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Next Mayor of Toronto?

If the NDP want to fill the gap with another candidate, I could see someone like Peggy Nash going for it. Olivia Chow maybe. Layton could have done it but he's got the health issue to deal with.
The Star is asking a very valid question: With Giambrone's campaign over and his election machine out of a job, who do the Miller supporters and campaign managers get behind?

These people aren't running to support Pantalone so who will they choose?

Will Miller enter the race after all? Will Jack Layton drop out of federal politics to run his city? I don't see anybody currently on City council that can step up and become the new torch bearer...

The name I am hearing is Shelley Carroll. Adam assembled an impressive campaign team, and that group would be there for another candidate who will continue Miller's legacy. For the campaign professionals who signed on to Adam's team, it is also very much in their self interest to find someone. The job they expected to pay the bills for the next year has suddenly vanished.
I think Layton needs to deal with his health issues before declaring candidacy.

I hope he doesn't [declare candidacy]! I think he's far more "useful" to Canadians at large by being Federal NDP leader. Since the Liberals are essentially dead at the federal level, the only true anti-right-wing voice (at the Federal level) is his.
And that's a level which NEEDS a strong voice from the left, what with the neocons still in charge and all.

For Toronto mayor, OTOH? Who cares, they're all essentially left-wing anyway. It's not like there's a serious right-wing candidate (like John Tory) in the race or anything. Rob Ford? Don't make me laugh... isn't he still afraid of asian people? ("Oriental people are slowly taking over!")
I hope he doesn't [declare candidacy]! I think he's far more "useful" to Canadians at large by being Federal NDP leader. Since the Liberals are essentially dead at the federal level, the only true anti-right-wing voice (at the Federal level) is his.
And that's a level which NEEDS a strong voice from the left, what with the neocons still in charge and all.

For Toronto mayor, OTOH? Who cares, they're all essentially left-wing anyway. It's not like there's a serious right-wing candidate (like John Tory) in the race or anything. Rob Ford? Don't make me laugh... isn't he still afraid of asian people? ("Oriental people are slowly taking over!")

Layton sure did the Left a favour by forcing the election that elected Harper!

But yeah, beats cancer during the summer, runs for Mayor in the fall.
Hello, this is my first post here, and I've been following this thread for a while now. Additionally I have been reading the thread "If you could change one thing...".

I am currently considering running for Mayor, and the reading here has been very informative.

I'd have to say that regardless of what happens with Adam now, we need to look forward at the candidates available, and continue on reviewing the platforms that have been presented thus far. It's easy to get sidetracked when such a derailment occurs, but I assure everyone here right now is being "heard", and I looking forward to every post.

Have you ever held a seat in city council? You won't be taken seriously as a guy off the street who just wants to run for mayor, and for good reason.
Layton sure did the Left a favour by forcing the election that elected Harper!

But yeah, beats cancer during the summer, runs for Mayor in the fall.

I think it'd be a good move for almost everybody. Layton's folksy vibe would probably play better municipally, it'd give the NDP opportunity to get a new leader at the federal level - Mulcair? - and it would give the NDP a very good shot at controlling Canada's largest city. If they do a good job, they'd gain support provincially and federally.

Layton's been a good NDP leader, but the law of diminishing returns kick in the longer he stays around.

I don't know if I could support Layton though given his anti-growth attitudes when on City Council in the past, though.
i could never run for mayor. the media would destroy me by calling me a liar. "you can't run prometheus! you're in a wheelchair! we don't need dishonest candidates like you! quit the race!" then my fate would be sealed when accessibility drivers call news agencies and show them the text messages of me requesting their transportation services behind wheeltrans' back.
It might have become an issue if there were indications that his "live-in" relationship with Ms. McQuarrie was a sham designed to disguise his queer inclinations. His logic might have been that Smitherman already had the gay vote (if such a thing exists) sewn up, so he was better off identifying as purely straight.

Somehow, in Giambrone's case, it might be less a matter of "queer" than just plain multisexual--like, I can see him as a Club Wicked type...
I for one would actually like a non-NDP'er as mayor. I am sick of the NDP's stranglehold on Toronto municipal politics. It's as bad as the Liberal dominance of federal politics in the 90s. And it's terribly stifling for ideas. We live in tough times and tough decisions need to be made. I want other options to choose from. So far, even with Miller, all I saw was an increase in spending and then a blame and blackmail game (Gimme money or I'll shut down the Shepaprd subway) with the feds and the province. That's not going to work any more. Neither the feds or the the province is in a particularly generous mood, fighting off their own fiscal demons, they most certainly aren't going to bail out a municipal administration that hasn't done anything to rein in spending.
Layton sure did the Left a favour by forcing the election that elected Harper!

But yeah, beats cancer during the summer, runs for Mayor in the fall.

Well I don't think there is anyone really effective at the federal level other than Layton. I don't see much in the way of leadership material in his party, so no real alternatives IMO. Well maybe his wife. And the FedLib party is such a joke right now, it's not funny.

I also agree that having some "diversification" (i.e. non-NDP) at the city level would be a good idea. As it stands now, things seem strangely divided (like 75%/25%) between hardcore NDP'ers and these weird "closet Republican" types (like Ford, Denzil Minnan-Wong, etc.) with not much moderate Liberal voices... at least to my eyes!
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I for one would actually like a non-NDP'er as mayor. I am sick of the NDP's stranglehold on Toronto municipal politics. It's as bad as the Liberal dominance of federal politics in the 90s. And it's terribly stifling for ideas. We live in tough times and tough decisions need to be made. I want other options to choose from. So far, even with Miller, all I saw was an increase in spending and then a blame and blackmail game (Gimme money or I'll shut down the Shepaprd subway) with the feds and the province. That's not going to work any more. Neither the feds or the the province is in a particularly generous mood, fighting off their own fiscal demons, they most certainly aren't going to bail out a municipal administration that hasn't done anything to rein in spending.
I wouldn't mind an NDP-dominated city hall so much if they were the fiscally responsible NDP of the past in the west. Unfortunately, they're not. Not by a long shot.
