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Next Mayor of Toronto?

In her country, they don't allow things like that or HOMOSEXUALITY! I asked her what country she's from and she told me Portugal.

I've lived in Portugal, I'm straight, and I can tell you homosexuality has come out in the open a lot in the last few years, specially with the recent influx of Brazilian immigrants.

Maybe your cashier was from the Azores, a very old fashioned community set in the islands off Portugal.
Where are the damned polls? I'm on edge today and I seriously need to see a new poll.

we get it. you're gay. ;)

vote rob ford! LOL!

euphemisms are trying to turn me gay!
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The evening news is going to be the last place to release polls before election day so I'll be glued to my TV @6pm today. If nothing comes out, then we're just going to have to wait til the results come in tomorrow @8pm.

My assessment is that it's still pretty much a tossup. Whoever has the best get-out-the-vote organization wins. I think that Smitherman has the most to gain with the variables tomorrow:

Undecided: Likely undecided between Pants and Smitherman. Ford doesn't grow much, Smitherman get 2/3rds of the Pants/George tossup.
Pantalone's soft support: Overwhelmingly would support Smitherman if they move.
Anti-Ford sentiment will drive first time and rare voters to the polls in droves.
Get out the vote: The Liberal machine is very well oiled. Much more so than Ford's.
Money: Ford raised surprisingly low donations. What we know about Ford's donors are that they're big spenders.
Ads: Smitherman put out a blitz of positive feel good ads yesterday and today during prime time. That's going to sway a bunch of voters. Ford and Joe have no TV ads.
Volunteers: Youth vs Retirees. Smitherman's young crowd will have more stamina and creativity to pull through
Suburban vs Downtown Turnout: Downtown has a higher turnout. Advantage Smitherman

I'm cautiously optimistic that we will see Smitherman's momentum drive him over Ford tomorrow. Still I've prepared myself for the reality of Mayor Ford... *shudder*
Rob Ford has tweeted the following statement (if you are on twitter he is @robfordteam)

"I do not condone the recent Tamil Radio ad. I support diversity & have no issue with others' lifestyle choices."

So just as I stated from the outset Rob Ford did not know about this ad and he in no way condones it. You may think that he is a bigot but ask yourself, do you think ANY politician would be so stupid as to allow something so controversial to be released in their name? It sounds to me like some of this supporters in the Tamil community got carried away.
by what time will the vote counts be in?

Almost immediately after 8, the numbers will start coming in. If any of the candidates has more than a 10% lead, it'll probably be declared within 10 minutes of the polls closing. If it's closer, all the polls should finish reporting in an hour after they close so we'll know for sure by 9pm...

Jane Pitfield was told before she even got to the stage that she had lost in 2006:

Rob Ford has tweeted the following statement (if you are on twitter he is @robfordteam)

"I do not condone the recent Tamil Radio ad. I support diversity & have no issue with others' lifestyle choices."

So just as I stated from the outset Rob Ford did not know about this ad and he in no way condones it. You may think that he is a bigot but ask yourself, do you think ANY politician would be so stupid as to allow something so controversial to be released in their name? It sounds to me like some of this supporters in the Tamil community got carried away.

He says he doesn't condone it. He doesn't say anything about not running the ad. He got caught again. Just like he said it wasn't him at the leaf game trash talking fans. Once a liar, always a liar.
I think it's likely it's an (illegal?) third party radio ad. Good on him for denouncing it, though I take some issue with the time it took for the campaign to get the message out. What was the hold up?
And in a tweet sent AFTER Rob Ford issued his condemnation Smitherman tweeted this:

"Statement from George Smitherman concerning blatantly homophobic advertising this weekend. #voteTO "

If you follow the link in his statements he condemns Ford for not condemning the ads when in fact Rob issued his statement BEFORE Smitherman!

It is disgusting how Smitherman is trying to paint Rob Ford as a homophobe just because some of Rob Fords supporters in the Tamil and Muslim community hold these kinds of views.
and why doesn't he condemn the ad? there is a huge difference between not condoning something and condemning something.
Haha, holy hell they're bad at this:

Adrienne Batra, head of Communications for the Rob Ford campaign, says the Ford campaign itself is not responsible for the ad. Batra says the campaign is "appauled" by it, and compared the reference to Smitherman's homosexuality to disparaging comments made about Ford's weight. "We have no idea where this ad came from. They're alluding to his lifestyle choices and no one feels ill-feelings for his choice."

Via Xtra:

Using 'choice' twice in the same statement and also comparing homosexuality to obesity. Remarkable damage control.

(I will assume that the campaign does know how to spell 'appalled', though - that's like Xtra's error.)
Haha, holy hell they're bad at this:

Via Xtra:

Using 'choice' twice in the same statement and also comparing homosexuality to obesity. Remarkable damage control.

(I will assume that the campaign does know how to spell 'appalled', though - that's like Xtra's error.)

So now the truth finally comes out and as I suspected the Rob Ford Team wasn't even behind the ad! I think Smitherman owes Ford an apology for trying to capitalize of an unfortunate incident that Rob had nothing to do with. Of course they will now jump on his use of the word "choice" saying Rob Ford doesn't think that you are born gay. In using the word choice consider perhaps they were referring to his choice to get married. Lots of gay men choose not to get married - gay or straight - you are not born to get married it is a CHOICE
