System. That lab and the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed the infection on January 11.

The testing of the vaccine on humans seem to be successful. Next to given to primates.
Sir Richard Branson's mother died:

95 is a good run, but still if the rich and powerful can't protect their loved ones from Covid, we'd better all be careful.

I expect Canada's population of people 90 and order will have dropped by several percentage points by the time this is over.

In 2019 we had 324,461 Canadian residents over age 90. In 2020 we had 334,586, a rise of 10,125 or 3.1%. However in 2020 we saw 17,086 die from Covid, many of whom were in the 90 years or more age group.
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